I just checked my delivery profiles. Normally, at the top I would have the United Kingdom with the default delivery service offered - RM 2nd class/signed for and marked as "Free Delivery" then below that the international options. Yet, ALL my profiles now have the UK option with below that ANOTHER 7 UK options - all "International Standard" with an arbitrary price set. There is no country listed, they are all under UK. Then below that, I have the non-UK countries set with their own correct prices.
What is going on? Once you input your first UK option, there is no means to then go and add other UK options, except in the upgrades section at the bottom. So it's not even possible for me to have added them in. And why would I? And why would they be set to an international option which makes no sense?
They are all set to "RM International Standard" - "Fixed Price" then a random price. Every profile is the same.
All I can think of is they have removed some country options and this is the mess left behind. The drop down for adding in countries, once past the popular ones at the top of the list, jumps from Afghanistan to Haiti. Nothing in-between. No Belgium, no Croatia, no Denmark... which were in there before.
Edit/update - strange coincidence that 7 countries have been removed from my profiles (those below), are no longer available in the dropdown list and 7 nonsense options added to my UK delivery. Etsy, are you aware? No point contacting support.
Thank you for your reports, folks. We have escalated this to the appropriate team and will follow up here with updates soon.
This has been fixed. Thanks for the reports!
Yes, I see it too.
If I go to a shop that I know ships worldwide and select the Country drop down under shipping details, there is nothing in between Afghanistan and Haiti. The seven countries you listed are gone!
I only ship domestically so I don't see the extra domestic options like you do, but if I try to add a new location those 7 countries are also missing from the list.
Great detective work, OP.
I think it is worse than we thought. I went to one of my old shipping profiles from when I shipped worldwide and there were about 70 entries showing without the country, just like your 7. Then I realised that you ship to selected countries, not worldwide, so that is why.
Basically it is all the countries in the world that you can ship to on Etsy, and that fall alphabetically between Afghanistan and Haiti, except the ones that appear in the top summary list. I am trying to compile a list.
I don't know how sellers and buyers in those countries are faring at the moment because their countries have disappeared from the search Ship to list and also from the Region list at the bottom left of each customer page, where you can set Region / Language / Currency.
My list shows 65 countries. There may be a few that Etsy does not ship to. I am reporting it to live chat at the moment.
Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d'Ivoire, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia (Czech Republic), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland"), Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana.
Let us know how you get on.
I knew it would be more than my 7. Luckily that's all I ship to in that gap.
I didn't contact support, as every time I do I get fobbed off and told it's "user error" and/or they take weeks to respond and end up giving you a "solution" to a completely different issue.
I just hope it's not affecting domestic orders and the reason why things have been so quiet recently.
Well, it took quite a while and I had to send a few screenshots but I was eventually told it would be referred to tech support. Fingers crossed.
They don't make it easy, do they!
Thanks for alerting me of this. I normally ship to Belgium and this one has disappeared from my list and I seem to be unable to add it because it is not there anymore!? I suspect it is the same for the other ones although they were not all in my shipping profiles.
It would be very sad if we have to check our shipping profiles on a regular basis in order not to miss any orders from those countries...
I've only just noticed this too! Those same countries are also missing from my delivery profiles. Etsy seems to have removed them completely as they aren't on the list to re-add them. Hoping it's a glitch and they will return, otherwise I'm sure this will affect sale for a lot of people.
I wanted to start selling physical products. I tried setting up a shipping profile, but Belgium is no where to be seen in the list of countries. The list starts with Afghanistan and then directly goes to the letter H. So all countries in between are not there. Has anyone ever had this issue and how can I resolve this?
I've seen a couple of reports about this in the forums not long ago so there must be some sort of glitch with the list of countries at the moment.
Happy to know I am not alone. I thought I was doing something wrong.
Countries between Afghanistan & Haiti are missing from the list. You're not alone.
Thank you for your reports, folks. We have escalated this to the appropriate team and will follow up here with updates soon.
Thank you for your prompt attention!
Any updates for us? It's been hours and we're all losing potential sales here..
Seems to have been 'fixed' as far as I can tell. The countries are back.
Now I need to go back and re-add countries to all the delivery profiles for the ones where I started to take out the 'odd ones' from the top because at first I didn't know what on earth they had done and assumed they had just screwed up the UK section.
But now "We’ve added new delivery services and replaced your choice of “Other” with the service you’ve been using most often. You can update this any time." is back on some profiles, despite "Other" not being an option for some time.
@NeilBarrPhotography @thatregina
Yep, it's all good for me now too.
A flight from Afghanistan to Haiti takes about 24 hours with stops in New Delhi, Newark & Ft. Lauderdale.
It could almost be a song title.
Gonna travel the world
From Afghanistan to Haiti
Might take my matey
And leave my girlfriend home a'waiting
All countries from Afghanistan to Haiti are missing for me. Most of my customers are from Europe so hoping this gets resolved promptly too!
I have 21 countries missing from the list.
I'm glad I found this thread, I couldn't understand how Guernsey had disappeared from my shipping profiles, and because of this thread I've now realised that Belgium, Gibraltar and Denmark are also missing.
I've just double checked my listings and for me it's all the European countries from A to H that are missing, whereas the worldwide ones - Australia, Canada etc - are still showing.
This has been fixed. Thanks for the reports!