Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

First off, to get it off my chest, Etsy's customer support is the worst I've ever encountered.

Anyway, trying to save drafts and every time I get an error message and to try later. So I tried just publishing it and same thing. The fact that they changed the listing system recently and it doesn't even work is frustrating. And trying to find answers or resolution is beyond difficult. On help options, technical issues isn't even an options. Just a link to community boards. For a company that is constantly disobeying their own policies (ahem... Dropsellers getting ad pushed for non handmade items under handmade listings) and claiming to support small businesses, they really do turn their back on those that are honest sellers.

Tried waiting and after several hours, it's still not saving or publishing. My connection is fine, tried on WiFi and data, tried on separate browsers, it's an issue with Etsy. Anyone else having trouble?

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Re: Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

Yes me I can publish anything it just saves everything to drafts and I can put a thing in my shop.  I can’t contact anyone to help resolve it just frustrating 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

It's still not ready for prime time...

Exhausting and frustrating...I'm giving it a good long break...

Till then:  Etsy, can you just let us all know when you're ready to stop fooling around with this uber buggy Beta listing format by getting uber serious enough about it to fix all the fixes, and de-glitchify all the glitches?  

THEN:  At that point, to post a more truthfully serious statement, that you are back to the business of providing a workable listing format, so that sellers can get back to some sort of "business as usual" means of posting our items???

I don't believe this is too much to ask, do you, my fellow frustrated sellers?



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Re: Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

Yes, this is also happening to me and it is very frustrating. I have saved listings as drafts and now that I would like to publish them it's been giving the unable to save error. I sent Customer support an email yesterday and nothing yet. I want to start publishing listings on this shop already. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

I agree with the above from Marpet . I'm not going to list anything more either till this mess get straightened out.

If it ever does.

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Re: Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

I was only getting the flag when I tried to list something that was a copy of a listing and changed the price on it. I ended up publishing it and then I edited it with my changes. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy Not Saving Drafts or Publishing Item

Copied listings are only go to draft. So as others have found I can’t publish to new things to my shop. Message said contact customer support. Chat was all about getting me to do totally time consuming useless tasks, when it was obviously a problem their end, of which the chat person was unaware. As all these thing, lovely when it works, I use Etsy as it is, after set up, easy and quick to use. Anyone got an alternative suggestion? 

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