Inspiration Seeker

I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

I am selling digital laser files almost 2 years and I decided to sell physical products on Etsy. I've established a company to do that properly and I submitted all the details. Everything was okay in the beginning but the second shop suspended 3 times. To open the second time it took me almost 1 week then it was opened and the next day it's closed again. Even appeal page is not active and I can't send anything. I cannot login to ask for a help from this second account. I asked help from this account and they say that they sent my request to relevant section. So far I have got no email no contact from anyone. I already made some deals with some producer partners and everything has fell down. I don't understand suspending the accounts without any explanations instead of guiding the seller and improving them. First shop is: EskiWood  Second shop is: EskiwoodHomeDecor

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15 Replies

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

It sounds like both shops are selling similar products and that is not allowed. (I am going by the shop names, so may be wrong).

Hopefully you get more help from someone else.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

I am selling totally different items and concept. Digital items are about hobby planes and wooden accessories, on the other hand second one is about concrete and metal decor items and furniture. In the beginning I was hesitating to open second one but I read about terms and the best option was to open new store.

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

Did you properly declare that you have another shop (with a link) in each shop?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

Yes I mentioned and added link. Even I started a campaign in the name of celebration my second shop.

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

@EskiWood You need to have a link showing for your second shop and you need to put a link in your second shop that will go to your first shop. Yes you mentioned and that was it. It has not been done right. This could get both your shops shut down if you do not do it right.

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

Did you personally make or design all the items in the shop that keeps getting closed?

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Community Maker

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

all those things in your 2nd shop are handmade or designed by you?

and just in case, you should read this...

"If you choose to run multiple shops on Etsy, you must list all the shops you run in the Public Profile section of each account. Each account must also comply with Etsy’s Seller Policy. "

Are all your banking & credit card / name and address details the same in both shops? - an easy way to double check any deficiencies.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

Yes I designed and I mentioned a partner who helps me about production. I have some designs which I have copyright protection and I saw on etsy people are selling my design. I use the same id and bank information. 

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

Without seeing the 2nd shop can't say what the issue may be.

Are they your designs?  Are they designs found elsewhere?  Is the partner someone who can sell the items elsewhere.  I am assuming they are not a POD.  Unless you have an exclusive relationship with the partner to sell your designs only through Etsy or any site you sell on and not your items anyplace else, Etsy may be finding the items elsewhere.   

Another possibility may be that your information may not be filled in completely.  Everything verified.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

My shop has come back last week without doing anything. I have got no notification or email that says recovered my account, but anyways it's online now

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

But you did not declare your OTHER Etsy Shop in your NEW one.

You only state that you have one, but no info at all about it, not even the name.

This will probably cause trouble for you again somewhere down the road.

I notice that you did include links to your web sites though.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

Both account has a relative shop links at "about" section. I don't know another way that I can show on my account. I am open for suggestions. Thank you for reply

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly


Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

I would suggest somewhere, your business information does not match exactly, with the information held on your government website, or your bank

The bots check things match, and it's failing the bot check

A human puts it back, as they can see the discrepancy isn't very much

but the bots get you again,

look at you new shops details you entered on Etsy, and compare against the government held info online, and bank held information online

does it match, right down to the last letter?


and do you have real addresses, not PO boxes?

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Re: I've recently opened the second shop on Etsy but it's being suspended constantly

I am sorry to bother you again, but the links lead you right back to the shop that you are already in.

I had to physically type the name of your undeclared shop in the search bar just to find it.

Actually, neither are declared the way you have it set up.

Good luck.


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