4.9 shop rating

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My 5 star shop dropped to 4.9 stars after receiving several 5 star reviews!!! It shows 4.9 stars in applications and 5 stars in the browser. Does anyone else have this problem? Could it be a bug or etsy changed the rating average? If the goal is to encourage better customer service, which I do anyway, it just makes me sadder.


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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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The shop rating is correct as it looks at he last 12 months and you have some non 5 star ratings which are included in the average

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Betreff: 4.9 shop rating

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The shop's star rating includes ratings from the last 12 months.


Star Seller rating includes ratings from the last 3 months.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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The yearly (12 month) rating will change  every day if you had some 5 star ratings that fell off today (those that were from March30, 2023) and may not have received enough to counter balance them .  More will roll off tomorrow  and any new ones will be added--so the 12 month average will change each time a review drops off or is added.

For the star seller program they count the past 3 months and it only changes 1 time a month on the 1st.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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It probably means you have had a larger number of good reviews drop off, than the number of new ones you have

it's a rolling 12 month period

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Betreff: 4.9 shop rating

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I looked at your reviews and you had 3 , 5 star reviews that dropped off on Mar 29, 2023, but your last review for this year 2024 occured on March 23 so you "lost" those 3 from last year in your average--that is why it went down.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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It can't be "since then" as you have not had a new review since MArch 23rd and you have had several 5 star reviews "dropped". IT is at @CraftyCornishMaids  and I have both said--it is a "rolling" average.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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We may have a language barrier. I'm giving up--carry on! 

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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@The purplePuppy

So the percentage change in 12 months could be the reason. I think that might be it then. And this can change every day, so I'll keep an eye out to see if it will be 5 again soon :)Thanks.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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your last review was 23rd March 2024

last year, between 24th March and 29th march , you have had 12 x 5* reviews drop out of the count

24 march 2023 - 2
27th mar - 4
29th Mar - 3
28th Mar - 3

It is not a bug, you just have less 5* reviews in the last 12 months, than you had before - 12 less - so it will affect your overall rating

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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YES! Exactly--you got it.  As long as you have  some reviews that are less and 5 stars it can yo yo as some new ones come on or the old non 5 tars drop off.  With 1472 reviews TOTAL I have one recent 4 star one and my  percentage remains at 4.9 and probably will have until that 4 star drops off. 

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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I know that it does seemingly drop overnight, without any "new" or recent review activity; mine sat on 5 for months and then suddenly dropped but if you look at the dates that happened and when the last 4 star review was published, it actually makes sense. 

4.9 is not a bad average score at all, it's so close to 5/5 anyway and I know we all want to provide a great experience to our customers but we can still do that without having a perfect feedback rating. 

It's not that feedback never makes an impact on people's purchasing decisions, but for most people 4.9 (or anywhere in the 4's) is still enough for them to work with a seller, unless all the recent reviews have been awful and that 4 star average is going to continue to decline. 

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19 Replies
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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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The shop rating is correct as it looks at he last 12 months and you have some non 5 star ratings which are included in the average

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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My problem is that it went from 5 to 4.9 overnight, even though I only got 5 stars for days. It seems more like a mistake. My shop was 5 stars and after a few 5 stars it was 4.9? It's very strange.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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The yearly (12 month) rating will change  every day if you had some 5 star ratings that fell off today (those that were from March30, 2023) and may not have received enough to counter balance them .  More will roll off tomorrow  and any new ones will be added--so the 12 month average will change each time a review drops off or is added.

For the star seller program they count the past 3 months and it only changes 1 time a month on the 1st.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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@The purplePuppy

So the percentage change in 12 months could be the reason. I think that might be it then. And this can change every day, so I'll keep an eye out to see if it will be 5 again soon :)Thanks.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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YES! Exactly--you got it.  As long as you have  some reviews that are less and 5 stars it can yo yo as some new ones come on or the old non 5 tars drop off.  With 1472 reviews TOTAL I have one recent 4 star one and my  percentage remains at 4.9 and probably will have until that 4 star drops off. 

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Betreff: 4.9 shop rating

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waren es nicht die letzten drei Monate?

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Betreff: 4.9 shop rating

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The shop's star rating includes ratings from the last 12 months.


Star Seller rating includes ratings from the last 3 months.

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Betreff: 4.9 shop rating

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My store had 5 stars and after a few 5 stars it changed to 4.9 in the app. 5 stars in the browser.

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Betreff: 4.9 shop rating

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I looked at your reviews and you had 3 , 5 star reviews that dropped off on Mar 29, 2023, but your last review for this year 2024 occured on March 23 so you "lost" those 3 from last year in your average--that is why it went down.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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It probably means you have had a larger number of good reviews drop off, than the number of new ones you have

it's a rolling 12 month period

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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5 stars in the browser, 4.9 in the app. Since then I got new 5 stars and then it went down, it's weird.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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It can't be "since then" as you have not had a new review since MArch 23rd and you have had several 5 star reviews "dropped". IT is at @CraftyCornishMaids  and I have both said--it is a "rolling" average.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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We may have a language barrier. I'm giving up--carry on! 

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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@ The PurplePuppy Thank you very much for your help and encouragement:) Only copying in google translator slowed down my response. Thanks everyone, I understand now!

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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your last review was 23rd March 2024

last year, between 24th March and 29th march , you have had 12 x 5* reviews drop out of the count

24 march 2023 - 2
27th mar - 4
29th Mar - 3
28th Mar - 3

It is not a bug, you just have less 5* reviews in the last 12 months, than you had before - 12 less - so it will affect your overall rating

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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Thank you very much, I understand now. Not a language barrier. Thanks for the quick answers! I totally get it now.

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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I know that it does seemingly drop overnight, without any "new" or recent review activity; mine sat on 5 for months and then suddenly dropped but if you look at the dates that happened and when the last 4 star review was published, it actually makes sense. 

4.9 is not a bad average score at all, it's so close to 5/5 anyway and I know we all want to provide a great experience to our customers but we can still do that without having a perfect feedback rating. 

It's not that feedback never makes an impact on people's purchasing decisions, but for most people 4.9 (or anywhere in the 4's) is still enough for them to work with a seller, unless all the recent reviews have been awful and that 4 star average is going to continue to decline. 

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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I actually laughed when I got the 4 star. The buyer  loved the item but she said her DOG hated it! LOL

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Re: 4.9 shop rating

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Thank you very much for your help and encouragement:) Only copying in google translator slowed down my response. Thanks everyone, I understand now.

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