Hi to everyone
I have a problem with verification of my banck account
After reciving the small amount, which I enter wrong i needed to verify again, but after that the answer was "red" wrong. I mail the support. They also restart my account but it is still "pending verification". I thried from other browser,but it wan't submit my account. I have 7 day left. The support team dont answer at my mails. There is no amonut coming on my banck. I made 5 sales.
What can I do?
Why they don't answer?
Will they suspend my account?
Will they transfer my paid?
I am hopless...is there any help
Thank you
Did you try entering the correct amount now that you need to verify again? Not sure if that’s possible but that’s probably what I would try.
The only thing you can do is contact support again.
see if anything in this help article can help you, it does say you can try again.
How to Update and Verify Your Bank Account for Etsy Payments Deposits – Etsy Help
keep this article open in your browser and if it doesn't work when you try again scroll to the bottom and answer the question so hopefully you can get in touch with Etsy help again.
It can take 3-5 days to verify. It's not automatic. You already verified so you won't get suspended.
You'll need to deal directly with Etsy support through your Shop Manager dashboard "Community & Help > " "Contact us". I had to request a "call back" but I don't think you have that option.
They don't answer to my mails,anymore. About 10 days and 4 mails...no answer.
Do you have Chat Support?
No. I can find any options for that..
@TesoryJewelry: "They don't answer to my mails,anymore. About 10 days and 4 mails...no answer." Every eMail from Etsy support should have a link something like "I Still Need Help". Click on that link in each reply from Etsy (or actually reply stating that you still need help) to keep the report alive otherwise Etsy will assume that it is resolved. You may have to do this innumerable times, before anything is done but do not give up. DO NOT open a new issue or contact Etsy multiple times about the same issue (doing so closes the one you already opened and puts the new one on the bottom of the pile).
I send 5 emails to our previous conversation. I send them screen shot like they ask...but no answer.
16.12 I recive an "extra" mail...that an admin unlinked my account.
I am crying. Is there anbody,any number i can speak?