So it has been going on since Monday and I think we deserve some answers after this many days since the pinned thread has not a single update.

Any tracking manually entered or entered through a third party shipping service is only showing Pre-Transit.  I am currently up to over 75 now.

This is effecting star seller status.  Will this be addressed?

Do I have to contact Etsy support and give every single one of the over 75 order numbers to get this fixed or will the fix when it is implemented update all the tracking numbers?

It won't be long until my customers start to contact me asking what is going on with their packages and it's not a good look for my shop, or Etsy

Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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My thought to all your points is yes, yes, and yes.

They are "convincing" sellers to adopt Etsy labels. 

Insert choice language here as I am now majorly pissed off about this.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@BirdsongEmporium I suspect there are major changes coming in the shipping area in general. Sellers in India are now required to use Etsy Labels for domestic orders, and Etsy advertised several "fulfillment" jobs last year. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I use Etsy labels almost exclusively. I had the same problem with many of my packages showing pretransit even after delivery. But it never affected my SS stats as it does for others. Seems to be mostly fixed now. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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It is stated that Etsy uses Aftership to connect Post Offices across the globe to a shop's orders & the tracking information they input when completing an order.
Due to problems with Aftership it has been said that UK shops can have problems since Aftership does not recognize Royal Mail.

For USA shops, a USPS tracking number is a USPS tracking number. Etsy obviously has their labels well 'integrated' with the order process, buying an Etsy label & the auto 'order completed' feature which includes the entry of the tracking number. 

Etsy made changes a week or so ago & shops had to re-connect their Pirate Ship account with their Etsy shop. This apparently worked since they were able to print properly addressed labels & the tracking # entered into the order, etc.

For those who do not connect their Etsy shop to Pirate Ship & manually complete their orders, adding the tracking information - this is no different than a shop owner going to their local PO and purchasing postage due to a malfunctioning printer. They need to revisit the order, mark it complete & enter the USPS tracking number.

Exactly what is the difference in those USPS Tracking numbers - whether obtained thru Etsy, Pirate Ship or a local PO - that Etsy &/or Aftership cannot seem to recognize? I honestly can't think of one & am starting to include myself in the group that feel Etsy is making a stronger move towards the "preference" that shops use Etsy labels. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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Sellers have posted that this issue is happening with Etsy labels as well, though. Right?

What you propose makes a lot of sense, but I really hope it's not coming to that. Because having a preference that we use Etsy labels is fine. Allowing the system to show that off-Etsy label shipments don't even exist is not.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@Adorabilities @Agreed. It’s as if they’re creating an Etsy monopoly. Etsy ads, Etsy payments, now Etsy labels? So sad.

ETA….and I will refuse to use Asendia through Etsy for international shipping, no matter the consequences. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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If Etsy tries to force sellers to use Etsy labels exclusively that will be a violation of the US Antitrust Law. They can't make obstacles to competition. While e-Bay always nags about their shipping options, they do not prohibit to use 3rd party services for shipping purposes. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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Re: the possibility of being forced to use Etsy Labels.  Here is another Thread with Sellers having issues trying to utilize Etsy Labels.

Then you have the Pre-Transit Issue still going on and affecting many Sellers.  With no fix from engineering in sight from what we can see, nor any Announcement regarding a fix.  Sellers are trying every possible fix and workaround, as well as struggling to receive help from Etsy Support, going through the various channels in the hopes of receiving a knowledgeable person who can help them.

The possibility of making Etsy Labels mandatory; really.  With all respect, Etsy can't seem to get a handle on the  Hacked Shops situation (a serious issue); why it's happening in the first place.  And why several affected Sellers are having difficulty receiving help.

I do not use Etsy Labels (personal preference). But sure, by all means; make Etsy Labels mandatory (again, addressing the possibility of this). 

ETA:  After posting this, a current Thread appeared; the OP stated she is receiving Notifications for another Seller's Messages.  The point is, there are far bigger issues to address without making Etsy Labels mandatory (if that is indeed the direction we are headed).



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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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My star seller has been affected for the first time and after reading some of the comments here, I think it's the 2 customers who I combined orders on. Each of them purchased two separate orders, so when I shipped, I bought my labels for each customers 1st order on Etsy, then checked competed on their second purchase and entered the tracking numbers manually. My star seller is showing 2 orders with no tracking (I buy all my labels first class on Etsy) so I have to think it's the 2 orders I manually put in the tracking numbers. First time this has affected my Star Seller score (now at 98%, it's been a slower couple of months). When I look at my completed orders, every one of them has a tracking number.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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manually adding numbers were not working either.  Not sure if is fixed for that yet either

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@McKeanCreations: "I think it's the 2 customers who I combined orders on" If you look at the applicable CSV file available from your Star Seller page you will be able confirm exactly which orders Etsy thinks there is an issue with.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I answered a survey recently and guess what it was about....I use Pirateship and shortly after this happens.....I wonder if they are doing something with the API or something and trying to force us to use their labels.....just trying to squeeze us some more I suppose

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I went into my Pirateship account yesterday to have another look.  Somehow it was disconnected from Etsy.  Last week, I disconnected and then reconnected it to see if that would didn't.  When I saw it was disconnected yesterday, I reconnected it and I STILL show 12 orders without tracking on Etsy's download, yet when I look at shipping, they say pre-transit.

Nothing has helped.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I chatted with Pirate Ship and they were so nice.  They said quite a few sellers contacted them and it’s on Etsy’s end.  They couldn’t help me, but they are way nicer and understanding.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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It's hard to leave PirateShip chat without a smile on your face.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@TraceyGurleyArt PS told me the same thing….it’s an Etsy problem. But after a chat with Pirate Ship, I wanted to send the rep a muffin basket. They are amazing and a wonderful asset/shipping partner I’d really hate to lose. Etsy doesn’t even come close….they’re not even in the same league. Now if we could only convince Pirate Ship to start a marketplace.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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Yup, had a customer do 3 separate orders of one item each and I consolidated them to one package so she could get the free shipping.  I went in and entered the tracking number for all 3 items, and now Etsy has docked my Star Seller status for next month.  At this point, I am so fed up with the SS that I just don't care any more.





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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I KNOW!  Never a problem with PS.  With Etsy ALWAYS problems.  It would be one thing if they seemed to care about fixing things but Noooooo....


I have watched my tracking score go from 100% to (now) 80%.  Spent time on chat yesterday with acknowledgement of problem, but they said to be patient as it may take a while........

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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To realize there are only 14 days left in the month of March.
When it comes to the Star Seller program, the last two days of the month don't count as March.
There are 4 non-business days (Saturdays & Sundays) still on tap.

The cynic in me does not see this getting fixed any time soon. The forum will be flooded with posts about the loss of the star. And I also expect the number of shops hit with reserves or being paused by Etsy to continue to grow. 


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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I've been having this problem in my shop for years. I'm surprised to see it mentioned here as a newer problem. I kind of assumed this was just a regular ongoing Etsy problem that wouldn't be fixed. 

 I repeatedly tell my buyers who contact me about tracking to click through to USPS website to see accurate tracking, since Etsy's usually isn't updated. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@GlassPalaceArts and the complete lack up updates, even once delivered, has been an occasional UK problem for a year now. Sellers should expect this. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I am one of many with the same problems.   Orders from back on 3/2 and 3/6 are still showing as pre-transit even though the USPS website says delivered.  These orders will not be able to leave reviews.

I also have two orders that were shipped in the same package on time, marked as shipped and tracking numbers recorded that show they were shipped without tracking.   It seems to be taking way too long for Etsy to get this mess straightened out.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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It seems to be taking way too long for Etsy to get this mess straightened out.

To me it doesn't look like they want to straighten it out.

To me it looks like they're creating reasons for slapping payment reserves on shops.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@leinweberstudio, yes, lack of communication on Etsy's part just leads to more frustration & speculation in the forums too.

(Putting on my tin foil hat) I can just see it now, in Etsy-speak: "Sellers have told us that using shipping methods other than Etsy labels can be difficult, so we're helping to make your business run more smoothly by requiring Etsy labels for domestic shipping beginning on ..."

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I did that and one shows delivered and one shows pre-transit.


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