I had a customer leave a review based on the shipping price and left the review before he even received the item so I reported it, Etsy agreed it did not follow the guidelines and said it would be removed. A ~week has gone and it is still there, claiming I lie to customers, highlighted at the top of my review list. I have emailed Etsy and no response. Anyone have a similar situation?
I saw it, I sorted by newest first and it came up as the latest review.
I looked back to your reviews since April and don’t see any bad reviews
I saw it, I sorted by newest first and it came up as the latest review.
I'm still seeing the 1* review from Oct 17th.
I clicked "sort by most recent".
The buyer can't remove a review nor edit a review they left because you responded and your reply was worse than the review IMO.
ETA: the buyer didn't mention anything in the review claiming that you lie to customers.
The buyer said shipping was more than the seeds and that part was actually true.
Seeds $2.99 and shipping $4.49 (to me in NC).
The other part that some sellers charge more for shipping to get more for their seeds is probably true too.
But that buyer didn't have to buy them, they would have seen the price/shipping cost before they bought.
Makes no sense to me to complain about the price and/or shipping after you buy something.
I'd bet Etsy won't remove that review, very few reasons they will. Usually if they're going to remove a review it's pretty quick.
What to Do if You Receive a Negative Review – Etsy Help
Explaining why the reviewer is a liar is worse?
I understand getting a review such as that one is disappointing, but your reply to it made it worse.
If Etsy doesn't delete the buyer's review, you should consider deleting your response.
Not interested. I'm not going to to let potential buyers think I'm robbing them like this reviewer is stating im doing
I would message support from the same string of messages you had with them about this. If it's "closed" submit a new ticket with explanation.