Hi, There seems to be a problem with the auto payments system to our bank account. Money payments are set to pay weekly, and a payment was due to be transferred to our bank today - February 17th. This payment has not been made. The system says next payment due 24-02-25. Why was this payment missed please? I have now set the system to daily payments so the payment is made tomorrow. Can someone please look into this. Thank you.
The payment for today has not been missed
The first step in the transfer process is the date is changed
The next step is that you receive an email to say your funds are being transferred. This can take a few minutes or an hour or so.
From the number of complaints in the forums recently this step seems to be taking longer than it used to -- but the funds are still sent on the correct day
thanks for your input, but this is not normal. It's a technical issue, that's why I've reported it. Something is not right. Have been on Etsy since 2012.
Not for the past 3 weeks there not. The money has had to be requested.
Self deleted.
It is Bank Holiday in the US today, may be that might be the cause? I haven't received my regular payment either. It reads it is scheduled for tomorrow. Who knows...
moi cela fait 11 jours que je ne recois aucun paiement alors que normalement je recois tout les jours. Je n'ai aucun litige, je fais des ventes tout les jours , jai un solde de 500€ mais rien ne m'est viré car il reste indisponible. Le service client etsy est injoignable, il ne repond plus au tchat. J'ai eu un agent il y a quelques jours qui n'a pas su me dire pourquoi je n'etais pas payé et que des specialistes me contacterait mais depuis 6
Votre comment ne traduire pas, meme si je click sur le traduire button.
Jai le meme problem que vous.
jour ne n'ai aucune reponse
When banks are closed, typically, transfers do not occur. Today is Presidents' Day in the US, and banks are closed. The transfer that was expected for today will likely occur tomorrow.
No bank holiday in UK here today. No weekly payment as usual on a Monday (Every Monday for couple of years). Now says scheduled for 24th Feb. So something is definitely wrong today
I have the same problem, for 2 weeks now my weekly payments give a date for bi weekly payments not for weekly payments.
There is zero help on this issue,