If you are unable to make any (or even some) changes to your Pattern site, PLEASE report it.  I just had a long back and forth with Pattern support, and it is an issue they are already working on, and I was told that reporting it helped them determine how wide-spread it was.  So please let them know so they can hopefully prioritize correctly.

Just to clarify what I reported/what I'm seeing: I started by trying to change my button colors.  After hitting Publish, it said it published, but when I tried to go Back, it told me I had unsaved changes. And the changes did not appear on my website. I also tried changing my theme with the same results.  So for me, it doesn't appear I can make any website design changes.

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

OMG!  I just made a change to my site and it STUCK!

I only changed button colors, so I haven't given it a thorough testing, but give it a go!  


It only took 2 months..... 

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Has anyone else checked their site?  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

wow….they finally addressed the issue! Can confirm that Pattern actually published the changes I’ve been trying to make the last few weeks. Hope this works for everyone else as well!   

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Yay!  Finally able to delete old/ add a new Announcement. 'Squeaky wheels' unite!! ðŸ™‚ 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

I take full credit as they fixed it right after I gave up and canceled. (Jk) Lol.

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Post Crafter

Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Bonjour à tous ! J'ai eu le problème que vous en Février 2024 quand j'ai relooké ma boutique pattern pour la st Valentin en rouge. Et ensuite impossible de : changer la couleur des boutons et le message de la bannière en haut de la page d'accueil. Après des essais tous les jours, les contacts sans issue avec le support et chat etsy, J'AI REUSSI A TROUVER !!!!!!

Explications :

- click droit pour inspecter la page

- laissez ouvert le panneau

- faire vos modification

- et publier !

Quelle joie quand ça a enfin marché ! J'ai pu ENFIN changer la couleur des boutons + le message d'accueil !

J'espère que ça marchera pour vous aussi !

De mon côté, je n'y touche plus de peur que ça recommence ! Bonne chance !

Sinon, toujours des problèmes avec pattern :

- des commandes qui ne sont pas visible (articles toujours dans le panier du client)

- non réception de mail de confirmation après une commande

- non réception de mail d'envoi du colis avec n° de suivi !

Il serait temps pour moi de faire une VRAI BOUTIQUE (shopify ou Woocommerce) lié à ETSY

En espérant vous avoir aider !

Bien à vous



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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!

Months and months and months of problems, all while we all pay this useless fee.  Not one reply from Etsy here.
This is so disappointing.

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Re: Unable to Make Changes to Pattern Site - Please Report to Etsy!


Etsy wouldn't reply here.  It's not their team.

And you should be able to update your Pattern site now.  That issue has been fixed, as noted above.

If you have other Pattern issues, you should contact Etsy directly.

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