Why is the problem called (Resolved)?
@Alphabeticals I'm still seeing many posts re: this. Here is a larger one (look towards the end where there are posts re: still having trouble).
ETA: I also can no longer see the post which says "RESOLVED" re: this issue.
Thank You very much for the link to the "Resolved" Thread.
Can't understand why so many are still having trouble.
Sometimes (not always) my cursor acts weird in general ("touchy" is a better way to describe it). When I'm trying to select something for example (this also happened about a week ago on a Word Doc., so I thought my cursor needed batteries).
Other times words will jump slightly on the Forum as I'm typing. Again I attributed it to a cursor oddity. We also purchased a new mouse some time ago because it got pretty bad. But this is something which comes & goes for me with this mouse.