Looks like Etsy stats are down. It's already 11 a.m. in my country and visits show 0 in both my shops. Never had such a situation at that time before.
14 hours now
Has anyone else seen a decline in visits and views today, we have seen a drop of 90% in the last 10 hours. Someone else?
Any thoughts on what might be happening?
My stats are stuck at zero, I know I had views
I have three Etsy shops and all are showing zero today. Hoping it's an error to be fixed by Etsy, and not an algorithm having shunned us to the nonvisibility.
Stats are not updating. There is another thread here.
I noticed the same situation and I was looking at the forum to see if anyone else was going through the same thing as me.
My Dashboard hasn't updated in 16 hours. Can't see views, no sales, nothing. Why is this happening?
Same here!
Yeah, mine too
Glad I'm not alone. Hopefully just a technical issue and not something else going on
0's across the board for me!
0's here as well! Glad I jumped on here to see if others were experiencing this, too!
Me too! So annoying.
Same here totally blank for visits ,graphs but favourites are coming through so it is a technical problem. Same 16 hours no updates on stats .
I hope it gets fixed, I'm experiencing the same issue.
Yes! Show NO views at all
No views on mine too!
Same. Zero views for over 12 hours. Why, Etsy???!
Wouldnt it be lovely if we all received a message from Etsy telling us not to worry; its on their end. hmm
Me, too! I freaked out when I saw zero on everything!
Same here.
Okay I am at 0 views 0 visits today! Anyone know why? TIA
Same too
The same here. This is the first time that I have woke to zero views or visits.