Hi everybody
Just today I noticed, when I use the new listing upload template, I can't change the listing image orders.
For example, when I try to drag any image into the 1st image position, nothing happens. I was just uploading 2 days ago, and this issue did not happen. This issue started right when they included the new "alt text" box on the new listing format.
This issue does not occur on the old listing format, but now, there are huge amounts of bugs related to the old format, and I wish to use the new format with the alt text box. Is anyone else experiencing this?
ps. This happens on new listings, current listings, anything...
List using the new form, save as draft, then open draft in old form and arrange photos as needed, then save as draft &/or publish.
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I didn't see a question in your post but I will chime in here--this is just so aggravating! I was using the old listing form because there was no alt text on the new. Now that there is new it is all glitchy! Good grief can't Etsy get ANYTHING right? Who are they hiring to write these codes?
Is anyone else experiencing this?
That is the question I asked lol
@PrevntProducts It is still working for me in the new format. Laptop, Windows 10, Chrome.
Yes! I spend hours trying to list an item. It is so frustrating. eBay is a breeze. Why don't they hire some decent coders?
List using the new form, save as draft, then open draft in old form and arrange photos as needed, then save as draft &/or publish.
Thanks for the solution @TBQSC I will try that.
But we should not have to go all around Robin Hood's barn to do a simple task.
If you have to go back and use the old form to resort pics then why use the 'new' form at all? I won't use the new listing form until I can preview and save as draft, etc. The new form has too many things wrong with it.
Will try clearing my cache as well and see if I can get this fixed. The new alt text box is niiiiice ( :
Thanks yall
For some reason, I thought Etsy said this new listing experience was streamlined! Hello?
@ThePurplePuppy EXACTLY!!! And yet, here we are getting dizzy going round & round!
LOL--Just like Little John--I see you know the joke
I prefer to use the old form when listing items, and am totally bummed the preview function is no longer working. <grr>
@TBQSC , The old form preview button is working for me. Desktop, windows 10, chrome.
@CatsBeadKitsandMore I use the same as you, but unfortunately the preview function (old form) stopped working for me awhile ago. I was able to get it working again one time by disabling my chrome apps, but then a couple days later it stopped working completely. I have even tried it in other browers and get the same results. There are many other sellers experiencing the same dilemma with the preview feature, some having issues as far back as a year or more. And the new form doesn't have the preview function working yet, so many of us are forced to publish listings and then going back in to do edits afterwards. It's a dizzy game Etsy is playing with us!
I still can’t change the order of my listing photos in the new listing form. It’s March 2024.
On another note, neither old or new listing forms give us an option for Ground Advantage shipping (which includes insurance). They still show First Class and no insurance. It’s about time that gets fixed since it becomes Ground Advantage with insurance when you go to make the label. Glad I’m not new to Etsy or I’d be utterly lost in confusion.
Yeah I wish they would keep the old listing tool. Cause the new one glitches all the time with variants. Also with images.
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