What items in your shop have been inspired by your reading? Or if you have many, what are based off of your favorite books?
I don't have that many literary soaps at the moments, but I do have:
Guys, guys, on my curing table right now I have my last soap for my Complete Sherlock Holmes collection: Moriarty. Right next to it is sitting Wonderland, my Alice's Adventures in Wonderland inspired soap. They'll be in my shop soon!
MorningValley, I actually gave you a little write-up on my blog...I love the idea THAT much. I'm thinking a little weekly mention of a few artists that I love on Etsy. Not like I have a zillion followers, or anything (I just started a few weeks ago) but I'm working on promoting it...here it is if you want to check it out!
One of the fun parts for me about being an Etsy seller is being able to let my inner word nerd loose when writing my item descriptions - adjectives abound! My day job consists of technical writing, so it's glorious to have an outlet for the creative side of my brain.
Along with nature and history, literary references play greatly into the inspiration behind my necklaces as well as the names and descriptions I give them. Having a healthy vocabulary is invaluable!
Oh my goodness! There are some amazing things you all have created! I love the soaps! And I am so impressed with the dolls and all the other stuff you all have made. Wow!
I make hand stamped jewelry. A lot of people do personalized names and things, so I decided to focus on Bible verses and Literature quotes, since that's what I'd like to wear around my neck. Here are two of my favorite creations:
Reading is my passion, not to mention the theme of my shop, so it all has to do with books, but one of my favorite items is from one of the greatest children's books ever- Caps for Sale.