Hi teammates,
You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?
I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.
Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!
You guys have some super creative shop names that I love, but I often find myself wondering what the story behind them is. What do you like about your shop name? How does it relate to your business? Is there a funny anecdote behind it? Is it a pun? Is it a tribute to someone special to you? Did you have a different name before switching to your current one? How do you think customers interpret your name?
I'll go first. I got the name Sassafras from a good friend of mine who always called me Sassafras when I said anything that was a little snarky. I also have a passion for botany, so a plant name just felt like a perfect fit for me.
Now it's your turn. Share your stories and thoughts in this thread!

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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
I chose the name Heart 'n Soul Handbags for a couple of reasons.
1- I feel everything you make as an artisan/designer is a little piece of you, and your heart and soul goes into making that item. A small representation of yourself to which you are sharing with the world.
When I was in design school, I met Nikki Sixx as he was debuting his jewelry collection at Holt Renfew. When asked about his design advise...He said something to the effect of, "design what you love, if you're true to yourself and passionate about it, people will be attracted to that." Staying true to myself and creating leather purses in line with my ❤️ 'n Soul is how I'm doing just that!
2-I found a couple of small branding irons to make my labels, a ❤️ and S. Not only "Made with Love by Shannon" but also representative of Heart 'n Soul.
Follow your heart. Share your soul.
1- I feel everything you make as an artisan/designer is a little piece of you, and your heart and soul goes into making that item. A small representation of yourself to which you are sharing with the world.
When I was in design school, I met Nikki Sixx as he was debuting his jewelry collection at Holt Renfew. When asked about his design advise...He said something to the effect of, "design what you love, if you're true to yourself and passionate about it, people will be attracted to that." Staying true to myself and creating leather purses in line with my ❤️ 'n Soul is how I'm doing just that!
2-I found a couple of small branding irons to make my labels, a ❤️ and S. Not only "Made with Love by Shannon" but also representative of Heart 'n Soul.
Follow your heart. Share your soul.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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06:17 PM
My shop name is a bit of a play on words. I love to hunt for treasures at flea markets, antique shops, thrift stores, and garage sales. Most of the items in my home are previously owned, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It gives a home character, and it's a greener way of living.
This is a great thread!
This is a great thread!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
I chose the name The Energy Garden using a pendulum while asking the universe for a name that represented universal life force energy or Reiki. All of the elements of nature have their own life force energy, metal, water, wood, fire and gemstones of course....
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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07:53 PM
This is a great thread!
It's interesting to see how people have chosen their names!
When I came to think about my name I thought about what I did and what my products are. I make unique bird food in the style of different baking like cakes, cookies. So it came to me The Bird Bakery!
It's interesting to see how people have chosen their names!
When I came to think about my name I thought about what I did and what my products are. I make unique bird food in the style of different baking like cakes, cookies. So it came to me The Bird Bakery!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
Well I chose Archaeopterknits because I really like paleontology and I like birding. I've often thought if I were going to get a tattoo, i'd get one of an Archaeopteryx fossil. Since I've never done that though I figured why not use it as a shop name. Then I added knits so it would have some hint as to what I sell.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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08:14 PM
I was trying to come up with something that made people feel comfortable with. I wanted them to feel that they weren't buying an item they would use once or twice before having to replace it. I also didn't want to lock myself into 1 specific product either, I had a feeling I would do something beside wreath.
Went & looked up synonyms for Forever came up with Perpetual & the word Treasures just seemed to fit perfectly.
Went & looked up synonyms for Forever came up with Perpetual & the word Treasures just seemed to fit perfectly.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
My shop name backstory: I attended a life-changing weekend workshop - the Woman Within Weekend (www.womanwithin.org). During part of that weekend, I looked out a window and watched as a hummingbird repeatedly flew to the top of a bare tree, sat a while, flew off, and returned. When asked how I would like to "anchor" (remember) a particularly powerful experience on the weekend, I thought of the hummingbird. I knew that that strong yet fragile - and agile! - bird would be my touchstone to recall the amazing healing experience I had, supported by all of the amazing women present.
I have been an artist for years, so I wanted the word "art" somewhere in my shop title. Hence, "Artful Hummingbird". I didn't add "jewelry" to the shop name because I wanted the freedom to post my other creations such as hand-painted silk scarves and handmade cards.
I have been an artist for years, so I wanted the word "art" somewhere in my shop title. Hence, "Artful Hummingbird". I didn't add "jewelry" to the shop name because I wanted the freedom to post my other creations such as hand-painted silk scarves and handmade cards.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
My Mom actually came up with the name. It was originally the title of a photobook I had made up of my pictures. When I decided to start my business I chose to keep the name. I specialize in capturing a moment in nature...just a flash!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
I decided my shop name had to represent my mission which is combining my talent of sewing with my love of helping others. Therefore my name is Kathys Creations25.
My name is Kathy and the 25 helps to remind me that my talent came from God so I want to pass that along to others. So 25% of my shop sales go to local and international causes.
I sew every Monday with a group of ladies that make pillow case dresses to send on mission trips throughout the world.
My name is Kathy and the 25 helps to remind me that my talent came from God so I want to pass that along to others. So 25% of my shop sales go to local and international causes.
I sew every Monday with a group of ladies that make pillow case dresses to send on mission trips throughout the world.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
A few years before I opened my shop, my mom got me a shirt that had "Knit Wit" and a ball of yarn embroidered on it, like a play on "nitwit" but nicer. So, I thought I'd use that in my shop. And, of course, I knit and crochet, so it's KnitWit's Knits & Crochet. However, I'm learning how to make wire jewelry, too, and want to start selling it in my shop alongside my knit and crocheted items. So I'm considering a name change, but don't know what to call it.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
blue is my favorite color & wolf (wolves) are one of my favorite animals!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
My name came from having conversations with my children - one being a boy. When I pitched the idea to a friend of mine, she laughed and said as if she were speaking to one of her young nephews, "Oh, you Smelly Little Monster". So the name stuck.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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05:20 AM
Mine is a play on words of sorts. I make iron art so it's iron art makes sense but since my name is Ian Thomsen, I.T's iron art is a second meaning. I dunno, just one of those flights of fancy that hits you one day.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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12:15 PM
I love reading all these wonderful posts. Interesting what we choose. I opened my shop in April 2015. I was closing a thirty year career and was looking for an outlet of joy. I dug out my sewing machine, came up with a concept and set aside a room at home to start my business. My daughter had moved in temporarily and had to use some of my space to store items. She had a large aquarium with a turtle in it. The turtle was set up right next to my area for sewing. We shared many days together sitting near a wonderful sunny window that overlooks a vast field. When naming my shop I thought..Turtle and Treadle (The foot peddle for an antique sewing machine) sounded interesting and catchy...and very much what my days consisted of. Good friends we are and my pillows are the joy that I sought to find.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
Peavy Pieces came from my now married last name. October 4th will be our 1 year wedding Anniversary.
I started Peavy Pieces before we got married and I would joke with him and say "well you have to marry me now I have a business in your name" :)
I started Peavy Pieces before we got married and I would joke with him and say "well you have to marry me now I have a business in your name" :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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09:31 PM
Hi! The inspiration behind my brand comes from representing one of my favorite places: Provence, France. The classic, rustic and raw natural clean beauty plus the significance of this place, perfectly matches what I do. Which is artisanal organic skin care <3
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
My shop name is TEEsox by Teri, the name TEEsox is from the TEE-shirts and Sox (socks) that the dolls are made from. And they are entirely hand-stitched by me, Teri.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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11:51 PM
I started my shop after my son Kieran was born so I wanted something that started with a K and reminded me of him, so Kangaroo Stitches it was! Not the most exciting name story but makes me happy when I think of my first (of 3!) boys being that little.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
I make individual items - sometime one a day - I never make the same thing twice - unless commissioned to make a set - so 'no ditto' seemed appropriate and when i googled it, it was the one idea with the no competitors as i needed it on other sites too.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
As a photographer light is my principal medium, so it made sense to go with what I did. :)
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
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03:19 PM
I wanted my name to state what I sold without question, at first I choose my name Kim's Custom Creation which left a lot of question I could be creating anything then I thought I need a more descriptive name that says who I am and what I create and I came up with Fancy Wreath Lady I find catchy and descriptive.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
My personal style is an extention of who I am. I enjoy artistic, colourful, unique and timeless pieces that are at the same time comfortable, elegant and stand out at first glance. I surely love to express my momentary inspiration and restless mind on art work. Every piece is often a reflection of my feelings. While often patterns may be effortless and versatile, they definitely do tell a story.
I strongly believe that personal style is just that personal, that you can choose to share with others.
In a world dominated by mass produced items, I choose to express my "Apopsis”; my point of view in my native language, Greek.
I strongly believe that personal style is just that personal, that you can choose to share with others.
In a world dominated by mass produced items, I choose to express my "Apopsis”; my point of view in my native language, Greek.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
I love getting to read the story behind everyone's name.
Sasperry is a combination of my nickname, Sas, and my cat's name, Perry. They were originally combined because I needed a username for online Scrabble, but eventually I grew to like it so much that it became my shop name. When I first started I was The Artistic Bowl and my slogan was "mixing it up in style." A lot of people thought I sold bowls though, so it was time for a change!
Sasperry is a combination of my nickname, Sas, and my cat's name, Perry. They were originally combined because I needed a username for online Scrabble, but eventually I grew to like it so much that it became my shop name. When I first started I was The Artistic Bowl and my slogan was "mixing it up in style." A lot of people thought I sold bowls though, so it was time for a change!
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
Such a great thread! I love reading the stories and inspirations of how a company name was created. Mine was created because I have a 4 year old son who has inspired me in so many positive ways since day one. He is a Leo and was born in 2011. It also so happens that 11 has always been a lucky number for me.
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Re: What's the story behind your shop name?
Quite simply I started my pottery business in a shed under damson trees at the end of the garden! Since we have moved we brought some damson trees with us!
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