Got my first yesterday.
All in all its not a flamer.... two stars "Was this only one icicle?" Which yes it is was only 1 icicle says so in the listing with need more then one links. Plus surely she didnt think it was 5 for 11.00? 0o
I shipped out the same day I got that order...hell it was at the PO the same day. Two days after she ordered she doesnt contact me, doesnt email...just the two star.
Emailed her and messaged her here on etsy. no response in 24 hours.. ...
Offered a refund if shipped back but yes it was for one handmade solid boro glass icicle she cant get anywhere else..........
My father thinks it's insane that I've gone 3 years without a negative.....Hubby thinks I'm just insane.
But its seriously bothering me :( and IDK what to do.... I WANT to responded to the negative but I know that locks it up, though clearly the buyer doesnt wanna work this out.... and I know it doesnt change up my stars but still.... (pouts and kicks the dirt)