I have received several messages from Etsy to verify my account by typing my email, but I can't send any messages. I get a warning that the message could not send.
can I get information if my account is suspended?
When you go to your shop homepage do you see your listings? Yes, you do, so your shop is not suspended.
Don't just believe what random people message.
You can't reply because Etsy has already shut down that scammer.
Confirming, it's a scam.
You can't reply because Etsy closed the scam account.
Look for the 'from Etsy' folder on your message page. Only genuine messages from Etsy will appear in that folder. All other messages are from buyers and could be a scam. They are quite convincing.
Keep in mind that the "From Etsy" folder is not available on the seller app.
@StitchyFrood apparently it is on the App now, however since I don't use it I can't check. It's also possible that not everyone's App has updated to the latest version.
@Amaradorn my app was updated yesterday and I do not see the "from Etsy" folder within messaging, there is no change to messages.
There has not been an addition of folders at all separating the messages from received, sent, etc.
Thank you
When you go to your shop homepage do you see your listings? Yes, you do, so your shop is not suspended.
Don't just believe what random people message.
You can't reply because Etsy has already shut down that scammer.
OF course your shop is not suspended. If it were it would not be open when you look at it. It would say something on the front page about "xxx is no loner selling on Etsy" or "xxx is taking a short break".
@LianaDeSousaArt: Was the warning / error message something like "User Name is Invalid"? Usually that message means that the account has been closed (either by the user or by Etsy). Just in case, you should make sure to mark the message as SPAM (at last report you cannot do that using the seller app only a browser, even your mobile browser, or the buyer app).
Were the messages in the "From Etsy" section on your Messages page when checking messages using a browser? If not, they are a SCAM. Real messages from Etsy are now going into their own section (labeled as "From Etsy") on your Messages page https://community.etsy.com/t5/Announcements/New-From-Etsy-section-in-Messages/m-p/143722497#M1899 but apparently this is only true when using a browser.
You might want to read the excellent post by @bradgoodell l in https://community.etsy.com/t5/Managing-Your-Shop/How-to-Spot-a-Scam-No-a-Buyer-Doesn-t-Need-Your-Ema... and https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Why-do-they-ask-me-for-my-e-mail-in-order-to-make-a-p...
Additionally there is also a very informative thread from @StickIt2M at https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Nefarious-activity-aimed-at-sellers-quot-The-user-nam...
There is also official information from Etsy at https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000343128-How-to-Handle-Spam-and-Suspicious-Messages?segm...
Etsy probably caught the scammer's message(s) before you wished to reply to them. One thing, do not ever give your email address to anyone requesting it. Etsy will never ask for your email via messages, as they do not need to, they already know it. It is an attempt for the scammers to get the conversation off Etsy and to carry on the scam. Some have been scammed for thousands.