Here you go. Private and all.

Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning Ladies~

Sorry to be MIA this past week.  My mom has decided she wants to go into assisted living so we've been making plans for the move which will be next week.  She had a bought of very bad pain from her neck and shoulder and we wound up getting her 24 hour aide care at her home.  She didn't want to come and live with any of us, she's very independent that way.  She won't let the aide do anything but at least there is someone at her house to help if needed.  

My brothers, sister and I were very concerned about the aides coming into her house especially since they aren't covid tested by the company they work for.  We are anxious to have her move to the facility, which is very nice, and everyone is tested and she will have her meals prepared for her.  

Had this been another time, she would have moved out of her home much sooner after my dad passed but with covid we had to wait till the facility had all the right procedures in place.  Still scary but she's ready to move.  We can only visit her by appt but she is allowed to leave and go out anytime she would like so that's a plus.  

So, that's what has been going on here.

MaryAlice ~ How's the house going?  I miss Fall so much, your area is so gorgeous anytime of year.  My son Jonny was up at my sister-in-law's mountain house last weekend.  Their house is in North Lexington just outside Hunter Mountain.  How is your family doing?  Will you get your own puppy once you move?  I can't imagine being without a dog especially now that I'm alone.  They are wonderful company.   Jimmy is doing much better.  It was rough for him at first and the surgery seems to have aged him but he's back to eating and some running around with Scarlett.  

My kids are ok and my grandkids are well.  I will probably go up shortly for a quick visit to see the kids.  Violet will be 3 next month and Nick is 7 months old.  

Lisa ~ I love your scarves on instagram.  You're doing a great job posting photos.  Are you noticing any increase in traffic from instagram?  When I post I maybe get 2 views to my shop that are attributed to social media.  I no longer post on Facebook, just not a fan of the venue. Plus, most of my followers on facebook seem to be men from india, what?! Weird.

Hope your family is doing well.

Looking forward to the election being over and hopefully better times for our country and world.  It's a very high anxiety time.  Seems the only thing everyone is talking about is the election.

Everyone have a good week and stay safe.


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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

I hope everyone is well and surviving the "second wave".  Ugh, such different times.  Our state was shut down before the first wave and never reopened much and now the governer is threatening another full shut down.  I work from home and stay at home but there are many businesses in our area that will not recover.  I'm exhausted with the new normal.

Debra, hugs to you!  Wishing you the best moving your Mom, be thankful she is independant!  My Dad refuses any help besides my sister and me, and he needs full time care now.  I am beyond grateful and thankful that my sister is living with him and dealing with the day to day.  I'm glad you are still able to see the grandkids!  My son and his family are the only ones I have seen this year.   They keep the grandaughters at home and we visit a couple times each month.  My daughter and sil work in high risk jobs so we have not seen them since January.  I'm definately suffering from covid fatigue and trying to avoid the news as everyone/thing seems to have gone "bat sh*t crazy"!

Hopefuly the election will be over soon, though I fear there will be months/years of fueds over more stupid politcal speak.  Remember when the elections were positive?  And we stood behind the elected?!  Rant over!!!

Debra, I am seeing traffic from IG to my website.  I just started and am seeing views daily (and some inquiries).  When most of our shop was on etsy I saw a ton of daily traffic from pinterest and that is not carrying over to our website.  Our website is still gaining traction, but I am encouraged with the growth.  I have been so busy with new designs for Annie's that I am spread a little thin right now.  I am designing some items for their spring line now.  

Hugs to everyone and hope you are safe and coping well!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Lisa ~ I am with you, covid fatique is definitely hitting hard.  I have covid brain, can't get my self to do much and I am getting forgetful.  If I have to go someplace it take twice as long to get ready.

Today I made a huge mistake.  I printed the wrong label for a package.  Thank goodness I caught the error and ran back to the post office where I had dropped off the package.  The postal worker was kind enough to go through the boxes and found the package.  I ran back home and printed a new label but printed it wrong again!!  So I wound up having to cancel 2 labels!  It was just one of those days!  

I am really frazzled lately.  Getting my mom ready to move and dealing with her issues is not easy.  She's pretty good but she's been in pain from arthritis in her neck. We finally were able to get the pain somewhat under control and now she stopped the pain meds because she doesn't like how they make her feel.  This is after 2 doctors, a hospital visit and countless trips to physical therapy.   This is my mother's M.O.  Countless times we will jump through hoops finding doctors or getting her to the hospital and once she feels better she stops doing what she is supposed to do.  

Lisa ~ I feel for you.  It's so tough dealing with aging parents.  It's really like dealing with stubborn children.  I pray I don't do this to my kids.  They would probably kick me to the curb and wave good bye.  It's great for you to have your sister. I couldn't do this alone.   I have friends who had to take care of family members alone and it's really so difficult.  I am thankful all the time that I have my oldest brother here along with my sister.  We are a good team.  

I am so sorry for you that you haven't seen your daughter or sil since January.  That is so hard.  I haven't seen my NYC son since March, when my dad passed away.  I have no idea when I will be able to take or trip or have him come down.  It's just awful what is happening and scary.  And yes, everyone has gone bat sh*t crazy!  I turned off the tv tonight, I already voted by mail (yes, I trust the system) and the debate isn't going to change my mind one little bit.   

I think covid exhaustion is going to become an actual new mental illness.    I am not sure what phase we are in.  Dining is maybe at 50% capacity but not sure if that changed and I think bars are closing again.  I do know that the downtown area in Delray Beach is a hotbed for covid.  No one is wearing masks and they are crowding the bars.  I was warned by several people to not go to that area even to walk around.   I believe they are started to cancel liquor licenses to bars that don't follow the rules.  

Such bizarre times and the whole mask thing has become a political statement.  People in Florida will start a fight with you if you wear a mask.  It's mandatory in the three south Florida counties where covid is out of control.  My doctor told my daughter to make sure she takes her vitamin D because it can help with Covid.   He also said that with the numbers so high here you have a good chance of getting covid.  Because my mom is moving to the retirement home my brother, sister and I along with my mom had to be covid tested.  I can tell you one thing, that stick up the nose is not fun!  Thank goodness it's fast.  


Lisa ~ I look forward to your posts on instagram.  I so amazed by your designs.  Are you a drawer or painter?  You have such wonderful details in your work that you must have some drawing talent.  

I am so excited to see your new designs.  You are so talented.  But get rest and don't spread yourself thin!!

Well, I think I am rambling so I will sign off!

Have a great evening and I hope all the ladies on the team are well.

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Re: Chat Thread

OMG!  I couldn't post at first. So I copied what I wrote and pasted it.  What is the deal with posting on Etsy?!

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, you have every reason to be frazzled!  My Dad does the same thing as your Mom.  He second guesses every Dr. and then won't follow directions or only half way follows directions.  When he was my Mom's primary care giver he was always "experimenting" with her.  He would read an article that pineapple was good for memory and feed her pineapple on everything!  And don't get me started on the Dr. Oz show!  He would liberally dump the spice tumeric on her food (again for memory) and then complain when she would not eat.  He just refused to believe she had Alzheimer's and he could not fix her.   I pray I am never a handful for Don or my kids.  

I didn't watch the debate tonight.  The last debate (while entertaining in a dark humor kind of way) was beyond unprofessional behavior.  That people would even start fights over masks is a sign of the sad times.  The total lack of respect so many have for other people is sickening.  I'm going to stop before I really get on a rant!

I'm about finished with the Spring designs I am making.  Just a few finishing touches and then I will be hooking for our store again.  Poor Don gets bored when he is not knitting for our shop.  I feel bad for him as he likes to get out more than I do and he has been staying home now.

Our restaurants have been at 25% but they now have to complete a covid safe course or be banned to carryout only.  Also anyone dining out has to provide their names to the restaurant for covid tracing.  We have enough groceries, etc. to not leave the house for months, but I may run out of liquor!  A staple needed this year!!!

Instagram has been a fun outlet.  I like the social interaction of being able to leave a comment on a post.  The photo sizing is a bit challenging, but I'm slowly figuring out how it works.  I did paint years ago.  I love watercolors, but I would always fiddle with a painting trying to improve and ruined a few.  To me, my paintings were never finished or "enough".  The drawings I do for my crochet are the perfect fit.  I am limited on what I can do with a hook, yet challenged to see if I can make a drawing with yarn.  I have made full size blankets that are free form crochet from a 5 x7" sketch.  I am also "brewing" a couple of wall hangings I want to try at the end of the year.

Mary Alice, Sandy, and all the women on the team, I hope you are well and staying safe and sane!

PS.  Excuse the typos, etsy seems to have disabled spell check again!  I did see an announcement that they were "improving" the team experience!!!


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Re: Chat Thread

Hello Everyone!

  • I don't know if anyone remembers me or not but but I am glad to be back and hopefully I won't have any more hospitalizations for awhile.  Being in the hospital and then in physical rehab for more than a month after each hospitalization really knocked me down and made me not able to do anything.  I have just acquired two baby parakeets and they are really helping me.  They are still to young to know their genders yet.

Sounds like some of you have had some interesting things going on in your lives during the mess we are enduring now.  Is it ever going to end?  I feel bad for people not being able to see their families.  What are you all planning to do about Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Hope all of you stay safe.

Sue Ellen

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

A little background. As Lisa and Mary Alice know, I had said I would contact Sue Ellen since we all were concerned we hadn't heard from her.  Happy to say Sue Ellen contacted me last night and we had a nice conversation and caught up.  So happy she is back!!

Sue Ellen~ So happy you made it to the chat.  It's not as easy as it use to be to navigate and I no longer get notifications when there is a posting.  I hope you will be able to join us more frequently and more importantly that you stay well. We all missed you.

I have no holiday plans at the moment.  For the last several years I had big Thanksgiving gatherings.  Even last year, our first without Neal, my son said I should continue the tradition and I did.  But this year I can't take a chance and have 20plus people over so it will not be the same.  It is what it is, just hoping we get through all this and come out ok.  


We will be moving my mom on Tuesday to assisted living.  I am so anxious to get her in a safe environment where she will get 3 meals a day and have some help with her apartment.  She's a tough old lady but she now needs help and meals prepared for her.  She has a doctor appt. tomorrow but her aide will take her.  My sister, brother and I do not like going to all the doctor visits and sitting in waiting rooms.

Lisa ~ I try not to get on rants but when I am with my family politics is subject number 1.  November 3rd cannot come soon enough.  I've already voted and I hope the election goes smoothly and we can move on from this.  

Your dad is a character.  You could write a book.  I probably could to but have no energy left!

You are so fortunate to have Don who likes to the knitting, you make a great team.  Your scarves are amazing.  That unicorn scarf is perfection.  I knew you had to be into drawing or painting at one time.  I understand what you mean about putting your art into yarn instead of on a canvas.  I have heard other artists say that they never feel as if their paintings are complete.

Have a good evening ladies and stay well.  I'll check back in this week.

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Re: Chat Thread

Good evening ladies:

Sue Ellen so glad to see you on the chat, and thanks for the fave.  Appreciate it.  Hope you don't have finally finished with the hospital and won't have to see it ever again.

Lisa; I was looking at some Annie Signature Designs and came across 2 of your patterns. the unicorn and the penguin. They are so adorable. I know I keep saying I'm going to make one of your scarfs but still haven't.  But I will.  

Debra:  I was thinking of calling you, but I never know when a good time of day is.  I know you must be going crazy not being able to see your NYC son.  I will not go down to the city now at all because it's just too dangerous.  If I were younger I wouldn't have a problem, but now forget about it  I won't ravel on the subways, and to tell you the truth I don't miss the city.  Up here we are seeing a lot of cars from NJ and Ct.  They said a lot of people are leaving because they are sick of Deblasio and Cuomo.  I wish we could vote them out this year. Deblasio has ruined New York, and cuomo is a 2 faced SB.  I can't stand him. Enough on that. Like I said on FB. If I could really say what's on my mind I'd be put in FB jail so I have to refrain.

Any how, our house is coming along and we might be moving in by Thanksgiving.  My son-n-law and his brother, along with my daughter have been working so hard getting things together for us..  I don't know what I would do with out them.  We're having new flooring put down.  We thought we could redo the ones in the house, but it would cost more than if we put new one down., so my son in law is busy doing that. We put a new bay window in and we're putting all new windows in the other rooms.  Also a new front door.  I'm getting excited now as it's getting closer to the actual moving in.

My granddaughters school is shut down for covid.  This woman who's kid is in the 5th grade sent her kid to school sick, She said she gave her fever medicine and didn't think anything about it.  Meanwhile the kid went to school on Friday still sick and then told the teacher she wasn't feeling well.  They sent her down to the nurse, and called her mother, told her to get tested for covid, but the mother refused.  Meanwhile her kid god forbide if she has it just affected who knows how many people. So now the school is shut down for 2 weeks.  I just don't understand people.  She should get fined or something, or just take her kid to get tested.  Maybe she doesn't have it, and is just sick with a cold or something.

I've been busy crocheting as usual.  helps me keep my sanity. Got a pattern book by Bonnie Barker of Bonnie Bay Crochet.  It's a hat a scarf booklet.  It has 5 designs in it.  I've done 1 and am doing another. I love her patterns.  

Ok ladies, hope you're all doing well, and will be talking again.  Have a great weekend stay safe.

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Re: Chat Thread

Thank you Debra and Mary Alice.  I am trying to make myself do things but most days I don't do too great a job of it.  Everyone sounds so busy and active.  Moving would be so exciting.  My little birds are helping me a lot.  At least there is some life in this house now.  I'm still not able to tell either of their genders yet.  Stupidly, I hope I have a male and female so I can have one nest.  I want to hand raise JUST ONE NEST.

The viris count is going up so high daily here. Do you think this will EVER end?

We are having above average temperatures here.  A week or so ago we had snow flurries.

Hope everyone stays well.

Sue Ellen

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~  Sorry for the weird text style.  I had to copy and paste since there is something wrong and I can't seem to post.  

Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy.

Mary Alice ~ Text me if you like.  I'm not great with phone conversations, I am constantly being interrupted by someone so most of my friends will just text me messages.  The other day my phone rang so many times with so many family issues that I literally sat on the couch and cried.  My son and daughter always call at the same time and if my mom can't reach me she is immediately in high panic mode.  So, texting is good.  561-654-6683

I'm excited for you to move!  I love new beginnings for people. Sounds like you are having some really nice work done on the house.  Often it is much less money to get new rather than refurbish old floors.  

Last week I was looking out my front window and noticed a branch had broken off and was hanging from my giant tree on my front lawn.  I called the tree guy who trims it yearly before hurricane season.  The tree was cracking and dying and due to the size was now a danger to my house, the neighbors and people walking on the sidewalk.  So, he chopped it down and had to remove the root with a stump grinder.  It took 3 full days of chopping and cutting.  Then this week we had that pretty wicked storm Eta.  It was a lot of wind and rain but it wasn't necessary to put up hurricane shutters.  Anyways, after the storm I went out back to let my dogs out and noticed one of my palm trees had lost it's head.  So now I have to have that chopped down.  My house is becoming a money pit!

Lisa~ I am so loving your scarves on instagram.  The gnomes are the cutest!!  How is everything going with you?

We moved my mom and she almost likes her knew place.  She doesn't want to be in assisted living, people are too decrepit for her.  She's 97 but, knock wood, she needs no assistance.  One part of the facility she lives in has independent living and the other is assisted so we are now trying to get her an apt. in independent living.  It's been hectic with getting her settled but it's coming along.  


Sue Ellen~ I am so glad that you are back!!  I adore little birds.  I hand raised a cockatiel back in the early 1980's.  He was the cutest little thing.  I totally think that pets are such a help to our mental health. I couldn't have gone through these past few years without Jimmy and Scarlett.  Scarlett is a nut case but she's so adorable.  

I do think the virus will calm down once we get a vaccine.  We might not be normal again for another year but I'm hopeful that will begin to see a more normal way of life.  On Wednesday I meet a few of my friends for some girl time. We sit in front of a local Italian deli, they have some tables set up outside.  We go food shopping and then yap it up for an hour or so while social distancing.  We just need that semi normal time.  One of my girlfriends is going through a very difficult time, her husband has two incurable cancers, so we like to be there for her and give her an hour of just hanging out and talking.    

My shop has been keeping me occupied which is good.  There are going to be a sh*t ton of babies born in 2021!!  I have girls announcing for July.  After all these years of doing this I am still incredulous when people announce before they are 12 weeks pregnant. 

Well Ladies, have a good evening and a good rest of the week.  



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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Hi ladies, I hope everyone is well!

Sue Ellen, it is so good to hear from you!  I hope your hospital visits are behind you and you can stay home and enjoy your birds!  I had parakeets as a teenager.  I really liked them, they were friendly and would ride on my shoulder.  Although the singing at sun-up was not so great!  Have you reopened your shop? 

Mary Alice, how exciting your new home is almost ready!  I've seen some of Bonnie Barker's patterns.  Her work is stunning and I love some of her celtic knot type pieces.  Very intricate!  The schools have not reopened in our area.  They have been shut down since March.  My dil got tablets for each of my granddaughters and they do school on-line and have one or two meetings a day with their teachers through zoom.  Our governor announced today that all non essential businesses will have to close down again.  Cases are out of control here and NM does not have adequate health care to deal with the large spike.

Debra, I'm glad your Mom is getting somewhat settled.  I can relate to the overload of phone calls and being overwhelmed.  When my Dad first got sick I ended up linking my Aunts on FB so I could communicate with them all at once.  It helped to stop some of the calls. 

I still have days where it seems like I am answering the same questions over and over with family. 

I've been somewhat busy.  I'm done with patterns for right now and just starting to get some custom scarf requests on our website.  I am working on some new designs in between orders.  I'm really like instagram.  As much as I dislike social media, IG is fun and so far a positive experience.  Plus there are so many awesome things to look at!

Don finally had surgery on Wednesday.  He still needs to have his eye surgery, but he was able to get his nose surgery this week.  He had a really large skin cancer that needed to be removed and grafted.  It's done and looks like it will heal well.  Poor guy was pretty miserable the first 36 hours.  His eyes were about swollen shut and bruised.  He keeps joking that I hit him with a rolling pin!

Hi to Sandy, Lauren, Lucille and the rest of the team!

Well thats it for now, I will try and chat again sooner next time 

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi ladies~

Wishing all of you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving.  Stay safe!!  

I am dining alone this year but I'm ok with it.  Covid is spreading here and my mom's assisted living facility now has 4 cases. My mom was tested yesterday and hopefully she is fine.  I visited her on Saturday but it was an outside visit, we had masks and sat 6 feet apart.    My daughter and her husband both work outside the home so I'm going to make a turkey dinner and drop it off to my daughter and my mom if she wants some.  She's fine to be at the facilty since they will have a special dinner there.  

Strange times but hopefully 2021 will bring vaccines and almost normal times. 

I was away last visiting my son and dil for Violet's 3rd  b/day.  I can hardly believe she is three and Nicholas is 8 months old and starting to stand and take a few steps.  It was a good 2 days but I left before the b/day party because dil's family was coming over and I was uncomfortable with extra people in the house.  Just trying to stay safe.

Lisa ~ I'm glad Don did well with his surgery.  Many years ago my dad has melanoma on his nose and they did a graft.  It looked fine after a while.  It's not a fun surgery.  I remember he was not feeling great when he got home.  Loving your scarves on instagram.  It is a fun site and I spend way too much time looking at all the cool photos and crochet inspirations. 

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Just a quick hello to see how everyone is doing.  Hope you are all well and safe.  I've been working with my brother to get my mom's house ready to list for sale.  She is pretty immaculate so it's just taking down personal things and going through my dad's files and shredding what is no longer needed.  Came across the anniversary card my dad sent my mom for their first anniversary back in 1944.  Also found the little dance card book from my Dad's prom in 1940.  It's a lifetime of memories in their house.  

Wishing you all good holiday cheer!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Everyone.

Like Debra just a quick hello.  Busy with the house and hopefully will be moving in in a few weeks, or perhaps right before Christmas.  Hope everyone is doing well.  I am as is my family.  As usual busy crocheting.  I also joined Instagram.  I am under the name circeKazol19  its my daughters dog's name and part of her last name.  I don't have my picture up and haven't posted anything yet, still feeling around and getting use to the different icons I need to use.   Just wanted to let you know I'm still around.  

Debra: Glad things are going smooth with your mom, hope she's doing good.

Lisa: Glad to see you're doing well also.  

Have a great Christmas and New Years everyone.  Stay safe.

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Re: Chat Thread

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and can you believe Christmas is almost here?!  Don and me had a quiet Thanksgiving and since neither of us cares to eat poultry, we had a smoked tri-tip.  My son and his family are all staying home and we plan to get together on the 17th for an early Christmas get together.  I can't wait to see my granddaughters!  Fingers crossed that this time next year is more normal!!!

Debra, I'm glad your Mom is settling in to her new home.  My Dad is doing okay.  I have not been to visit him, but I can yell through the phone at him ... he still refuses to get hearing aids!

Mary Alice, it sounds like you will have everything finished with the home before you move in?   I'm looking forward to seeing your post on IG.  I have not posted anything new in a few days.  I'm working on a large last minute custom order and trying to get it finished and shipped.  Shipping has been a pain this year.  Some packages are taking days longer to get to their destination.

Hope everyone else is well!

I was excited my new book was published this week and I have ordered copies for our etsy shop.  Hopefully this book does well too.  I have been asked to write another book next year and will start on sketches after the Holidays.  I also have a few patterns coming out in some of the magazines that Annie's publishes.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year!

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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning everyone.

Lisa: Congrats on the new book, and also for being asked for another one AND for the few patterns coming out in some of the magazines Annie publishes.  I know you must be super excited and never dreamed you would be doing this.  I'm very happy for you

Debra: hope all is well with you.  I know you must be very busy also.  Hope the covid down in Fla. has eased up some what.  Here in New York it's been spiking, especially in the Hudson Valley region where I live.  It's all the citiodits that are coming up here.  There was a big article in Forbes magazine from the county executive Pat Ryan promoting the Hudson Valley and all the things w.e have up here, so now all the city people are busying homes up here and taking away from the beautiful countryside and quaint towns we use to have.  The're buying up a lot of stores and promoting the city boutiques where the people up here that don't have the money to busy those type of things.  Now are taxes will be going up and the price of everything else.  Plus, now we have a spike in covid.  We're not too happy about this.  Unfortunately there is nothing we can do.  

During the summer a lot of other people came up around the tannersville and HUnter area and brought food and picnic baskets and were going on other peoples property and leaving all their sh**t behind.  It was terrible.  No regard for anything.  OK. that's my rant for today.  Besides that everything else is ok.  

Today it's rainy and not very nice out.  They said we were suppose to get a bad storm, but thank goodness we haven't.  It's just rainy and damp out. Well, let me get going have lot's to do.  Stay safe everyone and Happy Holidays.  In other words Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~  Hope everyone is doing well.  I just got the news that my son-in-law has covid.  Of course I am a nervous wreck hoping my daughter doesn't get it and that he will be ok.  He has asthma so it's a concern.  He's doing ok and the hopsital sent him home with antibiotics.  My daughter has a rapid test today and it showed negative.  I was with her last Saturday but we were wearing masks the whole time while I drove her to an exam she was taking for billing and coding certificate.  

Lisa ~ I can't wait to receive my copy of your new patterns.  They look so adorable.  Enjoy your family when you get together.  You must be so excited.  Can't blame you.

You are too funny with your dad and yelling into the phone.  I just had one of those yelling matches with my mom.  I was trying to find out her code to let people into her neighborhood.  We had a guy coming to patch and paint her house walls.  It was insane trying to get across what I needed from her.  I finally got the info but I needed a drink afterwards! 

MaryAlice ~ We have the same issue here with tourists.  It's crowded again and covid is on the rise.  You mentioned Tannersville and Hunter Mountain.  My sister-in-law's mountain house is in North Lexington and we wee always in Tannersville and Hunter Mountain area.  I love it up there.  Too bad people don't respect the land or other people's rights to enjoy a trash free environment.  

The good thing for you that people are buying up properties is that the value of your new home will continue to rise.  How's the move going?

Not much going on here.  I will probably be closing shop later today.  I was slammed last week and closed for a few days to catch up.  I opened again this week but mail is so slow that packages I mailed on the 2nd are still out there in the USPS system.  I had a few go to the wrong states.  I don't want to deal with people thinking they will get their items by Christmas. 

Have a great weekend and everyone stay healthy!

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Re: Chat Thread

I hope everyone is well and staying healthy!  I'm caught up on orders and pretty much finished for the Holiday season.  Not much of a rush this year, but just enough to keep me very busy for a couple of weeks.  I'm glad it is done!

Mary Alice, you are right, I never thought I would be publishing so regularly.  It is perfect timing as my website is slower than etsy was for our shop.  Though this year is hard to gauge what normal is.  The best part of the website is some of our favorite customers are still ordering custom made and we are not dealing with so many new "mostly difficult" customers.

New Mexico has seen a huge boom in people moving here, a huge influx from Cal, probably due to the non-stop fires.  The whole country seems to be seeing a covid spike.  The governor shut the whole state down again and what has reopened is very limited.  Curbside shopping is our new normal and we only do that about once a month.

Debra, I hope you sil recovers quickly!  We had a scare with Don's son and dil after Thanksgiving.  

Lol, Debra, my Dad can trigger a drinking response in me too!  I'm sure it is frustrating for them too, but dang my Dad is the most stubborn person I have ever known and it just gets worse with age!  

Thank you for buying my book!  I hope you have fun with the patterns and send me a message if you have any questions.  

I'd better get busy, I've been cleaning and catching up with housework that was put on ignore the past couple of weeks.  I am also finishing small blankets for the granddaughters before I see them next week.  They love the stuff Don and I make, so they are getting some handmade gifts this year.

Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi everyone  Sounds like you are all having lots of things going on. It also sounds great to be book publishing, new relationship and moving to a newly renovated house and being busy with sales.  I doubt very much I will ever be able to open my shop again.

I don't know how I survived before I got these little birds. The other day I fell asleep in the recliner and Jelly Bean woke me up kissing me.  She is a tiny little Bird.(Don't know why this keeps capitalizing bird).  Sam is coming around and I am sure he is working on saying "Sam I am".  They keep  me entertained all day. I want to have ONE clutch when they are old enough. If necessary I'll buy  breeder to have the one clutch.  I can't wait!!!!!!!

OK....that's enough, everyone doesn't love parakeets like I do.

Hope everyone is able to enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

Sue Ellen



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Re: Chat Thread

OK...I just wrote a whole long post to you ladies and I couldn't post it.  I'm too pooped to start again.  So bascially,

Have a Merry Christmas!  Everyone stay well!

Lisa - love the book, Congrats.

Sue Ellen - I adore parakeets so share your stories.

Take Care!

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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning Everyone.

Just a short note to say have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year

Lisa:  received the new book and love all the designs. Hope it's selling well

Sue Ellen  Great stories and glad to see your doing good.

Debra:  I know how you feel about typing a whole bunch of stuff and then having it disappear.

Still not in the house, problems with home depot and lowes.  

Anyhow.  Have a great holiday ladies.

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Re: Chat Thread

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

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Re: Chat Thread

Happy New Year Ladies to you and your families.  I hope the coming year brings you all much health and happiness!!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

It's been a busy beginning of the year.  Glad to be putting 2020 behind us.  My brother, sister and I have been getting my mom and dad's house ready for sale.  My mom has always been orderly and very clean but there is a lot of things to go through.  We should have it on the market by next week.  It's the only home that will be for sale in her area so it should go very fast.  

My mom's facility will finally be getting the covid vaccine come this Monday.  Makes me mad that people I know, who are in their late 60's, have already received the shot but all these elderly people have been kept waiting.  It's been really irritating how poorly run the vaccine operation has been in Florida.  Should I be surprised?...I don't think so!!

I reopened my shop sooner than I had planned, I was bored out of my mind.  I've been trying to add some new styles and colors to keep it interesting. I love the new Pantone colors of the year and made two sets with dark gray and yellow. 

I've been doing a lot of purging of my own things.  I had so many things in boxes and knick knacks hidden away that I will never use. How many mismatched coffee cups does one person need?  A few weeks back I cleaned out the drawers in Neal's office.  I had been using the office now for 2 years but never could get myself to clean out the shelves or drawers.  While it would have been too hard to do last year, this year I was able to do it.  Still a lot of computer things and books but I have packed a lot of stuff and brought it into the garage.  The knick knacks went to Goodwill.

I haven't been up to see my kids since before Thanksgiving.  I'm a little nervous to travel now with covid on the rise here and that new super spreader strain.  5 people in my son's office got covid over the holiday and my son-in-law got covid from his co-worker who came to work sick.  He was sick for 2 weeks with on and off fevers and overwhelming exhaustion.  Thank goodness my daughter didn't get sick.   I think she had covid the month before because she had all the symptons my son-in-law had but had tested negative which can happen.

Anyone working on new projects?  I would love to make a scrap sweater.  I see them on instagram and they look so pretty.  They are made with all scrap yarn and pieced together so nicely.  I'll have to see if I can find a pattern.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy start to the new year.  

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Hi everyone!  I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year!  I took the last 2 weeks of December off and did very little.  Lol it took me 10 days to finish one scarf ... it was a nice change to do absolutely nothing!

I am now working on some scarves for our website and have several projects lined up for Annie's.

Debra, I hope you get to see the grandkids soon!  I miss the girls but was able to see them on the 17th.  My son is still working from home and the schools have not reopened in our county so hopefully I can see the girls again soon.  I'm dreading the task of dealing with my Dads house when he passes.  Maybe I will get lucky and my younger sister will decide to stay living there.   It sounds like the vaccine dispersal is an issue everywhere.  I had a hard time getting my flu shot last year as the pharmacies were limited on the amounts they received each week.

Mary Alice, have you been able to move in yet?  

Sue, I hope you are well and enjoying your feathered friends!

Thats all for now, will chat again more soon.

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