Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

While this is not technically a bug or a glitch I think it is a technical issue that affects both sellers and buyers.

It is clear Etsy would like as many people as possible to use calculated shipping. I use it. I like it and in general it works fine for me. But I think the number one thing they could do to bring more sellers onboard and make current users happier is make it so you can add different weights to variations. This would increase the accuracy of customers' shipping charges (a win for buyers). Even though I refund overages, I'm sure customers are still turned away by initially high shipping quotes.

Having separate listings for different weights of the same products was never an ideal solution and seems less so now Etsy clearly wants a more curated look with fewer duplicate-looking listings. 

So why not throw both buyers and sellers a bone and improve the accuracy of this tool?? Is there something I have not considered in why Etsy has not made this important improvement a priority when they claim to want the lowest, most accurate, shipping costs? 

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18 Replies

Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

It would be nice but Etsy has not acted on this request since the inception of calculated shipping years ago.  We who tested CS asked for variations to be considered.  It never happened.

It comes up often.

While it might be good I can also see a downside to it.  In some cases separate listings would be better.  


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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

With the push to use Etsy labels and calculated shipping, and keep shipping prices low, now seems more than ever like the time to fix it. A separate listing results in a lot of listings that look the same, which they also don't want.

What is the downside that you see @ArtDollsbyJD ? That's what I was asking about as I don't see it. 

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

It is pretty clear that variations as implemented was not designed for things like different pack sizes (which would require different weights) but rather for the same item in various colors which of course would all have the same weight.

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

Yes, this is a good idea and it's been brought up year after year and etsy never changes it. 

It's possible that they can't for some reason. Technology is great and can do amazing things but there are things that can't be done for one reason or another and this might be one of them. 

Hard to say since one thing etsy is consistent about is not sharing why they do (or don't do) things.    

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

If that is the case I wish they would explain why. 

@FabioMcMustache  Is there anyone who could comment if it's something that is maybe on the table or a definite no go at this time? Would be so nice to have someone address some of these Top 10 issue questions. Thanks for your consideration. 

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

I agree completely! My business would do much better if customers weren't being charged for the heaviest weight and getting refunded the excess when they buy smaller quantities.

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

The different weights of my common variations means a $5 or more up charge for US customers in some cases that has to be refunded. Must be off putting to some. 

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

I don't believe that Etsy will ever make any improvements to calculated shipping. They just want us to use free shipping. In their minds, one and done.

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

Along with many sellers I've put in several requests for the ability to assign different shipping costs to specific variations within a listing.  Since there has been no updates or changes in this area I've assumed the variation program might have to be redone to accommodate this type of thing.  Maybe this is too complicated to do at this time?  Etsy's development teams try and make tools to help based on their understanding of both sellers and buyers needs and wants. But there are so many types of creators that it's likely there is a lack of understanding in some of these areas.   My thoughts are Etsy is thinking variations are mainly used for color differences or similar sized POD products.  And this may be a true majority.  So updating a program in this way may not be a priority for Etsy.  But as Etsy continues to change it may become one so I feel it worth periodically asking for the tool and explaining why it is important for our shops.   This is just my assumption since there hasn't been a transparent answer shared about it yet from Etsy.  

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

I doubt Etsy will ever change this. I was on the calculated prototype team and this was asked for then many years ag and many times but they never did it.

Another reason I doubt Etsy will never change this is because eBay doesn't have it either.
If you do variations you can only use 1 weight on eBay. I figured if it could be done, eBay would have already done this a long time ago.

I don't know about Amazon or other sites.

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

You'd think if a question came up often enough it would occur to someone to answer it. 

Communications 101.  


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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

Calculated shipping was one of the best things Etsy ever developed (in my opinion), but it seems, once something is developed, Etsy doesn't come back to "take it a step further."

I'm wondering what they think of CS going into the future because they haven't even added Ground Shipping to our Shipping Profiles. They've always updated CS along with fixed pricing, but this time it's being ignored. Does this mean they're getting ready to do something with CS? I have no idea, but it makes me suspicious as it would be such an easy fix - but they're not doing it.

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

Shopify makes it easy to have different weights for each variation. Etsy is asleep when it comes to the shipping department. This should be an easy programming win for those coders. C'mon Etsy!

Oh, and while you're at it--put UPS and Fedex rates into calculated shipping profiles!!!

Oh, and finally remove USPS first class and parcel select (USPS switched it to ground advantage 18 months ago)!!!

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

@halfpintsalvage: We need to remember that variations is an after-thought add on and was initially designed for scenarios like the same item in different colors so the weight would be the same not for scenarios like different pack sizes where each variation has a different weight. Studying the Etsy API can give one some insight on how the data is stored on the back end and adding weight to each variation would probably require a substantial rewrite of listing, buying, and shipping.

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

I have been requesting this from etsy for a decade.

Good luck. 

email support directly suggesting it again. 

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations

I recommend emailing them and request allowing SKUs/Variants to vary by weight/size.  Then calculated shipping could actually work. 

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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations


That email address is for a third party company that Etsy uses for support. ( ) They are not going to be able to do anything. 

Maybe try

If that doesn't work you might have better luck posting on X


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Re: Improve calculated shipping by allowing different weights for variations


Kinda? I mean youre not wrong that etsy support isnt very helpful. 

But zendesk isnt a 3rd party company that etsy hired to do support.

Zendesk is a web based program/platform that many companies use for their support staff to handle support tickets.

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