Hello, I am having major issues with listing new products, the "add image button" for product listings does not work properly - it opens a folder where I cannot access my photos.
However. it worked correctly "one time" today, when a different button appeared, that one time. Can anyone offer help please, I've been working on this for hours! This puts a stop tp everything for me. I'm ready to list products, so frustrating .
I've been listing all day (on a computer) with no problems. Have you tried on a computer and dragging them over, rather than using the "button" to upload? I drag them over because it is definitely glitchy,
I just tried dragging it over and it didn't accept it.
Hi, Are you using the App? If so, try a browser; I've not used the App, but others say it is glitchy. The last time I added images to a listing was Sunday evening (desktop computer, Chrome); everything went through with no problems.
I hope this helps in some way.
Thank you. Yes. I am using a browser and I've tried 3 different ones. Cleared my cache and cookies, everything I read to try. I also sent an email to Etsy but honestly I don't think I'll hear from them. I've sent two others over the last few months and no reply - very disappointing. Thank you for your input, I appreciate it.
@HoneybirdGirlDesigns Oh shoot, sorry that didn't help. When I upload photos, I click onto the image portion, then upload from my picture files which are on my computer. And it goes quickly.
If you do hear from Support, they may give you generic copy/paste info about photos.
Giving you a Bump. Hope someone will jump in to help.
I've been listing all day (on a computer) with no problems. Have you tried on a computer and dragging them over, rather than using the "button" to upload? I drag them over because it is definitely glitchy,
Interesting, I tried that one time but couldn't make it work.
I've been doing all this on my computer, fyi.
So when you drag it in, where do you drag it to exactly? To the squares for the photos, when you in the Listing editing? hope that makes sense.
I just tried dragging it over and it didn't accept it.
Thank you so much, I got it to work the way you suggested!
Thank you! Can you elaborate on your process more? Is there another way for me to try, or I may be reading you response incorrectly?
I just tried again, and like before, one of my listings shows the correct button that works, and the others 3 listings and draft show the button that takes me to the empty file. So weird. I am just getting started and I cannot more forward if this can't be fixed, and I cannot believe it's impossible to get real help from Etsy. How is a person supposed to run a business this way, with no real help. I sent another email with screenshots of what I see; but maybe it will magically fix itself, lol! Thank you so very much for responding and trying to help me. I truly appreciate it.
@HoneybirdGirlDesigns: Which operating system are you using? It may make a difference. There were reports some time back, for example, that Apple made changes which caused issues with the local file explorer not working correctly with some web page upload functions.
Thank you, I am using Windows 10, yes I need an upgrade, lol.
But the strange part is, the one listing I have that has the correct button, the others and the draft I tried to add today have the one that doesn't work. Frustrating.