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My apologies for being a bit distant recently. My lovely furry Avatar's health issues worsening & we may have to make a sad decision soon.

Well Trump appears to be getting ready for VP Biden, already sharpening the "sleepy" pencil, he's staying steady with the "crazy" for Sen. Sanders & "mini" for Mike Bloomberg holding true. 

Oh to just discuss issues & not be dragged down by childish name-calling would be so refreshing even if just for a day.

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@JMOldeVintage  sorry to hear about your kitty, it is never easy to let them go

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Crafty Poster

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Had to put mine down several years ago and still haven't gotten another cat

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Crafty Poster

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Sorry about your sweetie. I wish we had the old forum back right now, but nesting my sympathies with you right here. The more we love them the more they break our hearts but who would want to miss out on the love?


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"President Trump's campaign has filed a multimillion-dollar libel lawsuit against The Washington Post, claiming the newspaper knowingly published false claims that Trump engaged in a conspiracy with Russia concerning U.S. presidential elections.

The lawsuit, filed Monday in a Washington, D.C., federal court, comes a week after the Trump campaign filed a similar suit against The New York Times.

The lawsuit cites two Washington Post opinion pieces from June 2019, one which said that then-special counsel Robert Mueller concluded that the Trump campaign “tried to conspire with” a “sweeping and systematic” attack by Russia in the 2016 election. 

A second article stated “who knows what sort of aid Russia and North Korea will give to the Trump campaign, now that he has invited them to offer their assistance?”
OPINION PIECE - Is this possibly just another way to try & control the Media?
Then the multitude of Trump's tweets thanking all the "Super Tuesday" States for voting for him in the primary - wow, I'm impressed.
Florida Votes soon, but as a NPA in a closed primary State I do not get to cast a ballot - until November. 
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Jill Biden, y'all!  The comments on Twitter had me smiling, first thing this morning!

Almost everything else in the news is gloomy, and I've been spending long days with a relative in the hospital.

Coffee and Dr. Biden will fuel me today!

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@PillowDetails Just wanted to say I hope your relative makes a full and speedy recovery! I just went through this with my mom who spent almost a week in the hospital. I spent almost all my waking ( and sleeping hours there.) Quite stressful... so I get that! 

Heres to positive news and coffee!

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@PillowDetails  & @That70sChickVintage  - Oh I understand the feelings when a loved one is ill. Our Moms both made it into their 90's but there were times of stress & worry. We were happy to have had them for so long & we now get to envision them having a wonderful time with our Dad(s)!

I am also ready to break out into a short happy dance. My furry gal's health is right now being affected by dental issues. Blood work for everything else good (for her problems) & the Vet is willing to do her dental work/cleaning. We're going to risk it & have it done when given the all clear. Oh what we don't do for them. Now will be hoping her brother doesn't get too upset that there's going to be a night coming up with no grazing food down!

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Trump will get reelected at this rate, Oh well History repeats itself It's a for sure thing Sander supporter will not vote for Biden.

I have lost total faith in the Democratic Party. I will vote blue no matter who this election but after that my support for the democratic party & participation in future votes is done. 

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"Congress has agreed to provide $8 Billion to fight Coronavirus! This means @CDCgov@HHSGov, and @DHSgov will have the resources they need to Keep America Safe and keep the risk to workers and families very low. This is great news for our Health, our Economy, and our Nation!"

Trump's Tweet this evening. Okay, now it's his idea for the $8 Billion - when last week the amount was maybe $2.5 Billion? 

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"The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing, and we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place at a much more accurate and rapid fashion. That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision.’

That’s President Donald Trump deflecting the criticism his administration has been facing over its response to the coronavirus.

The comments were made during a meeting with airline executives at the White House on Wednesday...."

Apparently Trump's remarks about a ruling (that may not have even taken effect) that Pres. Obama's Admin wanted tests run by &/or created by CDC/NIH & results confirmed thru them & not just allow tests to be developed &/or processed by Corporations or other facilities with possibly little to no oversight by CDC. Am now waiting for Trump to outright blame Pres. Obama for the virus.

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I do believe the US needs more than just its two traditional political parties. The GOP has gone way off the tracks in three years & the Democrats almost seem reluctant to be leaders & innovative.
Pres. Obama had begun trying to tilt the political arena in favor of "regular citizens" with the ACA for example, was practical enough to work with our Allies on issues such as middle east & had enough foresight to join the Paris Climate Accord etc. Do wonder what he could have done in the 2008 Financial Crisis hadn't occurred. 
For reasons (known or unknown) Trump got elected & thru his bullying & vilification of anything related to Pres. Obama or that hints of having to work with our Allies or make a sacrifice here or there for the freakin' future of the planet, the Democrats seem to have gone in "Defense Mode". Instead of getting out & acting, they appear to be simply trying to hold a line in the sand, get reelected & hoping to win the Presidential Election in Nov. thru a call for decency. 
It will be interesting to see what happens in November. 

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Trump's Morning Tweet: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats, in particular MSDNC. Comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made!"

One of Various News Reports on Trump's Fox/Hannity Appearance Last Night:

"President Donald Trump on Wednesday night spun a web of theories minimizing the coronavirus' threat to Americans, accusing the World Health Organization of dispensing inaccurate facts about the outbreak and suggesting that those with the disease could be safe going to work.

During expansive remarks on Fox News host Sean Hannity's program, the president continued to break with public health officials' more dire messaging regarding the international crisis and forcefully contradicted the WHO, which earlier in the week pegged the global mortality rate for the coronavirus at 3.4 percent.

"Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild. They'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor," Trump said.

"You never hear about those people. So you can't put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So you just can't do that," he continued. "So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better."

The president's comments came after the House of Representatives approved Wednesday an $8.3 billion emergency spending package to tackle the burgeoning disaster, and as California reported the 11th coronavirus death in the U.S., the first fatality outside of Washington state. But that cost to human life did not align with the WHO's statistics, the president argued.

"When you do have a death — like you had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, believe you had one in New York — you know, all of a sudden, it seems like 3 or 4 percent, which is a very high number, as opposed to a fraction of 1 percent," Trump told Hannity. Although 11 cases have been reported in New York, no deaths in the state have been officially attributed to the coronavirus.

"But again, they don't know about the easy cases because the easy cases don't go to the hospital. They don't report to doctors or the hospital, in many cases," Trump said. "So I think that that number is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent.""

Trump only has himself to blame for any media reports - his hunches should tell him that.

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trump is back to referring to his anonymous sources. He bases his stupidity on on "a lot of conversations with a lot of people.

People will go to have it confirmed whether or not they have the coronavirus.  Vancouver has an 80 yr old woman in hospital in critical condition. She was visiting relatives in India. trump & his entourage were just in India. How many germs has trump brought back with him?

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No witch hunt and no trump is not exonerated.

A federal judge on Thursday sharply criticized Attorney General William P. Barr’s handling of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, saying that Mr. Barr put forward a “distorted” and “misleading” account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.

Mr. Barr could not be trusted, Judge Reggie B. Walton said, citing “inconsistencies” between the attorney general’s statements about the report when it was secret and its actual contents that turned out to be more damaging to President Trump.

The judge ordered the Justice Department to privately show him the portions of the report that were censored in the publicly released version so he could independently verify the justifications for those redactions. The ruling came in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking a full-text version of the report.

The differences between the report and Mr. Barr’s description of it “cause the court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller report to the contrary,” wrote Judge Walton

Among those Judge Walton cited: Mr. Barr’s obfuscation about the scope of the links that investigators found between the Trump campaign and Russia, and how the report documented numerous episodes that appear to meet the criteria for obstruction of justice, echoing the complaints of many critics of Mr. Barr’s summary of the report.


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"President Trump's reelection campaign is suing CNN for defamation, filing its third lawsuit in two weeks against a major media outlet over opinion columns about Russian efforts to assist his 2016 presidential bid.

The lawsuit is accusing CNN of publishing a libelous opinion piece on its website about Russia's efforts to influence U.S. elections.

"The statements were and are 100 percent false and defamatory," Jenna Ellis, a legal adviser for the campaign, said in a statement. "The complaint alleges CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published them, but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign, while misleading its own readers in the process. Further, the campaign, through counsel, sent a written demand to CNN on February 25, 2020 to retract and apologize for the false and defamatory statements."

Is Trump's campaign running or trying to silence something? See TheShoppingMoll's post above - are these lawsuits in any way "linked"(?) 

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It looks like their response to Judge Walton ordering DOJ to show him the portions of the report that were censored in Barr's publicly released version

Among those Judge Walton cited: Mr. Barr’s obfuscation about the scope of the links that investigators found between the Trump campaign and Russia, and how the report documented numerous episodes that appear to meet the criteria for obstruction of justice.

The NYT is being sued because, the lawsuit states the opinion piece doesn't allege or refer to any solid proof that a quid pro quo took place between the 2016 campaign and Russia. 

trump threatened to sue CNN back in October, so waited until now to see if this will bolster his numbers.

Attorneys said such a lawsuit, if filed, would go nowhere.

“Any such lawsuit, at least based on the statute specifically identified so far, is nothing more than a PR stunt designed to rev up the president’s political base," said Bradley Moss, an attorney who specializes in national security and transparency issues.

Biden is beating Bernie, Dow Jones has crashed back to 2008, Coronavirus is devastating travel & casinos, he is still impeached.

Congress doesn't get anything done, so the House should take over running the WH.







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While the Las Vegas Visitors and Convention Authority (LVVCA) is coordinating with the US Travel Association and other health agencies to stay on top of the coronavirus situation, several companies and trade groups said this week they are canceling or postponing meetings scheduled to be held in Las Vegas.

trump is mulling over a bailout for the travel & casino industry. US national debt will skyrocket again

It’s not yet clear how any efforts to bolster the travel and leisure industry could potentially benefit President Trump’s own interests in the sector, including a Las Vegas venue in which the president partners with friend and donor Phil Ruffin.

1 case of the Coronavirus is reported in Las Vegas.

A neighbour told me her friend was just in LV and said that it was completely dead.

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This is not 2008, with a global financial crisis. Yes, there will be some Corporations suffering great loss due to the Virus. But in the end, a bail out package of the Tourism Industry - another omg moment. There's talk of a temporary lowering of withholding taxes (so folks have more money to spend). What are they going to spend it on - more hording of toilet tissue & sanitary wipes? When you hear that the main idea on how to solve a problem is to "throw money at it" instead of Calm, Scientific, Steady Leadership you shake your head. 

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"We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!"

Trump's morning tweet. He really just doesn't get it. A POTUS should not attack, should not get defensive. Just act based on what your Scientists & Doctors at CDC, etc. are stating.

One CDC linked Doctor (& maybe others?) now recommending that "older people" avoid large crowds especially indoor events, cancel travel plans & be prepared to live for 2 weeks on whatever you have in your home. This also be recommended for those with chronic health conditions. The kicker - "older people" are cited as Age 60 Plus.
The cashier & bagger at my local grocery store yesterday were over that age. They may work for "something to do", so supplement their retirement income or because they need the funds. 
But hey, the State of Florida working with the Cruise Industry - which of course leads to tourism $$ for the State. In the meantime, Trump's inane tweets could lead to serious problems for some.

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CDC and WHO are issuing the most fact and science based assessments and precautions. Yes, they recommend for elderly and in particular elderly people with health issues avoid travel, large crowds, and medically compromised to just stay home as much as possible. And stock up on food and medicines, limit trips to the grocery store, etc.  We DON’T know when or where the next cluster will be and this demographic in particular needs to exercise great caution. 

Trump obviously cares only about his numbers. Period. If he gave two sh-its about the American people, he would quit spewing his absolute BS, and present the facts.. not some Bull about how it’s all under control. For Gods Sake, he wanted the cruiseliner to stay at sea in SF, because he “didn’t want the US Covid numbers to go up.” He went on at his rally how we “ haven’t had anyone die...” I think that was last week. Now how many have? And how many are walking around not even knowing, passing it along to others because they lagged on getting the tests out, and acted as if something like this could never happen here in the first place. So many missteps, and lives lost because of it. 

Of all the disgusting, self serving lies he has told, the cons he has pulled.... and there are too many to count... this takes the cake. 


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"How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S."

On Saturday Jan. 11 — a month and a half before the first Covid-19 case not linked to travel was diagnosed in the United States — Chinese scientists posted the genome of the mysterious new virus, and within a week virologists in Berlin had produced the first diagnostic test for the disease.

Soon after, researchers in other nations rolled out their own tests, too, sometimes with different genetic targets. By the end of February, the World Health Organization had shipped tests to nearly 60 countries.

The United States was not among them.

Why the United States declined to use the WHO test, even temporarily as a bridge until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could produce its own test, remains a perplexing question and the key to the Trump administration’s failure to provide enough tests to identify the coronavirus infections before they could be passed on....."
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Definitely do not mean to be cranky (I hate daylight savings time/standard time changes) nor trying to alarm anyone. However, and maybe it's my age showing, while in school we learned the factual dates of the Great Depression, what happened when during WWII, but I also heard first hand tales of those unforgettable years. Even though children/preteens during the Depression, the time made a lasting impression on our parents. Dad's brother refused to eat even day-old bread & every morning meant a trip to the local bakery. My Dad would eat Anything you put in front of him & I mean anything. Mom, well she didn't get rid of even the smallest scrap of paper & underwear with holes was something you wore and if they finally wore out, you saved the elastic - for??? WWII was a time of rationing, moving about the Country due to a spouse's base transfer or being sent overseas & so now back to the extended family kids in tow. People were asked to make sacrifices & they did so.

Now it's as if the thoughts of people making sacrifices, of doing "stuff" differently, delaying plans, whatever, is such a foreign or even horrible idea. Trump seems to be so focused on the monetary aspects, more focused on making sure everything keeps looking rosy for the November elections, instead of being/acting like a POTUS.

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He doesn't know how to handle a real crisis that he has little control over, other than letting experts handle it. His go-to claim of 'Dem hoax' backfired, his lies are making things worse so he is lost and goes golfing and retweets crap from qanon.

It is scary that some of his followers on twitter are buying his crap and they might endanger themselves or others. Best advice, ignore everything trump says.

I am not too worried but do have chronic health issues so am just staying home, getting an early start on spring cleaning. My guy is still going to work but just taking care for now. Tricky when symptoms might not show for a couple weeks but just trying to balance caution with panic.

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Trump Tweet This Morning:
"The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”"

What exactly is "the average American"? Again, this statement may be perfectly fine for a 30-something who is healthy. Yet when the NIH says people over 60 or those with pre-existing conditions (which I understood to even include controlled issues) should avoid this or that, take extra precautions, I believe that Trump is sending at best an incomplete message. He really just needs to quit the commentary, stop the "snake governor" of Washington tweets or blasting Gov. Cuomo of N.Y. for airing his frustrations on the current Admin/POTUS mixed messaging. 

Trump's Last Tweet this Morning: "The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country!"  Yes, I know it's an election year, but really can't he just try & be presidential(?) for once.

Finicky - I agree about the "balancing caution". As retired old f*rts we can adapt our schedule much easier limiting our interaction with "the general public". So we're doing a few things differently & have opted to finish up at home projects. 


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