Someone gave me the code for the 100 free Etsy listing yesterday. I didn't know it was not for everyone. My 100 credits disapeared today around noon. They came back tonight. I have now 100 listing credits. The fact is I don't know if I was elligible. I never receive Etsy emails (even if in my account they are turned on and I added emails adresses to my autorized list).
I list almost everyday. I have to list tomorrow, I don't want trouble...
Thank you
Sorry for ortograph mistakes
You may not be able to use them unless you were invited by Etsy to do so.
Even if they are visible on my Etsy listings managing page?
I didn't get an email and just used the code people were giving out, and I got a free one. I just checked my account to be sure, and it didn't charge me for a new listing and said it was one of my free 100.
I wish they won't sanction anyone ... We did not have the information. Usually promo code that are not for us just doesn't work
Where did this code come from?
Etsy emailed it to select people, but then someone shared it on social media and a lot of people used it.
And of course the person did not mention where it comes from and for who it was 🤦
If they were taken away then given back then I don't think there will be a problem.
The worst they will do is charge you for the listings you were going to list anyway.
I hope so ! Thank you
My English is not good enough to understand everything. Thank you
Credits disapeared.
I did two listings (that I paid) and my page bug while listing. My shop is up and down...