Whenever I try to renew a listing using the new form (which in passing is still missing translations), when I click on "Renew", it opens the "are you sure you want to leave this page" pop-up and I can't actually renew until I've clicked "cancel" there. Twice. Until I can check the box "prevent this page from opening more pop-ups like this one". I'm in Chrome on Windows 11.
Did you make any changes to the listing? I found it won't publish anything with changes. I have to renew first, then edit.
I was having this problem and then I found I was getting charged twice for renewing the listing so check your accounting page
I've been getting a similar pop-up in Firefox. If I have already clicked the Renew OK, it asks if I'm sure I want to leave the page or if I want to cancel. I click the Leave option, and my items renew. It makes little sense.
I see this and wonder how did they come up with the wording for this...Makes no sense to me. Typical Etsy I guess.
The new form is still very buggy. I wish they'd work on fixing it, instead of rushing to release it.
This is the exact problem I've been having for months. It does happen intermittently. Once in a while I'm able to use the new listing program without an issue but this isn't very often. I'm trying often now since I'm concerned. I've tried work arounds on my side but nothing has been effective. I'm no longer sure Etsy can determine why this is happening or fix it. I sure hope so. What @FLcowgirls stated about being charged for something that didn't work is another concern I hadn't thought about.
Same problem here.
New form is VERY buggy... I refuse to use it at this time. The main problem I'm having is that I can't edit Variations nor can I create one for a new listing. June 25th will be a disaster day and I will have to stop publishing new listings or editing current listings in all three of my shops until they fix them. I cringe at the thought.
I started clicking leave instead of cancel and then it usually works.
I broke down and have been using it for a few weeks now. There are some issues but I don't find it to be anything that I can't work around. Naturally I would prefer it all run effortlessly, but we all know Etsy programming is not designed to be efficient.
I had still been using the old listing form and today Etsy automatically switched me to the new one without my knowledge. I keep supplies to do another one on some of my listings and do another one when an item sells. I had made & fired some and while ago went to renew them like I always do and kept getting the red banner something went wrong, try again later. Then tried renewing some that were expiring today and sae thing, got the red banner and it said if I kept having a problem to contact them. Contacted them and ask for a call back and they called me in about a minute. Spent probably 30 minute on phone with them, she decided I had new listing form and didn't why it wouldn't work, finally gave up and told me to switch back to old one. Did and it still wasn't working and she couldn't figure out why, she finally said there was a glitch of some kind and she was escalating it to some one else to look into.
After we hung up I kept fiddling around and finally got the ones that I had sold to renew. Had to go into edit and switch back to old form on each one and do one at a time switching back to old form each time. I gave up and didn't try to renew ones expiring today. Will tackle them tomorrow. They are aware there are glitches and ones we can get on the phone don't know how to fix.
VERY concerning that they plan to launch this new form that doesnt work. My supply shops need the Variations to work in every listing and needs to be able to be edited. Seriously concerned about June 25th coming up WAY too soon.
I have the same glith. Believe me I know how to renew the listings