Hi everyone and welcome!

Thank you very much for joining this team! I hope to build a great little community of geeks artists where we can all support one another!

Let's take a moment to introduce ourselves here.

Tell us about you, your shop, how you got into art or any other details you'd like to share!

My name is Emma, I have been working on my artwork & online shop full time for a little over a year now thanks to the support of my awesome husband. I love crafting, nothing makes me happier. I enjoy trying all kinds of new techniques and mediums. My shop has a little something for all different kinds of interests and I love doing custom commissions!
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Re: Introduce yourself


I'm Sarah from GeekyPixelations, which can be found here:

I'm still kind of new to Etsy so my shop is still in the "getting started" phase. I make sprites from video games/movies/tv/geekdom in general out of perler (fuse) beads.

My Facebook page is still relatively new, too, but you can find me here:

I'm job searching right now so this shop is taking up a lot of my time (to keep me from insanity) and I'm taking advantage of it! Ideas for new things to make are always welcome. :D

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce yourself

I enjoyed looking at everyone's intro posts. Everyone here makes such cool and creative products.

Like I mentioned in other topic discussions, my passion is character pillows. I'm always designing new patterns and looking out for fabrics to use for my creations. Right now I enjoy doing Doctor Who themed pillow plushies.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi everyone Peter from Maine. I have been an artist all my life. working on animation sculpting or painting. Nice to meet you all just started an etsy shop so check it out if you get a chance.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Heyyy everyone, thanks for being so welcoming!

I've been on Etsy for a few years but recently opened a second shop for my current projects. I'm a big video game addict, mostly fantasy RPGs online and off :) So when I'm not crafting I am definitely gardening or gaming. I also love comics and reading anything about magic, dragons, wizards etc. 'Geeks' are the best people, I'm glad to be part of the team! Wishing you all well and the best of luck with your shops!

You can find me on facebook...
and my other shop....

Leave me a link and I'll like your pages and follow as well!
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi there! New to the team. I do images with spaceships... Might be branching out to cryptozoology at some point, but we'll see!

Nice to meet you all!

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Re: Introduce yourself


My name is Dustin. I have loved all things comics since I was very young and my grandfather would take me to the local comic shop. I have accumulated a vast collection of all kinds of comics and have decided to use them to create fun decor and home goods for all comic and superhero lovers to enjoy. Currently I create wood letters and frames from all different kinds of comics. I am toying with other ideas and will be adding to my shop all kinds of comic inspired goods. My shop is Called Comic Craft Shop, and I invite all to check it out.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Hello :) I am from Michigan. I married my high school sweetheart...who brought me even further into the dork side ;) He is a HUGE comic book enthusiast!!! We love comic books (his favorites are Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, Hawkman, mine are WW, Impulse, Transmet, Preacher). We LOVE Doctor Who and are raising a little lady who is fully embracing the things we love. She is a huge Doctor Who fan and loves dressing up as superheroes and playing with her action figures (and the ones she claimed from mommy and daddy's collections ;) ) I just got started selling the jewelry I make out of used comic books.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi all! I'm Annie.

I am a big comics fan, particularly Marvel. My favorite characters are Black Widow and Captain Marvel.

I have been making friendship bracelets for years as I work at a girl scout camp during the summer. I recently started making fandom/character themed bracelets for my friends and then realized that I could sell them on etsy. I've currently got Marvel, DC, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and Game of Thrones themed bracelets and am working on adding more fandoms.
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Re: Introduce yourself


We are a very small company (3 person) established in Montreal. We worked towards releasing our first game for the last 2 years, and now here it is :)
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Re: Introduce yourself


As you can see from my pic, my shop is all things geek! I convert comics, movie stills and picture books into jewellery. No images are ever printed by me, they have to be found by scavenging comic shops, op shops and wherever I can get my hands on the printed page.

Happy to be part of a geeky community.
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Re: Introduce yourself

We decided to branch out and add Perler Bead Art to our store:
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi team! My name is Cat, I'm from the Metro Detroit, Michigan area. My store is The Ramen Empire, I mainly sell anime, video game, and comic book themed items. I mostly focus on vinyl decals and jewelry, but I'm for sure looking to branch out even more. I am a huge nerd when it comes to (as I'm sure you can guess) anime, video games, and comics. I like playing RPG's and MMO's, I'm a crazy cat lady, and pickles are my favorite food! I love drawing, collecting action figures, and anything with glitter!
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hello, everyone! I'm Kristen and I sell illustrated work in shop. I grew up with video games and they're partly why I decided to go into an art career. Nintendo series have always had a soft with me, so I've begun selling my Pokemon fan art in my shop. Animal Crossing will be getting its own listing soon too!

It's a pleasure to meet you all! =)
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Re: Introduce yourself

My name is Johnny. Me and my girlfriend Amy own Frankey's Lab. We are located just a little outside the Savannah area. We had what we thought were some pretty funny Geeky ideas so we started making stuff and going to local comic cons. Our items have been well received at these events so decided to try Etsy. We do mostly vinyl on tshirts but have lots of other things too such as sublimated steins and mouse pads. Glad to be a member with some fellow geeks.
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Re: Introduce yourself

My name is Brian and I like to make things. Mostly things that I like and have always wanted but hopefully, they appeal to others, as well (they're mostly from video games, movies, books).

I joined Etsy mostly out of desperation when I was at a low point of my life: I had a 9 to 5. And I had one for many years. And it was killing me. I'm not a normal functioning person: I hate routines, habits, and falling into patterns. Having to wake up every morning and working the grind for scraps from some higher up; it was really killing inside. I wasn't making anything!

I started my shop about a year and a half ago but didn't really start adding to it regularly until about a year ago. I left my job before it closed up and have not looked back since, working on my shop to make end's meet. Needless to say, it's not been easy.

And it still isn't easy! Because the eclectic and niche-y nature of my items, as well as the intense nature of my working habits, I don't have much but what I do sell is made to the best of my abilities and to my expectations.

Ultimately, I hope to do well enough with this shop to fund what I really want to do: I want to make films and shorts. Most of my money earned goes to amassing equipment to making quality videos (after it goes to the things that matter, anyway). In fact, everything I make, I make under the assumption that it is for a film or needs to be up to that film-quality.

Anyway, enough of my rant: my name is Brian, and I make stuff. Hope you like.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi, I'm Cris! I used to sell jewelry at a lot of cons and craft fairs, but a few years ago CFS derailed everything :-P Spoonie Pride!

This month I started a second etsy shop (not this one) to make simpler jewelry that's easier to keep up with b/c CFS. However, this now gives me license to go completely over the top with my old shop (this 'un) in geekery, cosplay items, and super elaborate work when I have the spoons for it. So I'm looking forward to that :-)

Also trying to find more community on Etsy itself, b/c I don't have the energy to sell at cons anymore, sadly. So hi! Lets be weird together!

Favorite fandoms are probably Babylon 5, Doctor Who (tho I don't like teh new series anymore, *shrugs*), Catherynne Valente's books, and Harry Potter.

I'm kindof a poser with the GoT pieces I have in the shop, I only read the first book and haven't seen the show yet. I'm afraid that once I do I'll want to make all the costumes >_<
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi, my name is Ashly. I am a first year middle school English teacher, and I became especially engulfed in the arts during my master's program. It started with ATCs but has since spread out to spray paint and decoden amongst other mediums. :) I am a gamer and my ultimately obsession is Dragon Ball Z. I just started playing Xenoverse. So fun!

I mostly post mashup and fanart on canvases, in frames, and as ATCs, but now I'm offering decoden jars (and more to come), as well as perler bead earrings (made and designed by my little sis). :)
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hello Emma,

My name is Nikita Grieson, I am the owner and founder of Notorious Nikki Art, I've had my shop since 2007. Back then it was simple, and I just stuck to traditional art, using pens and pencils. However, over the years, my tastes grew and I wanted to try new things. Then one day, I was toying the with idea of making hair bows, while using bottle caps from glass bottles as the centerpiece to my bow. After making my first one, which was Deadpool, I fell in love with the concept and I've made well over 50 bows, but my business only does okay. It's not where I want it to be, but it's a work in progress...

I have sooo many different kinds of hair bows. I even have key chains, necklaces, earrings (work in progress), pins/buttons! I've expanded my shop quite a bit. Originally it was only to be geeky related, however, I found that the more I was commissioned, the more people wanted a variety of themes. So, I am not just limited to geeky, but that is what I pride my work on.

Also, I presently live in Las Vegas, NV.

I would be most happy if others found the same joy in my items that I've found in creating them.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi guys, I'm Edward :)

Gamer, collector, model builder, total geek :)

Use code GAME10 for 10% off your order in my shop :)

Maybe The Force Be With You
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Re: Introduce yourself


My name is Curtis and I do most of the business end for Snapdragon Lingerie, while my wife Victoria does the design, sourcing and sewing! We make geek inspired lingerie for all sizes.

We are still fairly new to this all. But it has been a fun journey so far. We tend to visit a lot of the comic conventions in Western Canada, hawking our wares.

We both loves geekdom culture so really its a great fit for us. Thanks for letting us join!

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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi, I'm Uta and I'm selling perlers. My shop is still poor, but I'm planning on making more VN-related works soon.
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Re: Introduce yourself


I’m Amber of The Loot Lair and we’re based in Cornwall in the UK
I make inspired and custom weird, wonderful, geeky / nerdy and funny items in different mediums. In my fuzzy past I did a lot of what you could call Larping at renaissance faires in the USA, I miss it 
I love fantasy, gaming (mainly RPGs – fantasy and action), marvel and tabletop gaming. I like to invent little stories to go with my items, not sure if anyone reads them, but they make me laugh. Check em out and tell me what you think

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Re: Introduce yourself

Hi, I am Paul.

Thank you for letting me join this group.

My Etsy store is called definemythreads.
I make baby grows with various Sci-fi, fantasy & geeky prints on!
I have worked in the promotional clothing industry for the past 10 years and combining that with my love for all things geeky & nerdy I have stared to build an ever growing range of baby grows.
Please take a look.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Hello! I'm Lisa and I'm new :)

I love being creative in all ways, yet recently I discovered the joy of sculpting little caricatures of fictional characters from all possible fandoms. It's just plain awesome to have a tiny 3D version of your favorite standing around, like toys for grown ups. My catalogue is still brandnew and has to grow a lot yet, still I hope to share the love and sell a thing or two of course!
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Re: Introduce yourself

My name is Marisa and my shop partner is Kassondra.

We do a combination of mostly embroidery/applique software designs and SVG designs, but we also have printable PDFs and posters. We also have teeshirts through another site not on etsy.

We've been doing this for a couple years and absolutely love it. I'm pretty much getting to do my dream job right now which is awesome!
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