Hi teammates,

You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?

I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi everyone!
My name is Whiskers and I originally come from a small European country called Lithuania, although for the past 6 years I've considered myself a citizen of the world, a nomad looking for home. In 2015 I was visiting Colorado and met a long haired barista called Quinn. Him and I soon realised we can't and don't want to be apart, and recently we've decided to get married (we're currently waiting for the USCIS to approve our visa application!). That's where the name Transatlantica comes from - we're two people from the opposite sides of the ocean, trying to be together by selling graphic tees designed and handmade by us!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My store is called PrintedByYourself. Because of difficulties with shipping I thought of making my items only digital so that people can easily print it at home or at a copyshop. Therefore I called my shop Printed By Yourself, because everything bought can be printed by you :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I made a list of words related to things I like (e.g., cats, tea) and then did a ton of research to make sure I wasn't copying anyone. This name wasn't my first choice but it did result it a pretty darn cute logo :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Shop was originally going to be more Celtic and Irish Jewelry made by my husband(he does metal work) but that fell through a few weeks in since he has a lot of work to do. His family originally came from Ireland so thought it would be a good name I make a lot of the things now but are more random things(Western, Boho etc but still crafts...
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When I started making my bath bombs, I wanted them all to have jewelry inside, because I love baths, surprises and shiny things. I pictured how cute the logo would be to have a magpie (rumored to be attracted to and steal shiny objects) and the name was born of that!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Oh shut up.
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Not applicable

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I chose the name of my store CHIRAL after I hear this word in a well-known series named breaking bad. It has a Greek root and comes from the Greek word χερι which means hand.. So as a store of handmade jewelry i thought it is a great and different name..
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I am notorious for trying to come up with a shop name that I like that doesn't sound cutesy, doesn't indicate what I sell in case I want to entirely change the type of product I sell, and would be easy enough to remember!

For me, it either comes to me right away, or it takes literally YEARS and lotss of potential names on lists for that perfect name to come into view!

This shop, was originally called North Birdsong which was a name that came to me right away back in 2008, and I love birds so it was fairly easy. Since I deactivated it a few years ago to devote more time to my other shop - Pru Atelier, a name fashioned after the old English name Prudence - I wanted to come up with a different name so I could refresh the shop with a focus on supplies that I have by the carton-full.

So....after much mind-wringing, I came up with KOUSAsupply, as I've always loved the beautiful Japanese dogwood tree called Cornus Kousa with it's beautiful white flowers!

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I have not sold any bracelets at the moment. I've tried everything. I would like to be given recommendations, they look bad, it is the price. The important thing is that I like to make bracelets and I have to sell in order to continue doing them.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

What's Mapanò?
MA, for MAMMA in Italian (mom in English)
PA, for PAPA' in Italian (dad in English)
NO, for NONNO in Italian (grandfather in English)
Mapanò is a project that includes ideas and skills of all three!
A beautiful way to live my family and build something unique with people I love!
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Registered Buyer

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name is a combination of my two nationalities meaning My Dream. The Mi is spanish for My and the Sogno is Italian for Dream. So MiSogno means my dream in my two different nationalities!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Dream Out Loud Art came from the fact that I have always been a day-dreamer and I would always be dreaming up art creations and designs. Finally being able to put my creativity to work was like DREAMING OUT LOUD!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well I Iove art and I am really into metaphysics and I am kind of weird. So, one day I started a blog called coffee on the moon cause I thought how cool would it be to have coffee on the moon with friends. Then I thought how cool it would be to have an art gallery on the moon. And so I put the string of words together and Art on the Moon became my shop name as well as my website, www.artonthemoon.com
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Angelscmj... :) hm I have three kids C. M. J. my angels :) This is how my shop name was created.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi, Yo Contigo means "Me with you", these words are referred to my boyfriend who always says he wants to be with me at all the time no matter where I may go.So intricated in our relationship are these words so WE decided the shop should be called as so.Some months ago we made a small tattoo inside our wrist, and as you can observe all our bracelets those special words appear.
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Not applicable

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Mine is pretty basic, but I like it! Just my name + crafts!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My children's nick names are LuLu (aka Kinta) and Jer, short for Jeremy. LuLuAndJers for Etsy, aka LuLu & Jer's!

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My company name is Jamberson.

James + Amber + Son = Jamberson

We consist of a husband and wife team ...and a son. The son doesn't really help, but we love him just the same and find constant inspiration in his unusual ways.

We wanted a name that invoked an old world feel, yet was playful as well. It was mainly Amber's idea. She is very wise. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I'm literally in a room while I do everything. :P
Also, it's because I do other things than just make charm bracelets. I draw, I photog, and am thinking about figure design soon, so having it named as such just makes it easier and broad.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

The name I have for my shop chose me. Even if the word" of" is a bad marketing idea and a no-no, I just had to have this name, because my whole shop is bits of clay in Precious Metal Clay and polymer clay, incorporating semi-precious gems, freshwater pearls, dichroic glass, cubic zirconia stones and sterling silver findings. That's it!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Registered Buyer

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I have two ornamental plum trees near my studio - and then they suddenly starting fruiting little plums last spring! That's how I came up with my shop name <3
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

It was a poem that my boyfriend has written...La grande plume. Wich means The great feather. He is passionate about Native americans and it was just in my mind at this point. Then the more I thought about it and repeated the name, I thought that Great feather was maybe too much, it sounded pretencious for the name of my small jewelry collection. Small feather sounded more appropriate, and cute.

15 months later, I was traveling since half a year with all my jewelries in my backpack, running my Etsy shop remotely, and living of it...And suddently I understood how relevant the name was. These jewelries made me who I was: A small feather following the wind, flying slowly around the world, and got to India just because it followed it's way without asking too much questions. I am traveling with my Etsy shop now since 1 year and I know now how perfect Petite Plume name is. Maybe I'm the only one to really understand the magic about it.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

This may sound like a crazy cat lady story but it's a very happy story!

Where did I get the name Purdy Mays? Well actually it's my cat's name, well in fact I have six cats, but why this cat?

About four years ago I was outside and seen this tiny little kitten underneath my air conditioner, all I can see is its tiny little pink nose sticking out. Oh and this was just a few days before I left for vacation. So I was on vacation, I was hoping the tiny kitten went back to its home, but nope it was still there and the animal lover I am (obviously with the six rescued cats) I started to feed the kitten. I at first I thought the kitten was a boy and really wanted a boy cat to call Pongo (that would have been a strange shop name). He liked the cat food but wouldn't come near me, so I grabbed some hot dogs to see if he'd come out. He came out a little ways but not much. After about two months of trying to get this kitten out with hot dogs, I finally was able to get close enough to throw a towel on him to wrap him up, so him and I wouldn't get hurt. I held onto this kitten for hours just petting him and making him feel safe. What happened after that? I took him to the vet to get him shots and to get fixed. I asked the vet if the kitten was a boy? The vet looked at me and I sure enough was wrong, that kitten was a girl. So, I spent days trying to think of a name and I finally found one I liked. I called her Purdy May. Purdy now resides in my house, with her six other cat friends. Purdy is a special little cat, that I had to take time to get her trust. In the end it was all worth it. We have a special bond. Every night she sleeps next to me. So, that's where Purdy Mays came from. Luckily that kitten turned out to be girl or this shop name wouldn't exist!
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