Here you go. Private and all.

Re: Chat Thread

Hello Everyone,

Sounds like WE are all doing what they are asking of us which makes me proud!!!!  These people who are risking other people's health drive me nuts.  Did anyone see on Dr. Phil the girl that licked the toilet seat and didn't care if she got the virus and risked anyone else's health?  She was unbelievable.  

I have lived this way for almost five years but believe me, it is totally different when I was only dealing with myself being homebound and this going on in the whole world.  Since I am homebound, I have been spared seeing under stocked stores.  That must be so scary...something you only associate with foreign countries.

It seems like most of you have dogs.  I am a parakeet person myself.  I used to raise them.  I had some smart little birds.Every one was hand held from the day it hatched so they were all very tame.  I really miss them.  I don't have one now since there would be no one to take care of it if I ever have to go back to the hospital.

Everyone stay well!!!!!

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Re: Chat Thread

Team I need some suggestions....any ideas on what I should do with all this product I have that has never sold?  Do you think I should mark everything down by at least 50%. I really don't want to give it away.  There is a lot of work involved and I think my work is of very good quality.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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Re: Chat Thread

Good Evening Ladies ~

Sue Ellen ~ Hope you are feeling well.  I have been trying to shelter in place but I'm dealing with my mom who needs her meds picked up and food so every few days I am running errands.  Tonight she is at my house because her back is giving her a problem and she was afraid to be alone.  But, I am doing my very best to stay away from people.

Sue Ellen~ If you don't want to have to do post office runs or have anyone coming to get packages then maybe when this is over you could go back to selling.  15-20% is always a nice discount. 

How long were you a bird breeder? Many years ago I use to have a little cockatiel, I got him when he was still very young and I had to bottle feed him.  I loved that bird to pieces, went with my on my shoulder everywhere.   Super smart, he sang and danced.  I love birds and was telling my son that maybe that should be my next pet but then I thought about it and they can be very messy, loud and they take way more care than a dog.  So I think my bird days are over.  

I am so sad that I can't see my granddaughter or grandson.  The other grandma keeps coming and going, she lives in the same area, but I really don't think she should be doing that.  The baby is only a month old on the 6th and who knows who she is coming in contact with.  My son wants me to come up but there is no way I would risk my healthy or my kids. There area of Florida isn't as hard hit (thank goodness) as Palm Beach to Dade County but it's now on lockdown like the rest of us.  Today the Governor finally issued an order to stay in place for the whole state.  Just the scariest freaking times.

As a Floridian, we have to do hurricanes and staying home for a week and dealing with empty store shelves happens but there is no way to prepare for this.  I really feel as if it's all surreal.  I am so close to my family but we are all staying away from each other.  Just my mom is the only one getting visitors because she needs our help.  

I opened my shop with a few items that I have already crocheted.  I don't want to make too many trips to the post office so if I sell something fine otherwise I can't imagine having to make daily runs to the post office.

I have an Etsy question and of course I could not find the phone number or email on the site.  I use to be able to click on my sales number on my shop page and see my sold items but I haven't been able to since the other day.  I had to make my past sales public in order to see it.  I am wondering if this happened because I haven't had any sales in about 2 weeks or if there is a glitch.  Anyone else having that issue?

Lisa ~ Hope you are feeling well. How's your dad and your family?

Mary Alice ~ How's your puppy?  My mom is so not a fan of my little Scarlett.  Can't say that I blame her.  Scarlett zooms all over the place and jumps onto everything.  She'll be a year old on the 14th and I am hoping she finally starts to settle down.  She gives me and Jimmy a run for our money.

I'm pooped and going to bed.  Hope everyone is well and stays that way.  

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, etsy is testing on sales placement, feedback placement etc.  They keep shifting my feedback from most recent to feedback from months ago and the # and sales # keep moving.  I think they are trying diversion tactics from the mandatory ad bs.  They started a thread earlier for a social media banner and hashtag supporting small business and the thread got so ugly so quickly that it was shut down ... much like the international women's day post a few weeks ago.

Please stay safe!  I never in my life thought I would see anything like this virus sweeping the country.  And the panic.  No telling how things will look weeks or months from now.  My sister and her son are taking care of Dad and I am thankful.  I am already paranoid during flu season and now I don't want to leave the house at all.  We have been on lock down for almost 2 weeks in NM and I'm sure the order is coming for another few weeks.

Sue Ellen, I don't think people are buying non essentials right now.  You might try donating one item to a group that will share your shop or items on social media and see if that helps.  My business plan right now is to keep working on my website and gear up for the winter season.  This includes donating to dog groups that will feature out items and store.  I am also working on some new items to add to our website and etsy when the health crisis subsides.  Funny (ironic not haha, I had planned for a slow year) being an election year and people are always cautious with politic uncertainty.  I just didn't realize how deep this might go.

Mary Alice, How is the puppy?  I would love to get another dog or two but Don barely tolerates the two we have!    I hope you are safe and well and not too stir crazy with home schooling Olivia!

Wishing everyone well, and please stay safe!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Hope everyone is doing well.  I've been staying in as much as possible since the middle of March when my dad passed away.  Hopefully this will all end by May with everything "normal" by summer.

My brother was just over, he fishes in the backyard and then we stayed 6 feet apart and hung out on my patio.  We've always been a kissie, huggie family so this staying apart and not touching is hard for us.  My mom and I were discussing that from now on we will never hug or kiss anyone hello or goodbye, we are going to start bowing or touching elbows.

Lisa ~ Thanks for the Etsy issue.  I haven't been on the forums in ages.  I don't like the new format and find it hard to find threads since they aren't in order.  I miss the old Forum.  My shop sales are no longer showing even to me and like you my reviews are all over the place as far as date.  I have a few things listed in my shop but can't add too much more because, as i mentioned in previous post, I don't want to go to post office too often and now I'm low on supplies and don't feel like accepting boxes with possible cooties from the manufacturer.  And, like you said, most people are not buying anything but essentials.  Who has money if you're not working.  In 9 months there will be a baby boom and maybe I'll have my crochet mojo back.   

How's your dad?  It's not easy taking care of elderly now.  My mom doesn't seem to understand the  isolation concept.  
My mom was a young mother in WWll so I know she knows about survival but this is out of her realm.  I was taking her home the other day and she wanted me to let her off at the Italian market so she could pick up some fish.  I'm smacking my head and telling her that every doctor I had taken her to said stay inside and don't go out.  And yesterday I dropped her off some food while she was at my sister's and she couldn't understand why I wasn't coming in.  When I tell her why she makes that "aw go on" face.

I'm just relaxing today.  Yesterday I washed my car, hosed down the whole front of my house and driveway and pulled dead plants.  Today I'm on the patio crocheting, much better day!

I hope everyone continues to stay well and gets through these crazy times.  I never thought the USA would be going through sometime like this.  I've seen things in other countries and thought "we're America, can't happen to us" man was I wrong.  I will never again take for granted going to the store, out for drinks or just hanging out with friends and family.

Take care ladies!  Hug and kisses to you and your families.  

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hello Peeps.  How are you all.  Staying inside and being good?  I can't wait until all the crap is over with.  Everyone is just going crazy.  I guess it is better if you stay away from people.  They're all nuts.  I went out in the back yard today to do some raking up from falling branches.  Olivia was digging in the dirt and wanted to plant some flowers.  I feel bad for her as she has 2 kids next door and she can't even go over to play with them.  They have to show to one another.

The puppy is so cute.  We think she might be full blooded pit bull.  I wish I could post a pic on here so you could see her.  She doing pretty well training wise. We say go potty and bring her to the paper and she goes, now that the weather is getting warmer my son in law takes her outside to do her business.  My daughter and son in law will be putting up a small fence so she can be fenced in though she won't be in it much just when there is work to do outside.  My daughter bought her a pink play pen that's nylon and octogon shaped it's the cutest thing.  It has a nylon bottom and mesh sides to look out from.  She's really not a fan of it, but we put her in there when it's dinner time.  She had surgery on her lady bits, so we don't have little pits running around.  She doesn't like being alone at night and cries terribly, so, my daughter and son in law take her to bed with them.  What a mush they are.

. The woman never contacted me back about the poncho, so I think I will just remove the reserve and see if someone else wants it.  It's a week now and she hasn't responded.  Oh well, see what happens.

I see that there are a lot of clothing in crochet being popular now.  A lot of vests.  I have a pattern from a book I have that I might try doing.  I'm almost finished with my white and blue chevron blanket, and then I'll have my yellow varigeated bobble stitch blanket to finish.

Well that's all for now.  Please all stay safe and do your social distancing. 

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi, all!

I've been reading your posts when I can, but actually getting on Etsy has been pushed to the back burner.  

I'm glad you're all doing well with the "safer at home" measures being taken.  I'm taking unpaid time off from the job I had started in December (although now I'm going to start getting 2/3 pay, thanks to the emergency things that just passed!), my husband is working from home, and the kids have been home for 2 1/2 weeks now.  Overall, we consider ourselves lucky.  I have a teaching background and our kids' school doesn't do any schoolwork online; every weekend, I head to school to drop off the packet of work from the week and pick up  the packet of work for the next week.  It's working really well; so well, in fact, that we're now seriously considering homeschooling next year.  It'd be so much nicer teaching my own kids than attempting to help 120 4th graders at the local public school! My husband was sent home from work with his laptop AND a desktop, so we had to box up my Cricut to make room for those on our desk, which now has three computers set up (the two from work and our desktop).  It's working, though.  We all have breakfast together in the morning and then the kids and I head to the dining room table, and my husband closes the door between the kitchen and office and "heads to work". 

One great thing about all of this is that we now get to watch our niece, Ivy, who is just 4 months old, every Thursday.  My sister's a nurse and her husband is also still going to work, and normally Ivy would be watched by one of her sets of grandparents, but with my sister being exposed to all these people at work, they've decided to also keep Ivy away from the "old people", (said with love, of course!).  We realize that we're also taking a slight risk doing this, but they need someone to watch her and we're in  much better shape *should* we be exposed to anything.  Plus, we all adore babies - it's amazing how much free time Michael has on Thursdays!   

I just finished two custom blankets for a friend (she ordered them and even paid me MORE than I charged her), and am now working on a baby blanket for another friend.  Lisa - I'm putting your llama in the blanket! I'll have to figure out a way to show you a picture of it once it's done.  I'm hoping it'll be cute - I'm doing wide stripes of blues and yellow, and have the llama off to one side. I am carrying the yarn through the llama, which isn't perfect, but I'm just using the yarn I have here, and didn't want to split the skeins into two.  That  might be a mistake on my part, but it's a gift and I know they'll be appreciative, even if they notice bits of the yarn being carried. 

As good as it's been going here, moving into Easter week is making me really emotional. We'd normally be going to church services 4 days in a row, and having friends and family over on Easter Sunday, and now that won't be happening.  I don't think grocery shopping has ever made me cry before, but it did yesterday!  And we are able to live stream our services, but it's just NOT THE SAME.  I'm trying to be thankful for all the technology we have to do that sort of thing, there's just moments when it feels like it's not enough. 

Well - I better get outside to soak up some vitamin D to put be in a better mood!  It has been warming up here (50s and 60s), the grass is beginning to turn green, and plants are starting to poke  through the flower beds.  I'm thinking about what to plant in our vegetable garden, and the kids have been spending hours and hours outside.  These are all GOOD things!!!

Sending you all virtual hugs!

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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

I hope everyone is well! Don and I are staying home and haven't driven each other or ourselves nuts yet ... check back in a few days that status may change!

Mary Alice, I'm happy you are keeping busy and get to see Olivia daily!  I miss my granddaughters!  I talk to my kids often but it is a sore replacement for hugs and kisses from the girls!  Have fun with the puppy!  My daughter just adopted and has her hands full with the new "chew and poo on everything" addition!  

Lauren, enjoy your time with baby Ivy!  I would love to see a pic with the llama (send me an attached photo in a conversation through etsy).  My son is having to work from home and he keeps mentioning that tele-conferences are interesting with the background noise .

Debra, hugs to you!  How is your Mom?  Between phone calls from my Dad and my sister I am seriously doubting if I have enough liquor stocked up!

Stay safe everyone and stay home!

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hello all!  Hope everyone is doing well and staying home.being safe.  It is hard for everyone being home when we're not use to it. 

Lisa: found out today from Etsy that the customer chose other instead of C.C. so I'm going to have to cancel the order and she will have to reorder it and choose cc. instead of Other. I sent her 2 messages and only hear from her the other day after a week and a half.  So she said she'd get back to me later on today.  

I'm keeping myself busy with the puppy.  She's so adorable.  Getting so big already.  My daughter-on-in-law and 2 kids went up north to the adirondacks for a few days, they will be back on Saturday. So it will be peaceful.  We all need to get away.  I can't wait till this virus is finished.

The place they are staying is a B&B so they have their own room and it's very isolated.

Debra: Hope all is well with you and your mom.  

Not much else is new here. Stay well everyone.

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Hope everyone is doing well.  


Lauren~ Sounds like you have it all under control at your house.  I have known a few people who home school and it seems their children are able to move along at a faster pace since you are teaching at their level and not a whole classrom of kids at different levels.  My dil and her sister were home schooled up until high school.  Both are electrical engineers and super bright women.  I could never home school, my math skills end at 4th grade level, for real!  Plus, I don't have the patience, takes a special person to home school.  My dil is special that way and already is teaching Violet to read and sound out words.  

My son started back to work after paternity leave but finding it a bit difficult to get a routine going at home with a 2 year old and a newborn.  Hopefully after a few days he will get the routine going. 

Mary Alice ~ This is the perfect time to get a puppy.  Having to be home makes training so much easier.  Scarlett is still not trained!  When this is over I am going to get professional help for her.  She's a stubborn little thing.  Enjoy your spring weather.   I love this time of year up north.    Years ago we spent a few days at a b&b on Lake Champlain.  What a gorgeous area.  

Lisa ~ How are you and Don doing?  Hope you are both feeling well.  

Doing my very best to not leave my house except to walk dogs at night.  Things with my mom have settled down a bit and she has a phsical therapist coming to her house 3 times a week.  The therapist is my brother-n-laws nephew and he is following virus protocol.  Her neck and shoulder are in pain so she's on several meds to bring down inflammation and take care of pain.  I'll do a food drop on Saturday.  

I've been doing my shopping via Walmart pickup so don't even have to go into stores.  Made a few little crochet bunny peeps for Violet and Nick.  Super cute and easy pattern.  But besides that I'm not crocheting.  I closed my shop to orders  so I won't have to go to post office.  

I've been doing yoga again, following videos on YouTube, and trying to sit out in the sun for vitamin D.  Other than that not much.  Binged watch Grace and Frankie and Tiger King.  Tiger King was crazy, like a train wreck.

Stay well ladies.  I'm on instagram where I can see Lauren's photos when she posts.  


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Re: Chat Thread

I'm glad everyone is staying sane and safe!  Such a different life these days, but I really do feel like there are positives to it.  Although....I did have a minor panic moment last night when I got an order and realized I didn't have enough yarn at home for it, and Michael's and Joann's are both closed.  Luckily, we have a Meijer near us and they have one yarn aisle, and I had my grocery list ready anyway.  So I went last night and they had the one skein of yarn I needed!  I also wore a mask when I went out last night, and boy...I could never handle wearing one of those all day long! Breathing in your own breath over and over again...ugh. 

Debra - your mention of Tiger King made me laugh.  It's SO not my type of show, but it looks so interesting in a train wreck sort of way.  I've started watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel again on Amazon Prime - I haven't watched the third season yet, and figure it's a good time to start again since I've forgotten most of the first two seasons.  Really bad language, but SO funny!  Wishing your son and daugher-in-law lots of patience as they adjust to life with two kids!

My husband's boss actually asked him one day how it was so quiet at our house during a teleconference.  We have an office, but it has a wide-open doorway, with no doors.  Apparently many houses are pretty loud - our kids have been great at respecting the volume level while Michael is working. 

Mary Alice - have fun with the puppy! I hope your family has a nice little getaway.  

Happy Easter, ladies!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Hope everyone is had a nice Easter. 

Lauren~ Your scenario with running out of yarn is my nightmare.  I was low on yarn to begin with so I just ordered a few skiens from Hobby Lobby online.  I relisted a few items that I already have made and a few that I have enough yarn for.  I'm getting bored out of my mind and figured if I have to run to the post office once a week that won't be too bad but I can't go everyday.  But, I definitely need something to occupy me.  

I've had more than a few panic moments especially over my son living in NYC.  I also have a nephew and his fiance there along with my husband's whole family in New Jersey.  It's so surreal to me and panic attacks are the new normal.  But, I have faith this to shall pass.  But, it will be a whole new world.  No one is ever shaking my hand or hugging me hello again!  My friends and family are all very kissy, huggie people, that's over with!!

You have such good kids!  My husband worked at home for a bit when my kids were little but we all made him insane and he wound up getting an office away from us.  You must be a super calm and loving mom.  

My son and his wife are getting adjusted with him working at home but the last two days he called me while he was taking a walk to clear his head.  It's a lot of commotion going on in his house but they will figure it out.  I wish I could get up there to help but not going anywhere near the kids till we get the clear. 

I binged watched Virgin River, I loved it!!!  I loved Mrs. Maisel as well.  I just starting watching ChiTown but it's rough, about life on the South Side of Chicago.  Language and content not for the faint of heart.   I will gladly accept any viewing recommendations.  

I'm in a virus hot spot here. So many people in my area are not adherring to the recommendations and won't wear masks or stay the required distance away because they feel it is taking away their civil liberties.  There was a whole thing in my neighborhood paper today.  They feel it's a hoax.   So, I'm trying to stay away from any the food stores and have been getting my groceries from pickup at Walmart.  If everyone isn't doing the proper thing then what's the point?!  Florida is the state for crackpots!  There is a joke in Florida, if you type in the search "Florida Man" and your birthday you will find an article about some nutcase from Florida.  It's the sun, it bakes out peoples brains.  

I hope everyone is doing ok.  I've kind of lost my crochet mojo but need to get it back to stay sane!!

Take care ladies and be well.  

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Re: Chat Thread

Hey, look at this. I can respond. When I got the daily email for the chats here, yours came as only a link to our group post. So I was able to follow it here. I was accepted into a new selling platform but I'm waiting before listing anything til August. It's  called "". They are still in "beta" and working the kinks out as they find them.  I don't know if I'm ready to start again but I have a lot of inventory that needs to go. Next year I will be living on a sailboat (catamaran) and need to downsize big time. Love to all of you and take care out there. Sandy....


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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Hi everyone!  Sandy it's great to hear from you!  I've been following GoImagine and it looks like it may be a promising site for handmade.  I've been in vacation for almost a month on etsy and I have not decided if I am going to reopen here (with limited items) or not.   How exciting for you to move to a sailboat!  Hugs to you and take care.

Debra, it seems for the most part that NM is doing well with the stay at home orders.  The worst outbreaks are on the reservations (and it is tragic).  The communal culture is causing a lot of the spread.

Don and I have been home for over a month now.  Living in a rural area, we are always well stocked on pantry, dried, and freezer items, so we can probably hibernate for another 4 - 6 weeks without running out of groceries.  Hopefully I can order TP and kleenex, on line.  I worry more about running out of tissue during allergy season!  Dad has been behaving for the most part and my sisters anxiety has hit manageable levels.

My son is still working from home and I miss his daily phone calls (he would call me every afternoon when he was driving home from work ... Same as your son, to clear his head).  His teleconferences are still interesting, but he also has 5 dogs, two cats and two kids.  He said the latest explosion was actually my daughter in law walking in and finding a dead muskrat one of the dogs had left in their porch / sunroom.  The doggie door is located in that room and there are occasional "gifts" the pets drag in.

I hope your Mom is well and the pt is helping with her pain.  I also binge watched Virgin river and loved it.  The only series I am faithfully watching now is Outlander and the Rookie.

Mary Alice, I hope you enjoyed your quiet time with the family away.  Have fun with the puppy!  The weather has been nicer here (other than one snow storm on Tuesday) so we have been able to get out in the yard more and enjoy playing with our Sassy dog and soaking up some sunshine.  I have my first hummingbirds coming to my feeders and they always make me think of spring.

Lauren, thank you for sharing the blanket photo!  You did a beautiful job and I love the way it turned out!  It sounds like you and your family have adjusted well to school and working from home.

Don and I have been finding some new things to keep us busy.  Don has been trying new recipes and baking and I have been working on some new patterns.  I heard from the editor at Annie's and she is submitting my new items to her departments for approval for another book.  I should know later this month if the book is a go and that will keep me busy for a couple of weeks.  I am slowly working on our website and enjoying the process.

Stay safe everyone and will chat more soon

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

I hope eveyone is in good health.  

Sandy~ So nice to hear from you!  I would love to hear where you will be mooring on the catamaran and what you plan on doing.  sounds very exciting.  I also was going through my stock and there are so many things I will not be offering for sale or things that just never sold.  I'm thinking the local GoodWill when this is all over.  Some things I will save for baby gifts incase someone needs one.  Many times my girlfriends will contact me to see what I have ready to ship when they need a gift.  

Lisa ~ Wow, you and Don are like survivalists!  I am not rural at all so going to the grocery store every few days was normal.  But a lot of people are not heeding the warnings around here so shopping isn't an option for me.  That is such a shame about the reservations.  It's very difficult for people where there is communal living or multi-generational homes. Sad what is happening.  My brother was over yesterday to fish in my yard and we were at least 6 feet apart the whole time and never touched anything. I gave him water in a plastic cup that i disposed of with a paper towel over it.  

Thank goodness for iphone videos and photos along with facetime because that's the only way I'm seeing my grandkids.  Hopefully by June they will lift some travel restrictions.  Our governor is an ass, he lifted some restrictions here and we haven't even reached the peak.   If we have to go back to step one there will be anarchy here in Florida.     

I'm so over anything I have in my pantry.  Way too many beans and pasta!! I swear, when we are able to go out I am heading to the restaurant that offers the biggest, juiciest cheeseburger and greasy fries!! Tonight I plan on making some kind of creamy mushroom pasta and maybe a salad but I'm dreaming of meat!!

My mom is better.  It seems that with meds and physical therapy she is doing really well, knock wood.  Again today she asked about getting her a nurse so she can go shopping.  I keep telling her that she is not going shopping and if she needs anything to let me or my sister know and we will order it online and have it delivered.  All the grocery stores and Costco offer delivery with Instacart.  I placed an order the other day and had groceries delivered in 2 hours.  I might never shop again.  

So the show I am watching is not ChiTown, (that's where we get Chicago hotdogs in Fort Lauderdale), the show is The Chi.  Super good, just finished season 1.  I think the season 3 of Virgin River starts in August or September.  

Your son's house sounds like my son's.  Instead of calling me while he is driving home he now calls me when he takes a walk to clear his head.  It's super difficult, as I am sure it is for all dads and moms of young children, to work at home.  Neal did it for awhile when our kids were little but it was too difficult.  He wound up getting an office a mile or so away.

Being alone during this time is also difficult.  I'm feeling very isolated and alone, thank goodness for my dogs.  If this doesn't let up soon I might have to add another animal.  

I reopened my shop and keep adding items as I find them in my stash.  A lot of things are on sale in hopes of them just selling.  I can't believe how many items I have that just never sold!

How's your other website going?  Good luck on the new patterns!!  You are so talented.

Have a good Sunday ladies and I hope your week goes smoothly and you and your families stay well.   


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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hi Everyone.  Just checking in to see how you are all doing.  I'm fine as is my family.  Still doing my social distancing. 

Doing a lot of crocheting.  Making a poncho with granny squares.  It's from an old pattern book I have.  It's coming out nice.  

Lisa:  How is your website coming along? Will you be leaving Etsy?  How is Don doing.

Debra:  How is your mother.  How are you? Weather is rainy today, yesterday was really nice sunny and in the 60's.  Been doing a lot of walking.

No one is around so it's ok not to wear a mask which is a pain in the butt.

Hope everyone is doing well.  Talk again soon.

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Mary Alice ~ How's the crocheting coming along?  Puppy must be getting big.  Scarlett was a year old in April, can't believe how quickly that went.  Are you able to get out a bit in your area?  The govenor opened our parks but just for walking, no playing for kids in playground.

I noticed today on the Florida covid-19 stat chart that the cases went up yesterday in Florida.  They opened up most of the state last week, Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are closed, so not sure if they will lock it all down again.  I try and only watch the news when Govenor Cuomo and Govenor DeSantis come on since they seem like the only voices of reason out there.  I'm concerned about the conditions in NYC.  My son will have to take the subway to work, once his company starts back up, so the new cleaning schedule of the trains sounds like a good plan.  

How is everyone else doing?  We've been dealing with my mom here and it's not been easy.  In this one instance I don't mind social distancing!!  I'm going to her house today to help her figure out her phone.  The other day she posted a picture on google photo of my dad's bi-yearly real estate refresher exam answer sheet.    On the exam answer sheet was his credit card info, address, phone number and broker's license number.  My brother and I were in a mad scramble to figure out how that happened, still no answers, and to cancel the credit card.   We think she was going through his iPhone, saw the answer sheet and thought it was a coded message and in trying to see it better she accidentally shared it to google.  It's that level of craziness!

I've been a bit busy with my shop which has been good for me.  A few orders every few days is enough for me and I'm enjoying it again.

I hope everyone is well!

Have a great weekend.

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hello Everyone.

Debra: Wow that's crazy that your mom did that.  I can imagine the fright you and your brother had when you saw that.  I hope you've gotten it straightened out. Maybe take some things off her phone that she doesn't need, this way she can't do that again.  

I've been crocheting but I'm all over the place so not really accomplishing anything of importance.  I have so much left over yarn that It's getting to me again so I guess I'll just crochet lapghans and donate them to different charities.  I mainly do c2c as it seems to go the quickest.  I have a bad habit of purchasing crochet patterns.  I follow this woman called polly plum and she makes the most beautiful patterns mostly afghans and crochet squares, but they are gorgeous.  She has this pattern called Stardust Melody afghan there are 24 different designs and the color choices you can use are endless.  They are of a texture design which I love.  Hopefully one day I will do it.

The puppy is getting so big already.  She'll be 4 months the 21 of this month.  She's a lovey so sweet and cuddly.  I think she's the best dog we ever had..  We think she's a red nose pitbull.  She has all the markings of one.  She sleeps in my daughter and son-in-law's room at night in her crate.    Does Lisa still have her shop on line here, or has she closed it.  I went looking the other day and it says it wasn't there.  I hope she'll be able to keep in touch with her.  

I can't believe it's May already. Almost 6 months into the year.  I can't wait to this corona virus is over with.  I've been out and about on walks, but not going anywhere near people.  They are starting to ease up on restrictions here, little by little.  Governor Cuomo I don't really have anything good to say about him, so I'll leave it at that.  He's not whom he appears to be.

Please stay well, and will talk again soon.




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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Hi everyone.  I hope you all are well!  And not suffering from "covid fatigue".  I've hit the point of trying not to watch as much news, but even regular tv channels have commercials about it.  It is like a non stop constant reminder.  Debra, I have also been watching the Governors.  If I need entertainment I will watch the question and answers from Trumps addresses.  The only bad area in NM is still the towns around the Navajo nation.

Don and I are doing well, we have only left the house once for a shopping trip, but we are going to go see the granddaughters tomorrow for an early Mother's Day breakfast.  Their family has been at home and I am missing the girls.  I'm still working on our website and "dipping my toe" into social media.  I never promoted our etsy store so those avenues are available for our website.  It has been something to keep me busy and I am enjoying the process.  I have also worked on a bunch of new designs and I am waiting to hear back from Annie's on publishing.

Mary Alice, I did relist one item in our store on etsy, so we remain easy to find.  

Debra, lol to your social distancing comment.  I totally get it!  Ugh to your Mom's mishandling of a smart phone.  I hope no damage was done and can you possibly lock her out of the phone?  I got my Dad a flip phone and hope he never wants a smart phone.  My sister got my Dad a tablet and when he couldn't figure out how to use it, he mailed the tablet to one of his grandsons.  

Mary Alice, my crochet mojo is all over the place right now and I drive Don nuts with my yarn piles and started projects.  He is a start something and finish it immediately.  I'm more the sidetracked by a new idea and 10 seconds later by another new idea.  I also get distracted by glitter and shiny objects!!

Wishing everyone a good weekend!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Sorry to be MIA.  I think I do have virus fatigue, just so darn depressing already!!  Can't wait to be up and running and able to see my grandkids.  I've always been ok staying home but now that I am forced to it's driving me kooky.  

Etsy offers a new service where you can have the post office pick up packages so I don't even have to go to the post office.  I haven't been food shopping since March.  I use a delivery service for myself and my mom which is wonderful.  I order food and stuff and within 2 hours it's delivered.  It's really like it use to be in the "old" days when you could call and have your groceries delivered.

 I live in my pjs!  Last week I had to go to Fort Lauderdale to meet with my accountant.  I swear, I couldn't even figure out how to get dressed!  And, I was so darn uncomfortable in real clothes that I couldn't wait to get home.

Mary Alice ~ Puppy must be so darn cute.  Sounds like your busy with crochet.  I made some leg warmers for violet and a couple of hats for her and Nick with a cute little top knot pattern.  

My girlfriend asked if I would do a custom order of a blanket, hat and booties so I worked on that all weekend.  Came out cute but I really hate making blankets. 

How is your family doing?  Hope you had a nice mother's day.

Lisa ~ Hope all is well with you.  I am also still trying to not watch the news but it's hard not to.  We are on phase 1 here but no one is really going out yet.  No one trusts the politicians, people are nervous.  

I've seen the Navajo president a few times on tv and they are having a rough time.  Everyone is collateral damage, it's all about the economy.  

How are the patterns coming for Annies?

Things here are ok.  My brother and I had a long talk with my mom last week after one of her very bad freak outs.  My brother was really good and settled her down.  That talk along with my mother's therapist seem to have helped her turn a corner.  The problem is still there and will always be there but she's stopped, for now, driving us crazy everyday with some new discovery about my dad.  We begged her to let us grieve our dad in peace.  The therapist said the issue will raise it's ugly head again but for now we have a moment of peace.  These issues are contributing to a general depression of my family.  We lost Neal, my dad and my mother has gone insane.  It's a lot to deal with in a short time.   

I've been keeping busy with my shop.  Not as busy as I use to be but just the right amount.  

Anybody have any good tv recommendations?  I watched Virgin River, Grace and Frankie and tried to watch Hollywood.  Hollywood was too graphic for me.  I'm no prude but it was just a lot of gratuitous sex and even more bad acting.  I am watching the Baker and the Beauty and that's kind of cute.  It's supposed to take place in Little Havana in Miami but I think they only show stock photos of the area and it's filmed someplace else.  

Hope everyone is doing well and had a good mother's day.  Take care and stay well!!


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Crafty Poster

Re: Chat Thread

Debra, hugs to you with your Mom.  My Mom was hard to care for with the Alzheimer's but my Dad was impossible.  He lived in his own denial / reality.  It took me a long time to grieve and come to grips with my Mom's passing when "living in the moment" of dealing with my Dad.  I am so thankful for my sister and nephew, they take care of Dad full time (day to day) and I take care of his medical.

I am celebrating little achievements in my attempt (or coping method) to deal with covid fatigue.   I am working of the new designs for Annie's.  They want to publish another book and it is a work in progress.  I will submit photos next week and get the final if we are moving forward.  The chief editor is giving me more free reign with design and color / yarn choices and as soon as I have the go ahead with the designs, I will write the patterns.

I am still working on our new website and had our first sale.  I was super excited and then even more so when I had none of the etsy fees to pay!

I just wanted to check in with everyone and will chat more soon.  Stay safe!  We are still under stay at home orders ... I miss being able to go have lunch at my favorite restaurant!

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning Everyone.  Glad to see everyone is safe.  This covid-19 is depressing.  It's just so crazy.  Now they are talking about having on-line learning become permanent.  At least here in NY.  Gov. Cuomo is trying to push this.  I'd like to push him off a cliff.  My daughter is going crazy with Oliva it's so hard.  They do that new math common core.  What a freaking night mare.  You have to do 10 steps just to get the answer.  Back in the day all you had to do is add 2 freaking numbers together and you got your answer.  

These politicians are trying to dumb down America, and make it a socialist country.  People better start waking up and see what's truly going on here.  It's making me crazy.  I know we're not suppose to talk politics here, but man oh man, people wake up.

I've decided to close my zibbet shop.  I've been on there for 1 1/2 years and not one sale.  I do better with Etsy even though they have their crazy rules and fees.  Not that I'm making a lot of money, but I still get sales.

I found this designer named Helen Shrimpton she has a website called.  She has beautiful patterns.  I'm doing a shawl she designed called Bubble Gum.  It has bobbles in it and it looks so nice.  I'm loving how it's turning out.  I'm doing it in Lion Brand Mandala Wood Nymph.  I have about 6 more rows to do..

Debra: Sorry you're going thru so much with your Mom.  I know it can be taxing for everyone. I know you miss your grandkids also.  That's the one good thing about living with my daughter  I get to see both my grand kids everyday.

Lisa: So glad to hear your doing well and Annie's is looking to publish another book by you.  Also you have free reign with it.  That helps with creativity and your not so restricted.  Last week we had snow.  I couldn't believe it.  All day long you could see it coming from the mountain when we looked out the back kitchen door and it was freaking cold.  Like 35 degrees.  Even now it's still cold and windy.  It's the middle of the month and it should be in the 60's.  This morning it was like 39 degrees.  

Oh well, better get going have some house work to do.  Ugh!!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi, Ladies!

It's been fun catching up on all of your posts on here tonight.  I feel like I rarely get time on the computer with everyone home.  That's not necessarily a bad thing (less time to waste on Facebook!) but also less time for Etsy and more or less no time for my website.  That's all okay, though.  I really wouldn't trade this time for anything.  

We have officially made the decision to homeschool next year.  Doing school at home right now has been so much more calm than what our life had been before this.  I didn't realize how stressed I actually was after going back to work in December.  We already have almost all the school books ordered and here, and we just ordered a digital piano so the kids can start piano lessons.  My mom is going to teach them.   

My husband goes back to the office on May 26th.   His entire company was given the choice of either going back to the office or continuing to work from home starting then, and he opted to go back to the office, with about 1/3 of  the rest of the employees.  They're rearranging the offices themselves to keep up social distancing, and even giving everyone bathroom passes that they'll have to hang on a hook outside the bathroom when they're using it.  4 hooks per bathroom, and if they're all full, you have to wait until someone comes out.  

WI Supreme Court overturned Ever's safer at home order, so WI is now reopen, whatever that means.  Counties can make their own decisions, and Michael and I are still trying to figure out if we're going to continue doing safer at home or how we're going to handle this.  It's just all so hard; I understand that we can't tank the economy (which we may already have done) and I understand that we need to take care of each other, specifically those who are already compromised.  Where's that balance?  If only there were an easy answer!

I'd love to write more, but it's about bedtime for the kids; wishing you all a great weekend!

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

How is everyone?  I'm fine.  Getting back to normal somewhat.  Getting to go out a bit more and see more people. i saw my cousin yesterday So I was happy about that.  Hope everyone is doing well.

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Re: Chat Thread

Mary Alice - it's great that you're getting back to normal!  I keep thinking it'll be interesting to see what "normal" is from now on. 

I hope the rest of you are also doing well!

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