Lisa, congrats on 200 listings! You are well on your way to getting ready for the holidays. And wonderful news about your dad's surgery. You can I could be on the same bowling team and call ourselves 'The Handicappers'.
Mary Alice, so sorry that Tony hasn't been feeling well. I know too well how hard that can be on you. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Sounds like you are enjoying the 4needle socks.
Rebecca, glad to hear trial Day #1 went well for you. As for being tired, are you taking even 10 minutes out of your day for YOU time? Sometimes if you are continually on the go you do feel exhausted. If it continues like everyone else says, get to the doctor!
Debra, Thanks for the heads up on the Sex Tapes film. It looked really good in the preview but I'll wait until its on the tele. Don't freak on the shipping to Australia. I've noticed that its taking a couple of weeks now depending on where its going. Everyone must be on holiday.
Sarah, I've not heard of the Art-mat project but that's fantastic for you! And so nice that your son is having such a great birthday week.
Joanne, I just ignore many of the forum posts. I've been in a prototype for that change to the activity feed for months and the general consensus in the group was that the change was for the better since now it was so much easier to see just the activity for your own shop. There will always be complainers out there.
Monty Python show last night was absolutely Fabulous. We laughed until we hurt. Dinner was at the California Pizza kitchen and we shared a Pear and Gorgonzola cheese pizza with tiramasu for dessert. Totally off both of our diets but worth it.