We got the email from Etsy today "You’ll need to confirm your seller info within 10 days". It looks like our account was missing a phone number and my name was entered with first name/last name on the same line. I uploaded the required documents as it made me do a name change. However, every time we try to submit, we get this message:
There was an error saving your taxpayer information. Please try again.
I saw there were many threads about this months ago, but I'm wondering if anyone got this solved and how? The countdown has begun and we're really worried.
I am in this situation now. Did your problem resolve and can you tell me how?
So looking at the information available in the back end, it looks like under Payment Settings, the last tab is for our Address, and it has Taxpayer Address for our shops listed there and YES, my phone number is listed under my address. It looks like there is an error with the back end of Etsy not propagating the information from the Taxpayer Address information into where it needs to confirm for the INFORM act. Because the information is already THERE in the Etsy system, it just isn't propagating properly.
So, etsy engineers, can ya update that please so it pulls all our information correctly which is already IN the Etsy system correctly?
same here, needed to add my phone number but keep getting the error message
This is the response I get from chat...
I understand and I would love to share more details but as you may understand as well that this information is out of my expertise.
amazing where can i apply for this job!
@RMBRustic "Out of their expertise"? Someone else posted the Response they received was engineers are aware of the problem. Good grief.
All I have to say is....WOW!
@LittleGemGirl - Thank you!!!! It worked, one less thing to worry about today :))
WHERE on earth so you see the blue banner to let you know you were FINALLY able to update the info they needed ? I'm clueless BUT I think I was finally able to do this ( add phone number ) thanks to everyone here !
My verification was stalled on a different step but still frustrating, the Government Issued Document. The system said it was uploaded and verified but it would not let me finish the process. It turned out that it was because it was from 2018 and they just wanted it to be reloaded. I found that out by using the call me feature instead of chat. I recommend trying it if you are running into issues chatting. I may have just gotten lucky with the person who was helping me but they called me very quickly and their solution solved my problem and let me finish the process.
When I go to upload my government issued ID, it tells me "Your document should confirm the details you provided" and then states my business name as my legal name. Obviously my business name is not on my personal ID. It is automatically putting my legal name in place of my business entity name for the government ID upload. I'm afraid to upload since the names won't match. Was your business name in the legal name field before you uploaded?
How did you get the call me option? I’m able to access the chat but no one is responding. I think there’s a glitch.
Change the individual to incorporated at the top of the page and then change it back to individual, (or vise versa) then type in your phone number and it saves.
This just worked for me! Thank you!
Oh wow - this saved my phone number on the page. Thanks so much, @CarouselCustoms
Anyone else using this tip, after you've entered your phone number, be sure to go back and confirm the changes via the orange banner. Go through the confirmation steps and then you'll get the blue banner of joy.
Thank You, That worked for me.
I think there is a bug in the form. I experienced the same yesterday - I only changed my phone number because it was flagged as missing, and was denied verification. Re-entered everything from scratch, it worked.
Worked for me. Thanks!
It’s not working for me
Very frustrated, as I uploaded the documents that Etsy requested, and my shop was immediately put into vacation mode. The email they sent requesting the documents said that if they were not uploaded in 7 days, THEN you would be put in vacation mode. I have been a successful seller for almost 6 years and never once paused my sales. This is so so frustrating and Etsy is not responding! I even got an email saying "We’ve lifted any pauses or holds that we put on your shop", yet my shop continues to be in forced vacation mode.
@PlumGroveDesign: Currently your shop appears to be open as normal. With many things on Etsy there seems to be a (sometimes significant) delay before the "updated" page appears to the user.
Similar here. We’ve been verified with the green label for years now all of a sudden we get the hated yellow banner. After many unsuccessful, attempts, and too long, frustrating chats. I finally changed my name from chris to Christopher, and they shut us down.
It is now, after 6 hours of being forced closed.
I'm happy to hear that this method is working for some of you!