Looks like Etsy stats are down. It's already 11 a.m. in my country and visits show 0 in both my shops. Never had such a situation at that time before.
Still the same
Absolutely! Although I’ve had favorites, 0 views and visits. And I’m a very busy shop.
Same here....
Sono passato sul forum per capire cosa stesse succedendo, mi sento sollevato che sia un problema tecnico di tutti.
In Italia stessa cosa..
Da ieri ho un sacco di interazioni da Pinterest verso il mio negozio ma su Etsy non vengono segnalate.
Dite che conviene aspettare a mettere nuove inserzioni o andiamo avanti come al solito?
Same, 14 hours with no updates.
Also facing the same problem. Fingers crossed it will be fixed soon.
Same here. Stats lastest update was 15 hours ago
Hi .. for some reason I am not showing as having any clicks or views today .. need support to identify why ?
I'm having the same issue as well
Same here.....shows the last time stats were calculated was 15 hours ago.
Yes, same here. Big ol' goose egg 0
Same, 0 views, but 2 sales
For reasons unknown, the view count on our dashboard has not moved today. Normally, it racks up a few views between midnight & 2am, then freezes till about 8am (French time). Next time we refresh the dashboard after that time there is a big jump that adds the overnight views and visits, and thereafter the views wind up gradually during the day and the evening.
Today the view count has not moved at all since the 2am freeze. It's now nearly 2pm and I'm wondering what is wrong. Is anyone else seeing this, and can anyone offer help/advice please.
Thanks in advance, Ed Short.
Mon tableau de bord n'a pas bougé depuis 15h.
Il s'agit certainement d'un bug pour tout le monde.
There are plenty of messages on the forum about it. I hadn't noticed anything because it doesn't change my usual.
15 hours, no updates so far
Same for me, the dashboard is not moving.
Same, no views, but two sales...
Yes, all my stats today are zeros, which never happens. Glad to see I'm not the only one
Same here, I'm glad it's happening to others too, since I was really scared, but I see that it must be some internal problem, so let's wait for it to return to normal.
Same here
15 hours now.
Yep, same here. Etsy needs to correct the things that are wrong with their system instead of trying to come up with new ideas to only make things worse, if they can get worse. I'm getting very disillusioned with Etsy after 10 years, these last six months have been worse than before the pandemic hit us. Etsy can't be making money with so many shops suffering.