I am just came here to report this issue as well - I have not been able to change the queue , remove or add items.
Is this in the app? I'm able to do all that on my laptop/browser view.
No, on desktop/browser. I use Safari.
Are you remembering to save when you are done?
I can't change the queue , remove or add items. PLEASE FIX !! Bad for shop appearance!
I came to report the same issue, and yes, I am saving my changes. I've tried since yesterday. I'm surprised this hasn't been resolved. Looks like it's been an issue for weeks.
I came to report the same issue! I am saving my changes, I even deactivated the listing to see if I can remove it that way. Still in the featured items. But if you click on the image, it shows its not available. Is this a issue for all sellers? I am Etsy Pro
I had this problem last night. Seeing this post, I just checked my shop. A pair of earrings that I never marked as featured has now been slotted into the place where I was trying to insert a necklace. Etsy wants to choose our featured items now?
Desktop PC with Windows 10 using Firefox here. Featured Listings has been buggy for months (if not longer). I wish Etsy would fix it.
I'm having the same issue. Would love to change over from featured Halloween listings to Christmas but they won't budge.
Took me 2-3 tries, but I finally got my featured listings to change. I think Etsy is using the Cloud for storage and it sometimes takes a while for changes made to actually show up in the shop. Not surprising with the millions (billions?) of items listed on Etsy.
Hasnt worked for months.......along with so many software fails on Etsy
My issue with featured was that I would change them, which I do every now and then, but when I finish making the changes the old are still featured. I have to log out and then log back in for the change. Frustrating
Still a problem. Come on Etsy--get this fixed! Extremely maddening!
It's working for me but is not instant. I also have to refresh the page five times to get the stars to stick.
I'm also on laptop using Safari.
I came to report this and see it's been going on for quite some time - I've tried multiple browsers on multiple devices with different operating systems. I would list the steps to reproduce, but it's not a complex problem. Featured listings are not updating after save.
What gives?
Same here.... I'm on a laptop, Windows 10 and Edge browser. Trying to change the featured listings, removed the stars to only 4, click Done to save and when I check again, it's like it was originally. I'll wait and hour and check again. Frustrating when I just want to do this and move on...
Update that it seems to be working fine yesterday. I was able to change them quickly.... and this did work eventually when I was working with them last week. It took a long time to refresh but did work.
This is not working again. Meaning, I can change all I want in the featured queue, add the yellow star, change the queue order etc. all of that works as it should. But it does not refresh on the shop front. It was working fine a couple of days ago, but not anymore.
I have been unable to save mine properly for weeks now! I am on a laptop using the most recent version of Chrome and have cleared my cookies and cache. At a loss what to do..
I'm having the same problem today. Change everything and it doesn't appear in my shop.
And here we are in June 24 and I am still having this problem on and off, today being one of those times! Not only do the featured listings take ages to show, the featured listings manager only brings two of the featured listings items up, so I cannot rearrange them into the order I want. So frustrating.