I spoke to an agent in live chat last week. Now when I try to chat to them again on a any other issue the last chat keeps opening with no way of starting a new chat. I have tried to comment "hello" and "good day" but nothing happens further. There is no other way I can find to communicate with support further. Any advise?
If you go to the support page there should be a call back option, also if you look round the options some have email which you could try and explain the reason why you have used the email in the incorrect category as for whatever reason it seems Etsy make it hard for sellers to contact them. Other option is to write to the head office they have one in Dublin and one in New York. Hope that helps
Having the same issues, and seems like a lot of other people are too. Extremely frustrating and of course Etsy is of no help!
In this thread: https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Previous-Chat-not-closing/m-p/142978628/highlight/tru...
someone said that they requested a call back in the help center and kept persisting for the phone rep to close the chat on their end, and finally they were able to do so! May try it today, yesterday I talked to someone who was no help at all so hopefully there are some other people on the phone line who are more helpful. Ugh
If you go to the support page there should be a call back option, also if you look round the options some have email which you could try and explain the reason why you have used the email in the incorrect category as for whatever reason it seems Etsy make it hard for sellers to contact them. Other option is to write to the head office they have one in Dublin and one in New York. Hope that helps
Having the same issues, and seems like a lot of other people are too. Extremely frustrating and of course Etsy is of no help!
In this thread: https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Previous-Chat-not-closing/m-p/142978628/highlight/tru...
someone said that they requested a call back in the help center and kept persisting for the phone rep to close the chat on their end, and finally they were able to do so! May try it today, yesterday I talked to someone who was no help at all so hopefully there are some other people on the phone line who are more helpful. Ugh