Not applicable

First Negative.........

Got my first yesterday.
All in all its not a flamer.... two stars "Was this only one icicle?" Which yes it is was only 1 icicle says so in the listing with need more then one links. Plus surely she didnt think it was 5 for 11.00? 0o

I shipped out the same day I got that order...hell it was at the PO the same day. Two days after she ordered she doesnt contact me, doesnt email...just the two star.

Emailed her and messaged her here on etsy. no response in 24 hours.. ...
Offered a refund if shipped back but yes it was for one handmade solid boro glass icicle she cant get anywhere else..........

My father thinks it's insane that I've gone 3 years without a negative.....Hubby thinks I'm just insane.

But its seriously bothering me :( and IDK what to do.... I WANT to responded to the negative but I know that locks it up, though clearly the buyer doesnt wanna work this out.... and I know it doesnt change up my stars but still.... (pouts and kicks the dirt)
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29 Replies
Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

Ya know what? I read your listing and it's clear as day that it's for one icicle. I would be upset too but you're not at fault, they are for being a big jerk and not reading the listing. Some people are just so out there, Sorry ...
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Re: First Negative.........

Looks pretty clear to me too...

Maybe you could use it as a means of educating your new/potential customers who are reading the feedback (I personally don't think too many people do that actually). When you respond you could say that you offered to fix the customers concerns and that people really do need to read the listings to be sure they're getting what they expect.

I've had negative reviews folks with saying the made to measurement clothing they ordered was made to the measurements they provided but it didn't fit because they apparently measured poorly and ordered the wrong size and the are mad that I wouldn't fix it for free. I tried to use that as an opportunity to remind folks to measure carefully and to read the listing and shop policies.

It's already been covered by three great reviews in only one day, that's exciting. I think you can also delete your response if the customer wants to change their feedback...
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Re: First Negative.........

Breanna, you have lovely items - I love the icicles! I've received one similar comment (out of 207 positives) from a purchaser who also clearly did not read the description of an antique item. Yes, it hurts.

I would not suggest responding to the negative feedback because I think it could appear defensive. Your feedback overall is really positive, and this feedback will be buried soon.

Since you've already emailed her to try to satisfy her, suggest you let it go and bask in all the positive feedback you've received!!!! Happy sales!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

You description does use the plural form "icesicles" throughout. It does say that it is for a single one, but just a line further down. All of yuor photos show multiple.

People simply don't read descriptions, that's now new news. How about adding variations, such as one for $xx, 2 for $yy, etc? Then, people will physically have to choose one, two, more and this eliminates confusion.

To be honest, upon quick glance and if I was ordering quickly, the photo shows multiple, I like the price, click.....done. I could have made the same mistake. It needs to be more clear.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

You show 5 in the photo. The text is full of plurals:

So Natural "they"... as opposed to it
Suggest strong "branches" as opposed to a branch
reflecting on them
They make wonderful easy Gifts
Each one is 5 to 6 inches long.

I would have thought it was for 5 also.
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Re: First Negative.........

Bummer. Like others said, maybe you can change the photo to just one to be clear and change some of the wording. But overall, try not to let it bother you. You have glowing reviews and it's already buried in 5 stars. It wouldn't deter me from buying from you. I know it's tough to get negative feedback and it's easy to focus on that, but put it out of your mind and focus on all the positive things people have said about your items! Tell yourself you rock and move on :)
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Re: First Negative.........

Unfortunately some people do not read the whole ad before buying. You should wait and try contacting the buyer a couple more times before you respond. Many times when I see reviews like this, the sellers response is more important than the review. Your seller reputation is stellar, no one would even give that review any credit because the buyer obviously didn't read the ad.
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Not applicable

Re: First Negative.........

Thank you for the response and support :)

Cleaned up the listing... I dont currently have any etsy square first photo worthy only One icicle shots but is this less confusing?
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

Your description is more clear, but how about also offering a variation that will allow a buyer to purchase 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. You can set the price. I find that the less that you direct customers AWAY from your page to another listing is only opportunity for them to move on and less confusing). While you have them on that page, offer them the opportunity to EASILY order more than one via a variation :)
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Conversation Maker

Re: First Negative.........

I second Erica's idea to offer multiples in variations.
that way your customers pick how many they get.

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Conversation Maker

Re: First Negative.........

and - sorry about the neg.
maybe she will respond to you tomorrow, not everyone is on the computer as much as we are. ....
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Re: First Negative.........

I've got that for the gold/pink icicles, get more questions about how that works with the quality vs the "how many" variations set up I have then orders it seems.
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Not applicable

Re: First Negative.........

You know what love? You're average is still 5 stars... If anyone is really interested in making sure your reliable before purchasing they are going to click on your reviews, if they see that ONE negative comment they are going to check out the listing and see Obviously that it's for only one, and pass it by! For others that aren't that concerned about reviews, they might casually glance at your average which is still 5 stars! I honestly wouldn't pay any attention to it honey, it doesn't matter...
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Re: First Negative.........

I have had a bad review because a bowl arrived broken, it irritated me to no end because I immediately contacted the buyer and even refunded her ever cent she paid, including shipping and for that she upgraded my 2 stars to one and said that she had to contact me several times before I responded to her. She lied, but I didn't write a response because figure it is only one person with this twisted opinion.

I think your icicles are gorgeous. I read your listing, and saw your pictures. The only thing I would suggest is just showing one icicle and BOLDING THE AMOUNT OF ICICLES INCLUDED IN THE LISTING.

Lastly, once you offered to refund all here money and she didn't take you up on that you have done everything. Keep doing what you are doing.
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Re: First Negative.........

I'm a little fed up with customers not reading listings, I got an order for a sewing pattern on my other shop, a fact which was clearly stated in the title, description, it was 5.00 and there was a big 'instant download' banner across the picture, but they sent me a rude email a week later asking where the plush was. I noticed the very day they purchased it that they'd downloaded the file immediately, too. Baffling! I explained it to her very patiently and politely, and said that as she'd downloaded it I couldn't give her a refund.

I wasn't left feedback (at least as far as I am aware) but if I was, I'd have responded to it publicly, stating quite simply that the buyer hadn't read the description, though it was clearly marked as a sewing pattern, not a plush - or, in your case, a single ornament. If she doesn't want to work it out then that's all you can do. It's just for the sake of other customers so they know what happened.

Just be sure, IF you do decide to reply publicly to the comment that you keep your cool, remain polite, professional and informative and don't lay any hostile blame on the customer. Sometimes they just miss things.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

I'm with Erica on adding variations, lovey icicles by the way.

I'm reading this as one customer left me 3 star for a knitting pattern which clearly stated on the photos, in the title AND in the description that it's an instant download. She never contacted me either until she posted the review, where apparently she expected to receive the pattern in the post.

I'm after adding a paragraph at the end of all my patterns asking customers to contact me before buying if they want me to post them the patterns.

I wish I could add variations for instant downloads, I would be able to add the option of purchasing printed patterns and add the postage cost. I think in January I'll add one listing for a printed pattern and the customers can pick in the variations which/how many patterns they want.

I think most people will expect to receive patterns via instant download and I can't really afford to add an extra listing for each pattern.
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Re: First Negative.........

I like the idea of the variations. The response you gave to the feedback was clear and factual. I do not think it will hinder you AT ALL.

What a beautiful shop!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

I, personally, wouldn't have been so snarky in your reply to the feedback. As a potential buyer, it seems as if you may respond the same way to me, if there was a true problem with the order. (maybe you didn't mean to come across that way, but it's how it reads to me), I wouldn't have mentioned the scars on your hands (has nothing to do with the customer's complaint, IMO). All of the exclamation points and the condescending tone just doesn't add any professionalism to your shop or customer service.

As hard as it is, I always try to state the facts firmly, but always professional!
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Re: First Negative.........

People gravitate to the photo and assume what they see is what they're getting. .and look over the description...had this happen twice since I offer bow add ons. Not your fault. Maybe make the main photo one icicle? But the variation idea is brilliant. The difference between variations and quantity to me as a buyer is I pay additional shipping when I add quantity so if it costs you more to ship 3 as opposed to 1 than you might want to look into shipping cost before adding variation.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: First Negative.........

We have all been where you are and have felt the way you do. Get up brush yourself off and realize that you will not make everyone happy no matter what you do. Dust yourself off and keep moving forward.
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Not applicable

Re: First Negative.........

Congratulations on only one low/negative review in 750 sales!!

Customers do not reply because they don't want to, especially when they can see THEY made a mistake.

I would wait another few days and leave a response. The one low review will not affect your overall review rating. Most shoppers will not bother to read the individual reviews but add your words anyway for the few who do read reviews.

Life and sales go on after a bad review and someday this one review will not matter at all to you.

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Re: First Negative.........

you did your part, your photos are clear and your information for your items are to the point...however I suggest you may say " this is for ONE icicle " right at the top of your information and maybe somewhere in your title...just so there is no more question
it is her job as a customer to contact you with any issues or questions..this negative review is on her, not you...I know it most likely doesn't feel that way but its true...dont let it get you down, your work is beautiful!
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Re: First Negative.........

One thing I have gotten back from negative reviews or messages, is to take an extra step to making my shop better.
YEAH it sucks. it used to drive me crazy. One time a lady made me cry. (She also personally wrote me and cursed at me)
BUT to the other ones, I just took it as constructive criticism and bettered my shop. Be as SPECIFIC as possible in every single listing. (Still working on that with over 300 items...)
Don't let it get to you. But you DO have a right to leave feed back if you have done everything possible. I hate it when I see unreplied feedback. I wonder, did you even try? if it wasn't your fault, you owe it to future customers to hear your side that you did all that you could to the customer and it IS her responsibility to carefully read the listing and you have done all you could to help her.
Just stay positive and work on those listing descriptions. I always try to "fool proof" everything so that everyone is clearly reading everything (if they do read everything, that is)
I am sorry to hear about your negative review. Just keep at it and you will get more positive ones!
Good luck!
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Re: First Negative.........

Bad things happen, keep moving with the positive energy :)
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