My customer and I have an email chain that's over 100 messages. I've sent a few messages to my client through the thread, that don't seem to show up. My customer has also tried emailing me and it's not updating with our new messages.
What does email have to do with Etsy messages?
I am referring to emails through Etsy.
@FourLetterWordCards: "I am referring to emails through Etsy." If you mean the eMail copy of Etsy conversations replying to the eMail sends the response to a dead Etsy eMail address and will not show up as a Message reply because it does not connect with that system.
Since the anti-scam Messaging upgrades Etsy wants Messaging to be done only via a browser or an app.
@FourLetterWordCards: Are you referring to eMails or to Etsy Messages? If the latter, are you using an app or a browser?
Sorry I wasn't clear - I am referring to the messaging system directly through Etsy.
I’ve had problems with messaging too. Like I know I replied and them too, but I can’t actually see it.
Yes! That's exactly it! And they also can't see the messages on their end, either. We've had to move everything to external email because we can't see any of our new messages.