I'm hoping someone somewhere has some leads as I have spent the last 5 days trying to reach someone that can help within etsy with no progress whatsoever. It was locked after I uploaded my ID multiple times as it said the system was not taking it then it has not come back on.
This was on a Wednesday!! It is now Monday afternoon. I spoke to various employees seemingly in India who could do nothing but note on my account but they said it was in queue to be reviewed (still after 4 days!). Everywhere you look it says that funds can be held but never shop paused. I have an email that states that clearly. We prepared all year for this month and this happened Oct. 31. Please I'm getting endlessly discouraged considering I paid this platform close to 90k last year and never believed this could happen. Thank you for any assistance or leads or guidance. Sincerely, Karla D. E.
Just other shop owners here. Don't believe we can help your situation. Sorry.
Thank you for taking the time, wondered if this might have happened to anyone that might have a tip on how to get their attention for review. I just checked and see that I actually paid over 100k to etsy not counting shipping of course last year. Will be more this year and appalled at that this could happen and go on for so long. So discouraged at each automated email I get back from them :<
It does take time for Etsy to review all sorts of IDs. Etsy has more than just one country they do this for.
If forms of name do not match that can slow things down.
If you have sold $10.000 and 200 sales then Etsy needs to have information reverified for the US Inform Act. And yes because they don't know if your information is verifiable they put a shop on vacation. Cold comfort but yours is not the only shop this has happened to.
It is an absolute shame to hear how ETSY is dealing with high volume sellers. In any other b2b situation where you pay 100k per year you have a key account manager that is responsible for you and you can have easily contact.
Everyone and especially those who staff people for their shop shall learn from this not to rely on ETSY but to invest into other selling channels.
OP, you can post your concerns to Etsy's page on X, formerly Twitter; Instagram, or LinkedIn. Occasionally, Etsy executives will read those posts and may be able to cut through the red tape for you. Politeness will open doors, remember.
post on X
Just dreadful. People have bills to pay and this is awful. Days of sales lost in one of busiesr montgs of the year and Etsy taking so long to respond is very very unprofessional. Hope you get it sorted out soon.