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Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

I know there have been discussions regarding bugs in the new listing form and I have experienced some of those as well.  But I wanted everyone to be aware, double check your listings after you post them, especially if you are copy and pasting from other listings.  Several times I have discovered the new listing did not "take" the new photographs, showing the photos from the one I copied and pasted even though I absolutely changed them.  I just checked another listing and it had the wrong price, it was way way low copied from the original listing as the lowest price, it showed $28 even though I know for sure I entered $69.  Which is a huge difference and if I hadn't just happened to see it it would have been a small disaster if someone ordered the new listing at that price.  So in addition to some of the other issues, not being able to renew easily, that sort of thing, just be aware of this additional issue, check all your new listings after posting to make sure things have not reverted back.

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully they will get the bugs fixed soon. 

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Thank You for the Heads Up. That's a pretty big discrepancy.

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

I have also had this same issue! When I duplicated the listing on the NEW LISTING MANAGER to make a new listing: The new listing did not adjust the price or the quantity I had changed on my listings, I had to go back and change them again. 

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Do the problems show up immediately after publishing? Or does it change later on?
In other words, do we just have to check it once, or do we have to keep checking it?
I'm waiting to list new products until some of these issues are fixed (...) because my products are synced to Shopify and elsewhere.  I'm not risking messing things up beyond Etsy.

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Not sure exactly but it was most likely same day.  I think the photo ones were right away, I just noticed them when listing other items right after.  

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Strange to me is that when I decide to do a copy of a listing, and I fill in the changes, then instead of it showing publish at the bottom, it shows as renew....this has happened more then once...sometimes it works, other times it does not...feels like it is all taking too much of my time!!

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

and it likes to switch to autorenew instead of manual renewal from the original listing.

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Thanks for the heads up! 

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

The bugs with this new program are excessive.  You'd think it would be better to have a necessary program like this operating before rolling it out as an only option.  One thing I imagine it will help with is cutting down  the amount of new listings entered due to the problematic program.  Etsy has shared there are too many on the site.  I'm so disappointed in Etsy due to how they are handling this program. 

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

So am I!  Can't get the renewal on a sold out listing to work for me Chat and I'm told to use the old form.  No answer on what to do after the 25th...


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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste

Oh I've had a fun oupsie coming from a copy listing haha! So everything was perfect MINUS one thing...for some muffin (sorry I don't cuss haha!) my 12 grams magnet turned out to be 7 kilos (don't ask me how). Thanks goodness a customer messaged me asking why this specific item was 40$ shipping w hen the rest was 5$. Over all problem was fixed and I guess I giggled at it.

But I can imagine others are having more obnoxious issues than mine so sorry to allt hose who have to deal with major headaches.

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Re: Check your Listings after Posting from Copy and Paste


Merci d'avoir posté ce message pour les vendeur qui ne se sont encore rendu compte du problème.

Cela m'arrive régulièrement de me retrouver avec des prix erronés. Je vérifie souvent mes listes car j'utilise le nouveau formulaire depuis le début.

Bonnes ventes à tous


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