The estimated delivery date on our orders is being calculated incorrectly. Has anyone else seen this issue in their shop?
We currently have our processing time set to custom 2-2 business days. Our shipping method is set to UPS 2nd Day Air. I have purposefully made our processing and carrier transit times as precise as possible. I have had several Etsy support reps re-iterate that the system will calculate it as Purchase date + Processing time + Carrier transit time = Estimated delivery date. In theory, all of our orders should show the customer that our items will arrive in 4 business days.
I fully understand how the delivery date should be calculated. My issue is that in my shop it is being calculated wrong.
The following is a real example:
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Feb 19th is a US public holiday so not a business day, which is why 2 business days is the 21st. (though I can't explain why it's then 21 to the 23rd).
For orders placed today, 2/19 would be a transit day not a processing day. UPS is not closed on President's Day the same way USPS is.
Yes, but Etsy doesn't "know" that. It has been showing buyers an estimated delivery time with holidays for at least a year now.
Etsy knows Feb 19th is a holiday, Etsy therefore doesn't count it a business day. So 2 days business days processing (thurs/Fri) doesn't count the weekend, or the monday holiday, 2 business days shipping (Tues/Wed) gets the 21st as the first available delivery date.
Maybe is has to do on how we set the processing times? There is the option to include Saturday and Sunday as processing and also Saturday for shipping. Try turning that on to see if it shows something different?
I have been having this problem for a few weeks in all 3 of my shops. My vintage shop I have it set as 1-2 days. I got an order last night and just went to print out the label and it says my package may be late! WTH... That's not even 24 hours after purchase!! SMH
@KCNEEDLEPOINTCRAFTS: Based on other posts in this forum, this seems to be a glitch which shows a warning in error, but only to those purchasing their labels on Etsy.
This is still occurring and as one poster commented, this is not just a glitch on the sellers side. The buyer sees the same dayes when they purchase an item.
All of my expected delivery dates make no sense. they are literally expected to get it the day before i have to ship it. I guess i will just increase the processing time to make up for Etsy horrible calculations so that the customers have more realistic expectations.
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