I keep getting this message.
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You are in now so just stayed signed in.
I do get that every once in awhile and I just refresh the page and it usually goes away. I think it is just some sot of Etsy glitch.
You will also get that message sometimes if a thread has been deleted and cannot be found.
This seems to be an ongoing, far reaching problem.
I'm getting that exact red banner as a team captain when I try to 'manage' the team.
I'm banned from accessing.
Same here, I am the person that accepts or denies members and I cant do anything.
I keep getting that message when I click on the link to check out the Mother's Day thing. And I've been a seller on here since 2011. Never have been able to access it.
@CatBoxCrafts: There is a "solution" reply from an Etsy moderator on https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Forums-only-available-choices-are-Technical-and-Annou...
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Just a quick reminder about our community policy regarding posting in old threads. We noticed you recently posted in an inactive thread. We prefer not to revive threads without recent replies. This is to keep the forums organized and focused on current discussions, making it more engaging for all.
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