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What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

Hello dear sellers,

I have my shop opened since Aug 22, 2013 and as some other sellers I have the GREAT problem of traffic and selling.

Could someone tell me what am I doing wrong? is my jewels? the photos? the price? or the tags?

I'm trying through Etsy teams, Instagram, FB and Twitter to promote my jewels but nothing, flat line _______ !!!

The max of viewing per day after endless hours of promoting is 300-400 and selling per year 0. (my 12 sells are from exchange Christmas gifts with other Etsy sellers)

I'm very disappointed please heeeelp!!!

Thank you for your time
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10 Replies
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

Hi Christina,

I looked at your tags and titles for your Lolita Collar Elegant Choker and noticed most of them describe the item specifically (Black Sexy Lace Sexy accessories New modern 2015 Vintage Style Gothic Victorian).

I think most people search for a specific item ("black lace necklace" or "black chrochet jewelry").

You might want to post an item to this tag game thread for help:

I would also photograph some of your beautiful pieces on a live model.

If I understand you, you're getting as many as 300 to 400 daily views? I understand the frustration of views not always converting into sales, but that's a lot of views in my experience!

Good luck to you,
Sandi Walker
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

First of all thank you for your time to spend for my shop critique and for the tag game thread :)

About tags, I make changes often so to improve them.
The live photograph on a live model is in progress.
And last about views, as I read from other users they said that we should have over 800 - 1000 views to be visible. So, I'm confused...

Once again thank you.
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

300-400 views a day is amazing so you are targeting a lot of people. I only get about 100-150 views a day.
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

You are very welcome. Many people on Etsy are very happy to help other Etsians out.

Tags and titles are some of the hardest things to figure out. It is an ongoing process, so it's good that you freshen them up from time-to-time. Just don't change all of them at once, especially if a particular tag is getting you a lot of views!

I suggest that you go to Etsy Lab Archives
and watch some of the labs on keywords and titles for a lot of good tips.

I've never seen any postings saying how many views a shop or item "should" get. There are so many different listings... from over 5 million sellers, I think...that you can't really compare them. Especially since some items are priced very low ($2 or $3) and some are very high ($10,000).

Also, there are some teams where memebers are required to view and favoirte 30 or 40 or 50 items each, which increases a shops numbers, but they're not true views from potential buyers.

Besides what really counts are sales, rather than views.

I know it's hard to stay upbeat and not get discouraged sometimes. Lots of sellers, including me, struggle with this. But something that I heard Parker and Clare from Etsy Admin say on a recent Etsy lab touched my heart: focus on making what you truly love, and putting your own personal touch on your items then work on your photos, titles and tags and THAT will bring buyers to you (instead of focusing on views and sales).

Finally, market outside Etsy. Make flyers and post them in your community (with permission, of course) or send a short, personal note with a few pictures of some of your items and business card to friends, business acquaintances, neighbors, people you go to church with, work out with, whomever you can think of. Keep it short and friendly, and think of this as a way to help people find gifts or items that they may want or need.

Wishing you the best of luck, much happiness and many sales!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

Hi Christina,

Your items are nice, and I actually think the pricing of a few of them are a bit low. When I saw this item:
I can easily see it selling for $35 or $40... as a buyer, sometimes really low prices (vs my expectation of higher prices) actually dissuades me from purchasing something.

I think the other part is to just keep your photos consistent and improve their overall lighting. I really like the ones that show the necklace on a mannequin as that shows you how the crochet will lay on the neck, and helps the buyer visualize the item on themselves.

Finally, I would work on your titles and tags. Having 300-400 views a day consistently is really good! But make sure they're coming from actual potential customers... otherwise, it's just a waste of your time :(

Hope this helps, and good luck!
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

First I'll thank again Sandi and Betty Walkerfor the very very enlighten answer.

Also thanks for your time Kristen Sommer

And last but not least Wei
Price is something I need help too. As a buyer I thought as you said: If is cheap I don't pay attention, If is expensive it must be worthy!!!
So I look again my prices.

The views I have are from etsy teams that sellers help each other, so it's just a waste of time :(

Thank you all again you've been very helpful
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

If you look at your actual sales, they are almost all earrings. I would focus on creating more earrings and adding them to your shop.
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

"300-400 views a day consistently" I would faint dead away! lol. Bravo!
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

Views don't always translate into sales. I have 50-60 views per day but quite consistent sales so for me, there is no real correlation.

However, I wouldn't focus so much on marketing before doing the core things - amazing photos, tags, titles and descriptions that make sense for buyers.

Don't get discouraged, it's a process and your sales will come :)
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Re: What is wrong with my shop, plz help :'(

For example, this photo is amazing:

but not all of them are as good. Strive for consistency in photography and thinking as a buyer when writing titles and tags so that the people that are actually looking for items like yours will find them.
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