Hi teammates,

You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?

I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

🎄 Send a Card & Plant a Tree in a U.S.A. National Forest 🎄
🎄 Help care for our treasured National Forests 🎄
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Crafty Poster

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My dad help with my business name. I decided to do the first 2 initials of my name., MJ. My dad thought the word craze should be in there since I am also doing something creative and didn't want one word to box my business in. I opted to change it to "Kraze" to make it more unique.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Well... mine is a simple story. I am based in Portugal.. but my main clients are English Speaking users.. so.. i have used the words "Brutal" and "Visual" which are spoken in the same way in English and in Portuguese... and in fact mean the same. When put together.. they also mean the same in both languages.

Since i am mainly dedicated to graphic design and production.. well it fitted!! :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

When I set up my shop I really had no idea what Etsy was or what I was doing other than from my cousins shop. I went with Hearts and Keys after a painting I had done that was and still is on display at my house from when I had really just started painting again. I have recently added art to the end just to define what the shop is more.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Such a cool thread!! I liked many of the comments. My shop is called Squidlets Baby Basics. I had the nickname Squid growing up, since it rhymes with my first name Syd. I added it to my business name. I think others like it. I haven't asked anyone but my husband because I never thought about it until now. What do you all think?
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Mine is just my name.. haha, I would like to rename my shop one day to something more creative though. Pretty tough trying to come up with one, it'll come to me when I'm not even thinking about it.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I really love a good play on a word. I started my business 12 years ago with many gourd name ideas. Like "GOURDGOUS" or "OUT OF MY GOURD", but they were taken. Then I thought of the comments I get at shows, like " NICE GOURDS" or maybe "IN GOURDS WE TRUST"... then finally, in the bathtub, after a long hard day of gourd washing, I came up with GOURDAMENTS! I trademarked and used it for my wholesale business and then opened up a shop in a small artisan town near me and called it the GOURD GALLERY. Due to life events I had to sell my shop and put my Gourdaments wholesale business on hold while I worked in the area I went to college for, Special Education. Two years ago my need to create was just too strong, I resigned, took my chances, and started with GOURDAMENTS again. Unfortunately someone on Etsy already had GOURDAMENTS, so I went with GOURDAMENT :) Have a gourdgous day creative Etsy crafters!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi Tess, it was not very hard to me to find the name of Etsy Shop. I have a daughter 5 years old, named Natalia, and as everyone understand i am totally in love with her. I always dreamed myself as a mother of a daughter, and also i always loved fashion and the ethnic cultures and traditions of whole world. So NILY is from Natalia I Love You, and BohoChic from my Bohemian and Ethnic influences in my creations. Its very nice to reading such wonderful stories!!!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I joined Etsy a month ago. I knew this place for years - many of my colleagues are selling items here. But making some researches in Facebook, eventually I went in a Etsy-shop of a very talanted graphic designer and illustrator. So, I was inspired and immediately started to prepare my own shop for digital design papers. Giving names of my art works, designs etc. usualy is a result of careful consideration.
This time the idea came like a flash. I set up all of my files for uploading and .... what about the name?! The first that came to my mind seemed to me the most appropriate and I didn't go any further. This time was easy. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hello, I opened my shop about a week ago. My shop's name is TruegiftNYC because the shop features personalized eco-friendly products mainly for children and our family lives in NYC. 5% of the monthly net profit will be donated to the Sierra Club. So a person who purchases from my shop will give another true gift to the recipients by helping cleaning the environment.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I create sterling silver jewelry.
"Kessef" means in Hebrew: silver.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hello everyone!

I have really loved reading through this post and hearing about how people have come up with their shop names =)

When I decided to start my Etsy store, I’ve been thinking my store name for a while. It should be something special for me. One day, the word of Chiccoiiiné came up to my mind. It means “Chic” + “Chiccoi” + “iine”. I remember when I made this word, I was so excited!!

First, “Chic” means elegantly and stylish fashionable as known in English or French. Then “Chiccoi” means small in Japanese, the word is including a meaning something small and cute also. “iine” means that’s nice! or good, and cool in Japanese. “iine” is spoken language for between close people like friends and family. I'm Japanese, so I wanted to connect my store name to my origins.

I make knitting and crocheting products, especially something unique and cute. They are all chiccoi ( cute and usually small) stuff. I want to make my store is chic and nice. And I make my products for my customers whom I think about like family or friends.

“Chiccoiiiné” is including everything I want to say!

Have a great day creative Etsy crafters!!



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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My name comes from not only how I would describe my art and photography. I think I put a unique spin on things and see things in a unique way.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I originally had the name Highland Customs, it was quick and easy. Not really thought out. It happened to be the street I lived on. I knew right a way that I wanted something a little more creative and personal.

I have 4 children and I knew that if I included one of their names. I would have to include ALL of their names (parents with more than one child will understand). The toughest part was finding the right combination that flowed.

My son's name is Ellis (El), then the girls: Lawsyn (we call her LaLa, so Ella), My Liv we call Lu (it just fits her, Ella Lu) and the oldest Julia we have called Bean since birth. So EllaLuBean is what sounded the best. And there it is. ;)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Coming up with a shop name was by far the most difficult part of opening!

Many of my items remind me of things that could be found all around my grandmother's house, where my dad and aunt grew up. My family history is 1700's Philadelphia, mid-century suburbs and exotic travels.

My dad passed away this summer and something kept bringing my mind back to the house he grew up, on Rose Tree Road. My aunt lives there now and she's always showing me new treasures and telling me the stories of how they came to be there. My shop is an homage to the treasures I'd be likely to find in the house on Rose Tree Road. Colonial, mid-century and exotic.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

My shop name, Markalino Jewelry, was thought up because the nickname my father had given me when I was a kid was "Markalino". Well, it stuck over the years and so I decided that Markalino Jewelry seemed like a perfect fit. My original business name when I started in early 2007 was "Sparkly and Dangly". It was after my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung and kidney cancer in November 2007 that I changed the name to what it is now. So I guess you could say it's a tribute to my dad.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I love the movie Midnight In The Garden Of Eden and in it Lady Chablis quotes her mother as saying two tears in a bucket.......
Two tears in a bucket was taken so I decided to be two tears in a pail. I have a quirky style and my humor is also.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi Tess,

Well, the first half of the name "Silver Crucible" is because I work predominantly with Sterling Silver--it's the second half of the name that contains the most meaning for me. "Crucible is defined as:

:a pot in which metals or other substances are heated to a very high temperature or melted


: a difficult test or challenge


: a place or situation that forces people to change or make difficult decisions

and all three of these meanings apply. 1), for obvious reasons, 2) because it's always a challenge for any creative person to do what they love, to carve out that time for inspiration and creativity and execution, knowing that it may not necessarily provide a financial return, in a world where money is necessary for survival. Being an artist is always a test...always a challenge, to be true to yourself in spite of overwhelming forces steering you towards conformity; and 3) because the creativity which drives me as an artist is fueled by the adrenaline and enthusiasm generated from originality, and that means continually generating new ideas, new designs, learning and exploring new techniques while remaining true to my overall vision, and if one can do that with any degree of success, that necessarily leads to growth and evolution as an artist and as a person. It's also difficult to be aware that more mundane, simplistic, or universal works, which average-out extremes of artistic vision to a pleasant, unchallenging, appealing averageness, often provide a greater mass-appeal and steady financial reward, since pieces that can be made cheaply and quickly can be sold for much less, and much of the world will settle for "nice" or "cute" whenever coupled with "inexpensive." I see myself as being a creator of treasures, and it's difficult to make treasures commonplace, or cheaply.

So my shop name is The Silver Crucible, because though it may be difficult to make treasures, and sustain the energy of art, myth and legend...someone has to do it,
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I decided to keep it simple, to appeal to countries throughout the world and to try and say in a couple of words what we do and where we are. Everyone knows of great cooking and utensils in France, hopefully people have heard of Normandy and have pictures in their heads about French Cuisine.
So Normandy Kitchen came about!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Ciao Tees
Il nome del mio brand mi è piaciuto perchè mi fa pensare che le collane, gli orecchini e bracciali che produco sono inseriti nel lusso ma sono acquistabili da tutti, nonostante siano pezzi unici, ogni donna può permettersi di indossarli.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Clever thread - so much fun reading people' stories. So many have deeply personal meanings.
My name Vintage Encore is fairly simple.
I collect and re purpose vintage linens.
I chose a name that reflected the second stage of life for these treasured items.
Along the way I started to include a few small vintage things - it still works!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

"Shady" is a play on my last name. I have a long driveway that is lined with trees, so "Shady Lane" seemed like the perfect fit. "Ceramics" - self explanatory. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Great question! When starting out our business we were looking at names and branding with a logo. We hired someone to come up with a few to choose from. The sisters voted and that is how "My 3 Sisters Italian Cookies" was born. Once we saw the logo we knew that was the one. I can't tell you how many people stop at markets/shows and talk to us about their families and have to take a picture of the logo to share with their family members. Sweetest regards, Rebecca
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

Hi all!!!!! my name came about because I love to sew, knit & crochet etc (crafty) my dad & bro still call me Jeanie & my friend may add items to the shop occasionally (us) x
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?

I am an Architect and LEED accredited so I wanted a name that I can use for both my practice and my brand so I added the "J" for my last name JLARC STUDIO
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