Chat Thread

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Re: Chat Thread

Thanks very much Melissa. Much appreciated.

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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa, congrats on 200 listings! You are well on your way to getting ready for the holidays. And wonderful news about your dad's surgery. You can I could be on the same bowling team and call ourselves 'The Handicappers'.

Mary Alice, so sorry that Tony hasn't been feeling well. I know too well how hard that can be on you. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Sounds like you are enjoying the 4needle socks.

Rebecca, glad to hear trial Day #1 went well for you. As for being tired, are you taking even 10 minutes out of your day for YOU time? Sometimes if you are continually on the go you do feel exhausted. If it continues like everyone else says, get to the doctor!

Debra, Thanks for the heads up on the Sex Tapes film. It looked really good in the preview but I'll wait until its on the tele. Don't freak on the shipping to Australia. I've noticed that its taking a couple of weeks now depending on where its going. Everyone must be on holiday.

Sarah, I've not heard of the Art-mat project but that's fantastic for you! And so nice that your son is having such a great birthday week.

Joanne, I just ignore many of the forum posts. I've been in a prototype for that change to the activity feed for months and the general consensus in the group was that the change was for the better since now it was so much easier to see just the activity for your own shop. There will always be complainers out there.

Monty Python show last night was absolutely Fabulous. We laughed until we hurt. Dinner was at the California Pizza kitchen and we shared a Pear and Gorgonzola cheese pizza with tiramasu for dessert. Totally off both of our diets but worth it.
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Re: Chat Thread

Thanks Melissa!

Crochetgal~ I saw preview for the Monty Python movie yesterday. They are amazing and they had the show on here every night at 11pm for years.

Pear and gorgonzola is my favorite!! Isn't date night the best?! Glad you enjoyed yourselves. You have to go off your diets every once in a blue moon.

The package to Australia is in Miami, at least it made it about 45 miles in 7 days!

I have to look up the art-mat project along with the hore frost. I will be busy tonight!
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Re: Chat Thread

Here's some info on the art vending machines:

I am so excited, there is one at the local art museum. I will be checking it out.

I looked up hoarfrost and am now enlightened. I love learning something new!
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Thank you, Melissa!

Lol Crochetgal, just think of the bowling team name options with the words handicappers and any variation of hook (hookers, hooking, hookery). Being a rural area we had one team named the "Holy Cows" that was bowling dairy owners. I am so craving tiramasu now. Or key lime pie. Maybe a banana split without the banana.

I have no idea what a pear and gorgonzola is?

Mary Alice, I really like your stocking socks. The pattern is gorgeous!

Debra, I'm glad your package is tracking now.
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Re: Chat Thread

I couldn't come up with any good names other than "Handicapped Hookers" or something along those lines.

It the Pear fruit with Gorgonzola - an Italian blue cheese but this is what it looks like

Debra, glad to hear you can track the package now.

Thanks for the art-o-mat link. There's one 'in town' but its 50 miles from here. The joy of living in the 5th largest city in the USA.
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Re: Chat Thread

Crochetgal - that pizza sounds awesome. That pizza combination is one that I would love.

Mary Alice - I will have to check out your new socks. They sound like they are a hit with the girls here.

Sarah - I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on reaching your goal of 20 sales. You did it!!
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Re: Chat Thread

Congrats, Sarah!!! Wishing you a speedy next 20 sales!

Lol crochetgal, it doesn't take much to entertain me and I spend way too much time "randomly thinking".

Have a great day, everyone!
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Re: Chat Thread

Great bowling team names!! My team would have to be the Yapper's. Since everyone talks a lot and no one would be playing.

Sarah~ The first 20 sales were the hardest and you did it!! Congrats!

MaryAlice~ I will check out your socks. I am on a quest trying to learn how to make them. My daughter would like a pair and I am going to try and modify the super simple pattern I am using for the infant christmas stocking.

Crochetgal~ I love your pattern for the shawl. I have made a few over the years but yours is really pretty and I can just hear the ooh and aahs from my friends if I showed up wearing one.

Lisa~ I hope your dad is doing well enough to go home today.

Off to check out a new apt for my daughter and her husband. My son-in-law just graduated college so they can now move away for the university area which is very expensive.

Have a good day!
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Re: Chat Thread

I feel like running this package to her address and hugging her like mad! I controlled myself by filling up the envelope with mini-skeins and good wishes.

Oh, man, Key Lime pie! yum!

Finally got Indigo down (without actually being indigo)- I've been trying to make a color-fast indigo to go with jeans. Then one test skein came out with these tie-dyed looking areas, like shibori- now I have to figure out how that happened so I can do it again!

Happy Saturday, everyone!
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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Lisa: Thanks. I'm glad you like my socks. It's very easy,as it's from an old pattern,and only uses 2 knitting needles. I'm still on my first sock with the 4 needle method. I think I'll stick to the 2 needle method though. It's easier and quicker. Also thanks for favoring my sock. Appreciate it.

Crochetgal: Glad you had a nice time on your date nite. It's good to get out once in awhile. We all need that.

I just read all your posts, but I can't remember everything everyone said. So I can't comment on everyones post. So sorry. That's what happens when you get old. My short term memory is very bad. Wonder why that is?

I'm posting a new baby outfit I finally finished. It's all Pink. I like the way it looks I also did a white one which I will post shortly also. I have a lot of winter stuff that I need to post, but I'll wait as I have to get it all out and right ow it's too much of a bother.

Had sushi for lunch. Bought it home from the super market that has it. It was good. How is the weather where you all are. Here it's rather nice for a change. A bit cloudy, but no humidity and only around 83. Tomorrow I think it's suppose to rain.

Well ladies, that's it from this end. Thanks Melissa for making this private.
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Re: Chat Thread

Sarah~ We are heading down to Key West at the end of August, I will eat some Key Lime Pie and think of the team!

Yarn to match jeans would be nice.

Mary Alice~ Socks looks great and I am sure they were a lot of work. Hope they sell for you.
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Re: Chat Thread

Debra, I hope the apt. shopping went well. Lol, I am really craving key lime pie now. I will have to purchase a pie before I go to Dads today. Then I can leave most of the pie at his house, so I don't eat the whole thing by myself. It is always good to have a plan.

Sarah, congrats again! The first 20 sales are the hardest!

Mary Alice, congrats on learning the 4 needle technique. I can't manage 2 needles with knitting, so I stick with crochet. The temps hit 111 at our house yesterday and it was 102 in Albuquerque. Of course my Dad got released at 3:30 in the afternoon and I about cooked going outside in the heat.

My Dad is doing great and I was shocked to learn he has not been taking any pain medications while in the hospital. Dad claims the ice packs work better than pain meds. The therapists and Drs. said he is doing better than any other knee patient they have seen. We had long discussions all last week about positive attitude and I am so thankful he is doing so well.

Yeah, I had a custom order for an item I DO make, just in a different color. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa - If you get a custom order in a different colour, do you often end up adding that colour to your regular items after? Almost anytime someone asked for custom colours on my necklaces or gloves, I end up adding them to my regular list. I love the ideas.

We are supposed to have another heat wave this week as well. Of course a heat wave for us is only about 35C (95F). Most of the time our summer temps are in the mid 80's. I would die at 111 degrees.

Glad to here your dad is recovering so well, Lisa. That is so amazing that he is going without pain meds. I think that is a really healthy way to go, IF you can do it. He probably has a really hight pain threshold as well.

Lisa,I need you happy sales fairy dust wishes for my shop again. Every time you do, I get a few sales. I've been in a drought all month!!

Wow - that was all for Lisa!!! Hope the rest of you are having a great day.
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Re: Chat Thread

Good afternoon!

Lisa~ So glad your dad is doing so well, knock wood! Surgery today is no amazing and the recovery time is getting better all the time. Plus, he is listening to the drs. so that really helps. Hope he continues to make great strides in recovering.

Your temps are scorching!! We are also very hot, in the low 90's but with the humidity you are sweating and dripping before you know it.

Apt. hunting for my daughter was a bust. It sounded too good and it was. When we got to the complex we discovered it was government subsidized housing, basically the projects. I have to say the rental agent was all about working the system and everything we said that might be a problem she had a solution and how to get it past the government. Corruption on a small scale but definitely corruption.

It wasn't the right place for my daughter and her husband but for people who need to live in government housing it was certainly a nice complex, with a pool and volleyball courts. Nothing like the projects in Chicago, for sure.

I try not to bring home pies or cakes because I always wind up taking just a bite till the whole thing is gone.

I had a bust of a week in my shop and then on Friday and Saturday I got very busy. Dead again today. I am 6 sales away from my goal for the whole year so that is very exciting. My 4th year anniversary on Etsy is August 9th or 10th
so it will be a nice number to reach.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Joanne, the grey dog scarves started with a custom order for a grey scarf with a dachshund on it (2 years ago). I do try to add colors that customers are asking for. I have found that people that are buying for themselves will request different colors and people that are buying for gifts usually want the grey. Pinks, greens and purples are the most requested custom colors. I have been adding new designs in gray and then adding additional colors if the design is getting some interest with views, favorites or sales.

Sprinkling sales fairy dust to you Joanne! We went over 2 weeks without a sale and then had 4 in one day and then had another 10 days of drought. The etsy sales roller coaster. I am surprised that we have sold scarves this month.

Have a great day, ladies!
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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, we were typing at the same time. Sorry to hear that the apt. shopping was a bust. My son and dil stayed in subsidized housing throughout college, but they qualified for the help. The apt. was nice, but they had a constant barrage of strange new neighbors. But, compared to the parties in the campus dorms it was a quieter place to live and study.

It is just past noon here and already 102 F. We are supposed to start getting in the monsoon rains again this evening and the rest of the week is going to be high 80's. Much better temperature.

I am going to go stay with my Dad this afternoon while my nephew goes out and has some fun with my kids. My Dads knee was so bad that I think having it replaced is a relief.

Debra, congrats on your sales goal and upcoming anniversary! I have a goal for us this year, but it is too early in the season to know if we can reach it. OR, if we can make enough inventory to be able to reach it.

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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa~ If my son-in-laws job comes through they will max out of the housing. For college it would have been great for my sons. They did have college housing, not quite dorms so it wasn't all that bad as far as expenses. But this was just not the place for my daughter. No cable, no internet, no security, which really bothered me and they couldn't see the apt. till the day they moved in. And, if they decided they didn't like it, since they make no repairs to the apt except for paint, they would lose their deposit.

I am hoping they will find something nicer and without all the people hanging out around the cars doing what I have no idea. My tiny little daughter hanging around there put the fear of G-d in me!!

Thanks for the idea about the matching colored buttons for the stockings. I painted two of the wood heart buttons to match the pink and blue toes and it looks amazing.
Neal thinks I have a winner idea with the stockings and booties. Could be another heart hat bust!

Good luck with your goal. The fact that many of my customers buy more than 1 egg or booties really helped my numbers climb. I use to have a dollar amount goal every month but it was easier to reach when I sold blanket sets.
This might be the first month since February that I reach that goal again so it's been exciting.

I will need to make that dollar goal since my daughter won't be taking government subsidized housing but rather mommy subsidized housing!

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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa. So glad your Dad is doing better. And I know it's a relief for you. I don't know how you do it with those temps. It's crazy. Thanks for the compliment on my socks. I just purchased a download pattern from a shop here I've been doing business with for sometime. It's for Stockings. I can't wait to start as it looks very easy.

Good luck to all of you on your sales.

Crochetgal: How are you doing with this heat and all. I saw a video on tv of the sand storms you were having out there in Az. It was crazy. It looks awful scary also.

Debra: Sorry you didn't have much luck apt. hunting. It's amazing how they know how to work the system. I wish I could do that.

I'm not much of a pie person. I like cakes more. My favorite is Strawberry Shortcake. And my fave pie is Peach.

My daughter just sent me their pics from Paris and England. Paris looks nice. My daughter said that the French are very rude, and Paris sort of reminded her of NYC. They went to the Locke Bridge, where I guess you purchase a lock and decorate it and then lock it on the bridge. They did a video of it. It was interesting. They went to the Louve and took a few pics. one of them being the Mona Lisa. I have to go if they go next year. I'll put that on my bucket list. lol
Hey Joanne. How are you surviving the heat. I don't think I could do it. I think i need some of Lisa's fairy dust also. But I would need a boat load.

Well ladies off to eat lunch. Have a great day.
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Re: Chat Thread

Sarah, congrats on the sales milestone. You are off and running!

Lisa, glad to hear your dad is doing so well. And yes, attitude is everything. Did someone say Key lime Pie?? Your scarfs should be taking off as they are gorgeous!

Mary Alice, we are ok here thanks for asking. Yes we did have some really bad monsoon storms last night. Lightning, thunder and high winds and heavy rains. But here we were spared the brunt of the storm that hit over on the East side so I hear from this morning's news. Apparently they had a microburst that took a lot of power out and did some serious damage.

We are in the north west area of the Valley and since most of the storms come from the south and travel up the east side we quite often are just on the edge.

Debra, sorry your kids apartment hunting was a bust. But that just means that they haven't found their perfect spot yet. I'm sure they will find it soon. Your new booties look amazing! Love the idea of the twin sets. When we were in school, we banked with the 'Bank of Mom' quite a bit so I know what you mean.

Although Lisa and I both live in areas where the temperatures get very hot (compared to what you are used to) its very dry where we live so we don't have the humidity thats around in other areas. Our idea of a 'humid' day is when the humidity is over 35%. And although we perspire quite a bit, we don't notice it nearly as much as it evaporates immediately. So you don't end up walking around with a soaking wet tshirt.

Pool is in dire need of cleaning this morning and the sun has just come out so I'm going to try to get some photos.
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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa~ I think I am going to try and have some extra stock build up this year and I will actually have time to do it since the booties don't take up much time to make. Some of my sets sell but only sporadically.
If by chance the stockings sell then I might concentrate on those for the holidays and build up that stock. I don't want to take custom orders on those since I am enjoying them and would probably wind up hating them if I had to make them on demand.

MaryAlice~ Glad your daughter and her family are having a good time. I have heard of the bridge with all the locks and it looks very interesting.

Crochetgal~ The kids just starting looking for an apt. so I am sure they will find something. I know they better because once you leave the door doesn't swing back open!! And, the two of the are such slobs I would have to kill myself!!

Thanks for the likes on the booties. I finally got the right boxes which are really 1/2 candy boxes but the size is just right. Thank goodness for Papermart because I would have no idea where to find boxes like that in bulk locally.

I am waiting for some gauze bags to come in so I can start selling the stockings.

Glad you didn't get hit with the storms or at least not too bad. We have had some wicked thunderstorms here lately. The lightening actually blew out our tv on our patio. Brand new tv that is now completely broken. My girlfriend had her whole computer and modem destroyed and my neighbor across the street also lost her cable box. Crazy!!

Have a good night!
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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Debra: Where are you stockings? I don't see them in your shop?
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Re: Chat Thread

Mary Alice~ I have not introduced my Christmas stockings yet into my shop. I have little hanging stockings that will have matching booties. I am just waiting on the gauze bags they will go in to arrive plus I am not finished with all of the booties or buttons.

I want to have everything ready to go before I start putting them up for sale. I am loving them though!

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Re: Chat Thread

Thanks Lisa - your sales fairy dust worked! Actually, a lady order a custom hook that was 20mm and 22 inches long. She said these giant 2 foot long hooks are really popular right now. Anyway, I love the idea so I'm going to add a few to my shop this fall.

Surviving the heat. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter, but we are going to the water slides for a belated birthday party for my 12 year old.

Talk to you all later....
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