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Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

Hello fellow Etsians,

I'm having one of those days... International customer still has not received package after almost 3 months (Tracking says "in transit") Another customer receives his lamp shade of his lamp but the base has not arrived with it (tracking says it will be there tomorrow) then he gets hit with duties and says he "was not expecting these extra charges". Convos all the time but then no sale ensues. I have a 3 year old and 5 year old vying for my attention and I'm constantly in and out of this and that. I'm in debt from a home show that I did in the fall and didn't pay off. I've been ALL IN until now... I LOVE what I do but just feel so torn. With this job you are ALWAYS ON, as you all know, and as a mom I am also always on. I just feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Have any of you experienced these feelings and felt like throwing in the towel? How do you create boundries?
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7 Replies

Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

Aw, I completely understand how you feel, Nicole. I have had many of those days too, where it all just seems to pile up.

Here is the good news: YOUR SHOP IS WONDERFUL!
And....YOU are the boss.

As a mom and an Etsy seller with a part time job outside of the home, it took me a few years to not feel like I had to scramble all day, everyday, but my best advice is to set working hours. It has made all the difference for me. Even if it is just taking one day off, away from Etsy or not checking in after 6pm. I take Saturday afternoon and Sundays off (yes, I know, it is Sunday and I am on Etsy, lol, but forums are fun, not work ;). Because I can't ship on Sundays, it makes sense to take that day off just to focus on family. I do answer convos over the weekend, but that is usually pretty quick.

Another thing that has saved me when I am feeling overwhelmed, it to put my shop in vacation mode for a few days or even a week. I do this a few times a year when I am feeling burned out. It hasn't seemed to hurt my sales or SEO ranking at all and even if it did, it would still be worth it to be able to come back fresh and enthused again.

Sounds like you yourself are a SUPER MOM! Take today to enjoy your family and have a wonderful, peaceful Mother's Day!!
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Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

Remember that those situations always pass. Your shop looks great, beautiful photos! Don't give it up. Sometimes it's tough, but there's a reason that you've been all in.

When I get convos like that, I walk away for a bit, and when I'm calmed down I reply to them.

Spending time with friends/family is also good. Keeps things in perspective.
Enjoy your mothers day!
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Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

You have a wonderful shop, Nicole...beautiful products!
Have confidence in yourself and the quality you are contributing to the world...
You will prevail!
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Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

Thanks so much Ladies! I really needed to hear that! And Jen, you are right, I should try to set working hours. I've tried to do it before but I didn't stick to it. I just called my mom to wish her happy Mother's Day and she told me that she was planning on starting a little crafting business when she retires and was asking advice. She said "See how you inspire us?" AWE! Thanks ladies for giving me the resolve to keep pushing forward!
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Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

Happy Mother's Day! I'm sorry that it's YOUR DAY today, and you're feeling stressed. I hope your family is doing everything they can to make you feel better!

I wish I had advice to give, but it's just tough for any small biz owner, small or large. You run the show, and that has its pros and cons. The best thing to do is to step away for a little while. If you need to put your shop in vacation mode for even just one day, you might feel better. Of course, you'll have more convos to deal with... But you have to take some time to breathe and relax, otherwise this becomes just like any other regular job where you're overworked and don't enjoy it. Plus that stress can potentially carry over into how you interact with your family.
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Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

Your right breedingfancy. I'm gonna try to step away, especially today. Head to Starbucks and get myself a latte and pack up our trailer for a day of camping up at the lake. Will try to take my mind off of work and just enjoy the blessings that are abundant in my life!
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Re: Feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, anxious... is this normal?

You shop is fab, which by definition makes you a wonderful business owner!

It is hard being always 'on', I feel exhausted by it all many times too... but its so much better than the alternative of filling someone elses working agenda.

Enjoy your break, and remember to find time to just sit in silence doing nothing sometimes. That's the thing that recharges me!
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