Ever since the past week or two, I can go into a listing.. I’ll totally rewrite the description. I’ll click done, it says “Changes have been saved”.
Then I’ll go to edit the title (and with not even having left the listing page), I scroll down and my entire new description is GONE.
Etsy is doing a horrible job at retaining and saving listing updates. In the past, this has caused me lost money when it won’t retain a pricing update - and then someone will buy it.
I just lost half an hour of work rewriting a listing that is now gone!!!!!! This is unacceptable!!
I have been trying to list my items.. copy a listing.. then type in my new listing. WILL NOT SAVE MY INFO!!!
totally disappointed
I notified and logged its a national problem they are aware of. On my android it now won't let me log in which I have reported. The info I got vack was to use an older version.
Wow. That’s not very reassuring…!
It is an international problem. I am located in Italy. App and site have lots of flaws at the moment.
In this Thread, Sellers are having the same issue. I thought it was due to the new listing form, but it looks like it's the app.
This is going on for a while now. App, website old version andnew version. All with problems. Total mess at the moment.
@JVM05 Not good; I'm sorry about that.
I’ve been having the same issues. I can’t seem to find a way to report it.
I spent almost an hour reporting another technical/backend issue via chat but was told - not in these exact words - to just live with it until they “may” fit it. (They have taken away the option to manually select categories and some categories just will not show no matter how hard you try - like men’s sweatshirts - you have to choose “hoodies” even though it is not the right category).
It’s very frustrating not being able to speak to, or at the least, report to, someone in the technical team. I have some experience with website design and application and there is almost always an option to simply report a technical issue. Why they don’t make it this easy I don’t really know. How do you report a technical issue?
I came on here to look and see if anyone else had had this problem so thank you. I’m not going made and it’s definitely the app and not me! I had sworn I’d changed listings previously then when I went back to them they looked I updated but couldn’t prove it
I’ve literally just been sitting changing and updating some listings. And then clicking to the web browser on my iPad to link photos to the new variants. Sure enough the description or listing title hasn’t updated even though I had chosen to save it in the top right hand corner.
This is absolutely ridiculous to sit and go through an edit listings and them not save. I’ve even had it with photos. I had to correct some photos and when I went back to them today they still have the old photos. I don’t have time to go through and audit every single listing
I’m having the same problem, and I also posted a thread (which a user posted above in the comments)
I reported a technical issue and they got back to me giving me some useless information that I had already tried like making sure I’m using the latest version and logging out deleting the app reinstalling the app and logging back in blah blah blah…nothing worked then they told me if this didn’t fix my problem I had to start a new request
so when I did, they asked me to send them a screen grab or a screen recording. So I took a screen recording of what was happening and now they have not even responded. I told them that I had the screen grab and where do I send it but now they’re just simply not even responding
dealing with this has cost me several hours of work and now I’m not even able to list any more listings until it gets worked out because I’m at a point where some of them if I change the description like five times it would finally stay. But I have one listing I had to Deactivate because no matter what I do and how many times I re-enter the description and title. It won’t keep it
The least they could do is respond back and let us know what’s going on. But I feel like the technical team is simply just ignoring it at this point and Etsy should give us some credit for at least the ads that we can’t even post but also because a lot of our time has been wasted.
I’m sort of new on Etsy. I’ve only had a shop for about two months but I have over 300 listings, and I have over 300 more listings if they can get their app working.
I’m about to look for another platform as much as I hate to do that. I’ve always loved Etsy, but they don’t seem to provide adequate support for their sellers, and that’s who’s ultimately making them money.
I have had the exact same problem, and it is super frustrating!!!
I have noticed that only the LAST change you make saves. So when I copy a listing, instead of changing the price, the pics, and the description, I just change one thing and exit the listing. Then I go back, edit another item, and exit. Of course, this is a little time consuming, but still much better than creating listings from scratch!
I’m having the same problem- not saving the title and or description
time after time change .. says it saved title to see old title remains after I publish
i chatted with Etsy… worthless someone in foreign country
gave me a canned response to clear my cache/ cookies….
I did multiple times and issue remains…
I have hundreds of items to list
I’m in the exact same boat.
someone warned me that Etsy had changed and was going downhill. And I didn’t want to believe it. But I’m starting to think that they were right
I use the app to copy an old listing and edit then post. All I do now is change the photos by adding new ones saved on my phone, save as draft then go to my laptop to do the rest as all attempts at saving other changes using the app are just time wasted.
This new improved app has gone from worse than the old version to absolutely hopeless.
Just when everyone is getting ready to post for the upcoming season, this is definitely not good.
That’s the main problem!
if this happened Mid summer, not as big of a deal but we are headed into the Christmas season and business has been slow so we need to be prepared and because of Etsy we aren’t going to be! I’ve lost over a week now while they drag their feet.
I hate being gaslit and lead to believe it’s something we are doing wrong. It’s an Etsy glitch going on for days now and if they only admitted it that would help.
i am sorry my English is not so good
i have same problem since 31 august
i noticed that problem is when doing changes on a listing, not when copying and creating new one from one already existing
31 august, i contacted Esty support, who told me problem of cache cookies, it was not that, i tryed with all web browser...
i also notice finally changes in a listing were updated but few hours later
but.. yesterday one customer said me he had buy something, with old wrong title, i have changed listing for 2 weeks ago
in my shop everywhere (front end and back end shop) it says title / description for 1 piece, and customer has still title / description for 2 pieces... and still now, so it was big problem..
so i contacted Etsy support and discussed with Maria Paula from Etsy
she confirmed me she also see title / description for 2 pieces, same as customer, and me i see all with 1 piece everywhere (in customer order, in my shop, in my listing..)
so she told me problem was i didn't activated languages in my shop,
in my shop menu , on left, in ''settings '' then ''languages and translations'' - need to activate all languages
so i do, then she confirmed me she now well see title / description for 1 piece
in fact, i am a French shop, and my title / description were not well translated, as i didn't activated other languages,
and my customer was English language, so he had the old title and description that have not been translated in English when i made changes in my listing
but on the evening, after doing all that, i again received new order, with old wrong title / description, in the email reiceived from Etsy that confirms sale
but in my shop everywhere there are the new ones title description
i ask my customer to confirm me she had the new good ones,
she told me she had same as me, new ones,
but she is French language, so i don't have real confirmation for English language ..
as email from Etsy confirming sales i reiceive are in English, not French, even i am a French shop
i go to listing details, in listing, with old version,
in bottom, i can see translations for English, it is already new title and description..
so i don't know why in Etsy email confirming sale i still have old wrong title and description
and they are changes in listing i have made 7 days ago ...
because Etsy support said me changes updates in a listing takes 24 hours .. so it cannot be possible changes not updated 7 days after..
then i asked support why customer had wrong old title / description
she replied me, maybe there was a glitch, or maybe it didn't work when i have saved changes..
so maybe it saves when using new version ?
so i will check now and contact customer to be sure.. but very difficult and many problems...
and i hope it will work soon on Etsy
i will avoid now making changes on listings ...
If you need me to check something for you in English- message me!
I am not using the app, but I have the same problem.
that’s really upsetting because I was going to try to use the mobile browser like they suggested this week. I can’t lose another week of listing merchandise. This is getting crazy
Even knowing this I changed a listing title last night, saved and exited the app as someone said that seemed to work better. I went to a browser to link photos and title was the same 🤦
@CrystalnCauldron This Announcement appeared a little while ago. Hope it helps everyone having trouble.
@ChillwolfArt @Thank you for that info! I just updated.