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Hi all, I cannot be the only person who uses Evri via Parcel2Go to send parcels? Surprised that, as a market leader, they aren't available on the dropdown of delivery partners when completing an order with tracking. I currently use the "i-parcel" option to get the tracking information recorded on completed orders, and Etsy recognises the P2G tracking number on that up to the status of "pre-transit". Why do I use Evri via P2G, I hear you ask? Well, 1). I find their UI a lot easier to send and manage deliveries. 2). I can book multiple drop offs at once, but can hand them into the post office one at a time, unlike direct from Evri. If I want to book multiple drop offs, the bookings can't be split with Evri direct - I need to take them all in one go, which causes a problem if there is an unforeseen problem with 1 order on the same booking with 9 others. Plus, 3). the lack of support from Evri this past week has annoyed me to the point, I would rather use their service (which I rather like as far as deliveries go) via a third party, where the support is far superior. Wondering, what option in the drop down do other people select when sending a tracked parcel through Parcel2Go? Cheers! Trev 🙂
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Thought I'd try EVRI as an alternative to Royal Mail as the prices are very cheap for International shipping. I assume the commercial invoice is affixed to the parcel as well as the label? Problem I have noticed is the EVRI commercial invoice is not 4x6 labeller friendly for my label printer, by the time I messed about resizing it to fit on a 4x6 label, the text on it was so small it was unreadable, I'm assuming this would be a big issue. Anyone else advise how you are doing this if using EVRI ?
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Hi! I’ve started an Etsy shop making the best cakes & treats for dogs. I’d love to like fellow UK shops & show my support by liking your amazing items. I promise lots of cute dog pics & funny posts that’ll make you smile 😊 Marisa x
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Hi, So I have set up an Etsy Shop , (yey!). I have 1 Listing, which contains 124 items, linked back to another website that is my produce fulfillment, POD site. These items are Men's and Women's tees, Kitchen Aprons, Tea towels and Mugs. Trying to understand if this is the right way to set things up? I would appreciate ANYONE who has a *successful* store giving me some advice, (I'll give you a free product of your choice!). More than happy to set up a 30-minute Zoom so that you see what I have done, and offer some (expert) advice. Thanks
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Youtube chanel for creative people: You will find there free VIDEOS and MUSIC: for relaxation, inspiration and brain development, art, flowers, nature, sea, towns, travel, etc. For examples: Sea waves SOUND on sea sunset backdrop for relax or sleeping: Instrumental MUSIC for meditation: And chanel for CAT lovers: Funny cats & cute kittens & meowing cats & newborn kittens & street cats &home cats.
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