Different prices local / everywhere else does not work

Hello everyone, can someone explain me please?

I received an order fro another country few days ago for two items and prices in the listings are set different from local to everywhere else, but i don't know why they paid as local prices. Really, why?

So I check prices as from other countries and I discovered that this option works not for all. 

I checked prices to give customers free shipping on eligible orders, but on this order I'm loosing my money. 

Thanks for answers.

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Re: Different prices local / everywhere else does not work

it's been buggy for about 2 years

This is the fix that others sellers say etsy gave them ....

Do this edit in your mobile browser or desktop (not the app, as it's apparently getting updated and this won't work):

Disable domestic & global pricing on the listing

Publish the listing

Edit the listing again to add domestic & global pricing

Publish the listing


log a call with etsy and demand to be compensated for what they didn't charge

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Re: Different prices local / everywhere else does not work

Etsy claims that this is an issue with the App HOWEVER-NOT TRUE(!) I have never used the Etsy App and I also have been having this issue with sold items where Etsy charged Domestic Price instead of Everywhere Else.  When I contacted Support (via Etsy Chat) to please reimburse me for the difference, they said: "they already did this curtesy two times for me and were not prepared to do it again".   LOL - I really tried to explain that this is ETSY's ISSUE AND ERROR, and that they must re-imburse the Seller EVERY TIME.  I don't have a crystal ball to know which listings Etsy is going to MAKE A MISTAKE on, and which ones they will calculate correctly.  I dread it happening again ... as they seem to think I should gobble up the difference lol

I SUGGEST EVERYONE keep a close eye on their sold items if they use domestic and everywhere else pricing.  I've gone back and noticed even more errors.

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Re: Different prices local / everywhere else does not work

You should only offer free shipping in your own country. It is always going to be at least $10-15.00 or more to anywhere else. If you are hiding it in your prices, you can only have one price, so either you would be overcharging local orders or it will eat most or all you profit on foreign orders.

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Re: Different prices local / everywhere else does not work


you can only have one price,

that is not correct

outside of the USA, you can have global and domestic pricing

to make up for the usa advantage of the fsg

and the crazy way etsy handles VAT

it's been buggy for at least 2 years


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