I thought this problem was solved, but once again, I get the ‘the stitch has gone awry message’ when I try to access my shopping cart! I was in the middle of a purchase, when I got the message. I closed all of my windows, and re-booted my iPad, but still can’t complete my purchases! Any ideas? It’s so frustrating!!
I am having the same problem, again, since last Thursday. So far unresolved by Etsy Support. Very frustrating.
I cannot get in my cart. Going on 6 days now which means I can’t purchase the items I need! Help!
Are you using the newest version of the app? And what browsers are people using? Anything in common?
I've been having this same problem. My computer is completely up to date. I have tried signing in on my husband's computer, which uses a different running system and a different browser, and the problem persists.
I am having the same problem again as well. Thought it was fixed and back to the error msg. Very frustrating b/c I need to purchase materials!
I have to same problem. Originally I cleared my browser and for a few days the problem went away. Now it is back. Yesterday I managed to get around it, temporarily. This is not a permanent fix, but it allowed me to purchase... Go to the shop you are purchasing from and put the first item in your cart, go to cart. Open a second tab/window, and go to that shop again, continue filling your cart using that second tab. Make sure you always return to that second tab. When you are ready to check out go to the first tab (with the one item) and check out. It took a few second to adjust the cart, but everything was combined and I was able to complete the sale. I will be contacting the "Help" center again to report this ongoing problem. So far I have had no resolution. Very discouraging as I have 3 Etsy shops and I also purchase a lot.