Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

If you are unable to make any (or even some) changes to your Pattern site, PLEASE report it.  I just had a long back and forth with Pattern support, and it is an issue they are already working on, and I was told that reporting it helped them determine how wide-spread it was.  So please let them know so they can hopefully prioritize correctly.

Just to clarify what I reported/what I'm seeing: I started by trying to change my button colors.  After hitting Publish, it said it published, but when I tried to go Back, it told me I had unsaved changes. And the changes did not appear on my website. I also tried changing my theme with the same results.  So for me, it doesn't appear I can make any website design changes.

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57 Replies

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I am having the same issue, how can we report it? The pattern “success center” no longer exists 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

If you go here:


And click "I still need help", it will take you to the page where you can open a chat, which I highly recommend, since it seems likely they will have to forward your information on.  


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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I'm having exactly the same problem, started about 3 weeks ago.  First noticed I could not edit my banner/announcement text; hit "DONE" and it bounced back to the outdated text.  Now I can't change any of the design attributes: button/background color, font, etc. Although "preview" looks correct, if I hit "publish" the notice "your changes have been published- view your site" appears, but nothing changes.

I can still edit content in the text blocks on the pages, and the blog publisher works but none of the design features.  I have been sending chats every few days and I'm told "please be patient while we work on the issue".


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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Thank you for reporting it repeatedly.  Honestly, they obviously broke something, it doesn't seem like it should be that hard to fix.  (And I have a background in programming.)  It shouldn't take this long.


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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Exactly, I can't do anything. None of my changes are saved

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I've been trying to update -- or delete!-- my now outdated  Announcement for 6 weeks.   Wasted time getting on Chat twice.  They say 'the tech team is working on it' and will get back to me.  Seems like Pattern is not a priority for Etsy as they aren't making fees on the site sales?

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Same issue here this week. Helps to know that I'm not alone. I spent forever online with Support who was unable to help and didn't seem aware of the issue. I'll use the report link. Thank you!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

So frustrating.  I'm stuck with an extended sale because I can't change my banner!!  That feels like a priority issue (to me any way!).

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I have exactly this problem - my prices are wrong at the top which must be affecting sales. I reported it about 3 weeks ago and they said they were working on it - and it's still not fixed. It can't be that hard like the other poster said. Or just give us a workround or just delete the option for now! Ive complained again today asking for a progress report. 


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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Same,  I have a sale from Christmas and I'm offering a 5% off not a 10% right now. 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Having the same exact problems, and I can't believe this is still an issue after an initial post, that was three weeks ago. This is absurd! 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

@DexterFluffingtonCo have you reported it?  I feel like only if enough of us complain will they fix it.  Which is unacceptable, given that it makes Pattern pretty much useless.  It is completely absurd!  

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

This has been an issue for me for maybe 2 months 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I have reported it. But I feel like we're all complaining into a void.  It's like Etsy has abandoned ship on pattern. But I'll try to send out several more complaints, doubt I will get a reply though

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I'm having the same issue and I reported it. It seems like they're not doing anything to fix it. II don't want to keep paying for something that does not work right. 'm thinking of moving my domain to shopify. 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Did they ever get it fixed for you? It is doing the same thing for me now. 


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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I also think if we all ban together and ask to have the monthly fee waived until it's fixed they may actually do something to fix it!

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Great idea, but how would we go about asking for this?  Class Action Lawsuit is about the only way to get a corporation's attention (in the US that is) 😞

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Same here! I reported it today. Hope it gets fixed soon. 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I just reported this problem and they told me their engineering team is aware and are actively trying to fix it.... Guess we'll see.

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I reported it too. So frustrating. I feel like a fool for signing up.

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I submitted a ticket, and today I contacted support via a chat  for the 2nd time to again bring this issue to their attention. I opened my Pattern site on February 23rd, so I have about a week left in my free 30-day trial. I really wanted this to work. I like the idea of having the same inventory, titles, description, etc. Those of you who have had Pattern for awhile, how typical are issues with this platform? Maybe I should just jump ship now. 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

@earthgrowncrayons there typically aren't issues.  But that's because Etsy never touches Pattern.  It hasn't made any changes or additions to it pretty much since it was released.  As such, I guess something like this was bound to happen. 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I was hopeful this was an issue that would be fixed relatively quick, but I see this has been on going for over a month. So strange that with this many folks having the same issue, it wouldn't be a priority for them (Etsy) to fix. I just signed up for Pattern late last week in hopes to save a little on my website cost (switching over from Shopify @$40+/mo), but it appears I shouldn't pull that plug just yet. 

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