When I go to my shop and look at my listings, my descriptions are all missing!!! I write detailed descriptions of my journals and they aren't showing up. Is anyone else having this problem?
Agree with all that has been said about moving the description (even more) out of site than it was, super bad idea. On top of that, the new replacement for description is REVIEWS. But what the buyer likely thinks is that the reviews shown are for the item they are looking at. Well... NO, we sell almost 100% single unique items. Sure there is a title above the reviews about "other reviews" but your eye does not jump there. It jumps straight to the first review for ANOTHER item. Really really bad idea that will increase returns.
All they would have to do is reverse the order of the little magical drop down menu tabs and put description before reviews and show it before reviews. I could live with the other changes for the most part. Good luck to us all. My sales completely stopped the day they added this change along with the ghastly orange header across the top. I was wondering why I got so many inquires about what was already in the description, now I understand.
Here's my workaround for this hot mess. And I swear it will be the LAST time I come up with a workaround to deal with an etsy improvement/upgrade/enhancement (words ALL redefined by etsy).
1. I create my listing
2. I preview the listing
3. I use the microsoft Snipping Tool to capture an image of my description and save it as one of my item images (I can save it right there as soon as I snip the image)
4. I continue editing and add the image of the description that I just saved, moving it to the second image slot
5. Preview again just to double check everything is good
6. Publish
You know, once before (can't remember how long ago), etsy was mucking with placement of the description and I did something similar. Etsy abandoned that experiment so I stopped. However, I fear this "upgrade" is here to stay. Someone(s) at etsy seem to be enamored with weird fancy coding... trying to one-up the other marketplaces?? I dunno. BUT, I swear this is the last time I'm going to try and work around etsy changes in the interest of making it easier for shoppers. What's that old saying? Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me. Well... even tho this is way beyond #1, I'll give etsy this one last thing. After this if they turn listings upside down again I do have other places to sell. Etsy has been good for me. I have some wonderful loyal repeat customers. I'm pretty sure they'll follow me....
So, this change is a permanent one?
Dear fellow sellers, please go to this website: www.ecommercebytes.com and complain there. There is at least one negative article about Etsy and this current fiasco about them hiding our item descriptions. I think airing our well justified gripes in the forums is turning into a huge waste of time (other than to just get it off your chest).
My Item details are missing again and down ot the bottom of page - why cant they leave things alone -
Seems Etsy has hidden our descriptions of items AGAIN!!! It took me a while to find it this time. I sure hope shoppers don't mind looking around the page to try to find it, too. Absolutely ridiculous that they keep hiding descriptions. WHY would they do this????
I absolutely can't believe that someone thought it was a good idea to hide descriptions from customers! I know common sense ain't common, but come on! The FIRST thing a customer should be able to see is the DESCRIPTION! This is not rocket science. I'm not only a seller, I'm a buyer and guess what? If I have to look all over the place for a description that MIGHT be there, I'm not buying the product. Period!
Gosh, how stupid... Not being able to learn anything about a product but Be sure the cart button is readily available.
Ate there any adults in the room?
Someone mentioned a test last year that was months and months ago and when I go to shop now I notice no descriptions just reviews.
So awful -- I literally spent 5 minutes searching around on a product I wanted to buy because I couldn't find the shipping price or details. Shocker -- it's also buried!!
No wonder I am not getting sales. Item details not where they should be. Hope this is just one of their other horrible tests!!! Already had an inquiry from a buyer who didn't even know my location country. What's the point in adding descriptions if they have to search and search.
Frustrating. It's confusing, but I think it is getting closer to correct. I like that the product description is directly under the photo(s). I don't like that it is hidden in a drop down. I don't like that the shipping is also hidden in a drop down below the hidden product description. Why can't the shipping cost be visible below the product price on the right? That would make it easier for customers to add in their heads the price plus shipping to get a total. Personally, I think the reviews take up way too much room. I don't know how other people shop, but I aways read the description, price, shipping cost and then if I like what I have read I will read the reviews before I make the decision to purchase.
shake my head...again
Gee, I might be wrong, but isn't that how every (other) shopping site on the interweb is laid out???.....Photos, description, price, shipping, and then if you want to, scroll down to the reviews.
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