I have been wondering for many months why the VAT element on Etsy's monthly invoices to sellers (for fees etc) is incorrect.
Every invoice I have download from Etsy shows an incorrect VAT amount. Surely the VAT should be 20% of the net value (I am based in the UK). However, it is always wrong. Sometimes by a few pence, sometimes by several pounds. I'm finding it difficult to balance my books because of this but also I am astounded that a large company such as Etsy can get away with issuing incorrect VAT invoices every single month.
I have read several threads already regarding sellers struggling with Etsy's complicated bookkeeping, so I am aware of several issues raised regarding this but I have not been able to find a thread on incorrect VAT invoices.
Any tips regarding bookkeeping? For my tax return, should I log the invoices as they are, i.e. with the wrong VAT and therefore the wrong total? Or should I calculate the correct VAT based on the net total?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you,
Did you have any joy with this? Experiencing the same issue. Etsy's VAT invoices show incorrect amounts to the dashboard and even within themselves have incorrect calculations e.g. Subtotal = 696.87, 20% should be £139.37 but they have it as £139.72.
I realise in that example its only pence but in other scenarios it's pounds worth of difference and like the original poster I'm astounded that Etsy is this bad!