I've been waiting weeks/months for Etsy to verify the account owner on my account. I was told to wait and that they were in the review process and there was nothing I needed to do right now. I wasn't getting any payments for orders that were shipped out since before Christmas. Last week I reached out to Etsy customer service, asking them a status since my shop said there were 4 days left to verify my identity before my shop would be paused and the open ordered refunded. I was told someone would reach a conclusion before my shop was paused and that my money should be safe as long as I did everything I was supposed to, which I did. This however, is not the case.
This week Etsy started refunding ALL of my orders since before Christmas, totaling almost $800 worth of sales that I should have received. I tried getting ahold of someone, but apparently getting help from Etsy with this is a nightmare! Finally yesterday, I was notified that my shop was no longer on pause and that it was functioning and my listings were active again.
But what about my money??? It's not my fault the deadline passed, the ball was in Etsy's court with them 'verifying' things. It takes 2 months to verify?? How is Etsy going to fix this and send me the money that was rightfully earned, while people received their orders already??
SHUT your shop down NOW.
Why keep selling if you have no way to get your money?
Because we shipped a bunch of Christmas orders and didn't know this would be an issue until it was too late to do anything about it.
Your shop is still open and you're still taking orders...
You have 48 items for sale.
You need to deactivate ALL those listings ASAP so no one will buy anything else until this gets straightened out.
If you continue to sell items and ship them, then there's a good chance Etsy will refund those orders too.
Thank you. I didn't think about it like that. Kinda new to all this.
Many of your reviews say "This listing is no longer available". What was this listing (these listings)? Anything trademarked? Could it be the issue?
I don't know why they would say that. No, nothing trademarked.
@LaurisDesign -- A review for one of your removed items mentions SNOOPY, which is trademarked by Peanuts Worldwide LLC. If you were selling ANY item related to a TV show, movie, book, etc., then you were infringing upon that company's Intellectual Property, and that is why your orders were refunded! Etsy has an IP Policy that all sellers are required to abide by ... https://www.etsy.com/legal/ip/?ref=list
Ok, I didn't realize that, which I probably should have.
But why would all my orders be refunded, even ones that have nothing to do with that item.
And why would Etsy tell me initially that the reason my items would be refunded, before the pausing of my shop, is due to identity verification?