Having to manually change all my listings as bulk edit prices not working
Our technical team has fixed the issue. If you are still experiencing problems, please file a support ticket. Thanks!
I am having same problem.
Same problem. Noticed it yesterday and today still not working. All other bulk edit options are working.
There have been quite a few recent reports of issues with bulk editing in this forum including https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Editing-prices/m-p/140797546#M749526 Being a (holiday) weekend it seems problematic as to when it will be looked at.
Same with me. Yesterday and still today.
same here
I've been trying all day too. At first I thought it was my browser but switched to a different one and still nothing. It seems that you can edit everything else in Bulk, except the 'Edit Prices'. I hope it gets fixed soon.
I was told by customer service to manually change the prices until it's fixed. Um, no. With the amount of fees they keep charging us, this is unacceptable.
Same thing happened to me. Had to change it manually. Hope they fix it soon.
This is INSANE that it's still not fixed! Really unbeliveable. They need to fix this - I can't manually go in and enter 650 listings for multiple variations.
Yep same issue here….so annoying!
I'm losing my mind with this, it's been broken since Thursday?!?! Are they just playing with us at this point lol
And an hour after I made this comment my etsy ad spend was locked to $1. Now I'm really thinking someone is messing with me. I apologize etsy gods. *bows lowly*
This is so frustrating
Absolutely maddening, so many variations, manual adjusting of prices is not an option.
The other bulk options work, just NOT pricing. Frustrating!
I know it's not a fix but quick edit allows you to change the price without having to open the listing. may work in the mean time.
If anyone is using an iMac.... open an incognito window and sign in to your shop from there, you'll be able to bulk edit your pricing
It's fixed! Thanks Etsy guys!
YAY. It's fixed! Thank you Etsy
Working for me now as well. Thank you!
Our technical team has fixed the issue. If you are still experiencing problems, please file a support ticket. Thanks!