Here you go. Private and all.

Re: Chat Thread

Anyone having trouble sending posts? I had a long post to send and when I tried to reply, I received the message "authorization failed". Never received that before.

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Re: Chat Thread

Well, that one worked.

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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa do you autograph your book?

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Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning Ladies ~


Lauren ~ Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday season.  A game room for your kids sounds wonderful.  We don't have basements in south Florida, due to water level,  but would sure have loved one when my kids were little.  Sounds like you put together a wonderful space for your kids to hang out and play.  It will come in handy when they are teenagers.

I like your idea of putting Lisa's designs on a blanket.  I have Lisa's beautiful book but haven't had a minute to crochet a scarf.  On my list though.   You chemix cozies are great.  I think people know the value of quality work and are willing to pay if they can.  

The past few months I have been crocheting some new things for my upcoming grandson due in February.  I'm not making a lot of things because most of the things I made for Violet never got worn.  So, I made things for the new baby that can be used in the first photos such as pants and hats and a little bow tie.  My friends are making a blanket, each one takes a turn doing some rows and it's very special.  I do need to make Violet another little dress.  She loved the one I made her with a crochet purple top and a fabric bottom.  She wore that one to pieces.  I'll have to add that to my project list.  

Sue Ellen ~ How are you doing?  Did you ever get that ramp made for you?  You might have mentioned it but I can't remember.  How's winter treating you?  I know February is usually the coldest month.  I am in the planning stages of a trip to Chicago but will wait till April.  

My NYC son is dating a girl who for now lives in Orlando so she is either visiting him or he is in Florida so I haven't made plans to visit him.  I certainly don't want to come up when the girlfriend is there, that would put a damper on their plans.  They are planning on moving in together in June and getting a bigger apt in the Village or financial district so I am very happy for him.  Fingers crossed it all works out for them.  

My shop isn't very busy but it's enough right now for me.  I added some little hats with ultra suede heart patches so I am hoping those sell.  

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and a restful weekend!


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Re: Chat Thread

Sue Ellen, etsy (as usual) seems to be full of weird glitches!  Good to see you on chat!  I will autograph books if requested.  It feels strange to me.  I'm just doing what I do and to have someone want a signed book?!  Flattering but foreign at the same time.

Debra, the suede hearts are gorgeous and your stitching is flawless!  I hope the hats do well for you!  You are such a good Mom giving your son space with his girlfriend!  Omg, I have the constant family complaining about who the kids are dating and me telling them to "mind their own business".  The only thing that matters is if the dating person is happy with the choice (not the constant interference with meddling future in-laws).  Lol, I always tell my kids to let me know if I need to become a pita mother-in-law ... I'm sure I have it in me, just not needed at the moment!

Lauren, the basement rec room seems like the perfect place for the kids to be kids!  One of my Aunts had a basement and as a kid I thought it was the coolest thing ever invented for a house!  When my kids were little, I had such a small house that my kids always had to take advantage of the back acre for extra space.  And they did with forts and paint ball alleys (boy things).  I would love to see a blanket with one of my critter patterns on it!  I have a lot of baby blanket patterns that I used to make on request (like 15 - 20 years ago).

Mary Alice, I hope the weather is mild for you!  Has Olivia gone back to school yet?

I've been working on a new design for Annie's for a shared book that will be released in June.  Our shop has been slow but steady and pretty typical for January. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will chat more soon! 

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Good Morning All

I hope everyone is doing well.

Lisa: Happy to hear about your new design for Annie's.  How's your book selling? I still haven't really tried anything in your book.  I did make a bear pattern, but it was just the bear.  It came out ok.   With me, I have to be in the mood to do certain things.  I've always been like that.  I have a gazillion patterns that I've been down loading, and know I will never get to them.  

I just had a whole paragraph typed and I hit something on my computer and it all got erased. If anything else gets erased while typing this, that will be the end for me.  I have very little patience these days.

The weather here was beautiful over the weekend it was in the high 60's.  Now it's back down to the 40's which is still ok.  This weekend were suppose to get a bad snow storm.  Will see.

Olivia is doing very well in school.  She gets excellent grades.  She's very good at math.  She's a very smart little girl.  Thank goodness.  Her teachers all love her.  She's also very creative.  Right now she's been doing a lot of reading which I'm happy with because I thought this kid was going to be the type that didn't like to read.  On Thursdays she goes to an accelerated reading class.  My grandson Shane has been in New Mexico for about a month.  He came home Sunday.  I still would like to go back there someday.

Debra:  How are you doing.  I'm glad you did ok with the holidays..  I know it was hard, but like i"ve said, it will get easier in time.  I have to check out your shop.  So glad that your shop is a bit busy. Have you ever been to Greenwich Village?  Some areas are beautiful.  It's like stepping back in time.  The financial district is nice also.  I always worked downtown near battery park.  I miss manhattan sometimes.  The only time I get down there is when my daughter or son in law decide to go.  Would your son go to the West or East Village?

Lauren: Glad you have a rec room for your kids.  Our basement is in total disaray right now, we're doing a major clean up and getting rid of things we don't really need any longer.  How are your kids doing.  Glad to hear they are doing well in school.  

Sue Ellen:  Hope you're doing well. Please keep us posted on what's going on with you.

Ok folks have to run.  Talk again soon.

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Re: Chat Thread

Mary Alice, let me know if you ever make it back to NM ... we will meet up!  Hope your weather holds.  It has been nice here but we are supposed to get snow again Thursday and Friday.  My book is still selling well and on Annie's best seller list bouncing between 1st and 4th.  I won't get a royalty statement until Feb. so I'm not sure how many copies are selling.  I'm selling the books through our shop and I will sell several in a day and then nothing for days or weeks.

How cute Olivia must be!  Izzy is doing well in school too.

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!

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Re: Chat Thread

Lisa:  Yes definitely.  Would love to meet you in person.  Hopefully I will get there again sometime.  Glad to hear your doing well with your book.  You have such nice new scarves in your shop.  I just checked it earlier.  I can see why you sell so many as they are beautiful.  How is Don doing.

Izzy sounds adorable.  Glad to hear she's doing well also.  That's half the battle.  Hopefully they stay that way. I still have my zibbet shop, and as much as I didn't want too I added a few things to my Etsy shop.  I can link Etsy to my zibbet shop,.  They have a yearly payment systems and a monthly system.  right now I'm doing the monthly which is $12.00 a month being my Etsy shop is linked to my Zibbet shop.  You have to have a minimum of 2 channels so I have zibbet and Etsy.  They also have a channel called stitch and A.C. Moore, though AC Moore has closed in motar shops you can still buy on line. With Etsy on line with Zibbet you still have to pay your .20cents. to list. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing money wise.  I still keep hoping I will make a bit of money.  Will see.  Right now I'm working on a houndstooth scarf and hat set.  I'm making it in red and pink. I think it would be a cute valentine's Day gift. I had a poncho made with these colors which never sold, so I took it a part and decided to make the scarf and hat set.

Have a great week, will talk again next week.

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

I posted a whole long post yesterday and I noticed today it never went up on the chat.  Weird!  

I am out of town visiting my kids but will be back tomorrow and will post again.  


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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Lisa ~ I am happy and proud of you for how well your book is doing on Annie's!  And, a new shared book, wow!  Thanks for the compliment on my work.  Coming from you it's a huge compliment.

I think we are on the same page as far as staying out of our kids lives.  Yesterday, again, my mom wanted to know what's going on with my NYC and if he's serious about his girlfriend.  Me, smacking my head, and telling her when I know something you'll know.  She wants him to get married so bad.  WHY????  He's a good guy, going with a nice girl just let it be for a minute!!

How are you and Don doing?  My kids will all be here this weekend.  NYC son has a wedding in Miami so he will only be here overnight and then Florida son and family will come in Friday till Sunday.  I'm still getting over the holidays so I will need to gather strength from somewhere!  Is it me or are the holidays getting harder each year to cope with?!

Mary Alice ~ I have been to Greenwich Village and love it.  Have been going there many times over the years and love the quaintness and winding streets.   I am not sure what part of the Village my son and his girlfriend want to live but I am assuming the west village since he likes Chelsea area.  Rents are so high but hopefully with two people sharing they will get something affordable.  My son works in NJ so part of his longest commute time is from eastside to the train under the World Trade Center.  Hopefully he will live closer to the train.  

I'm going to try and get up to the city in April.   I would like to travel a bit this spring and summer just have to see how everything goes.  

My dad fell the other day and hit his head.  Took 20 staples to stop the bleeding.  He's ok but gave us a scare.  He was on his patio without his walker and in his slippers.  He realized he shouldn't be on the patio with slippers, no traction, so was going inside to get his shoes when he fell.  My sister and I were out of town so my brother handled the whole thing.  This is why all three of us can never go away at the same time.  One of us always has to be here for our folks.  

I worked on some new coffee cozies last night for Valentine's Day.  My adult items don't sell well but hopefully I'll sell what I made.  Shop is slow but steady which is ok.  

I've spent a lot of days in my pjs these past few weeks, I am learning to be nice to myself and stop rushing around.  If I want to sleep in I will and if I want to go out I will.  I always feel quilty if I am not busy but I'm learning (slowly) to take it down a notch.  I ordered pizza last night, had a tequila, crocheted and watched a movie, not bad.

Hope everyone has a good week and stays well. 

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Re: Chat Thread

Lol Debra, my sister (in her late 40's) started dating and my Dad was trying to get me to "investigate and interrogate potential suitors".  OMG, not my circus! 

We had Addy's birthday today.  Too funny, she had told me she wanted a cowboy for her birthday and I found a cowboy set through schleich and she loved the set with the cowboy, horse, roping steer and fencing.  The girls are too cute and the highlight when I get to see them.

Deb, I hope your Dad is doing better!  I am so thankful for my sister and nephew with my Dad.  Between our village we can keep him taken care of provided he doesn't try to walk long distance without his cane or walker.  

Take care of yourself!  A day or two off and spending in pj's with crochet is a good thing, in my opinion.  With my limits, I try to schedule outings every other day at most.  It works for me.

Mary Alice, Sue Ellen and Lauren, I hope you are all well!

Have a great weekend everyone!  


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Re: Chat Thread

Good Evening Everyone.

Lisa: That's a funny story about your sister.  Too much. Happy Birthday to Addy.  I'm glad she likes her cowboy set.  Kids are so funny.  You never know what there going to do or say.  I'm glad to hear you have back up for your Dad so you don't have to be the one running all the time.  i mind olivia everyday.  She's not a problem really.  She just likes to talk a lot, and she has a great imagination.  I'm watching this show on Netflix called Anne with an E. It's based on the novel Ann of Green Gables.  It's quite a nice show.  The girl Ann reminds me of Olivia because boy can she talk.  Then again, I was told when I was Olivia's age or a bit younger I was quite the chatter box. So, I guess she takes after me. LOL.

Debra:  Years ago I worked in NJ. I work in Hoboken.  Right across the street from where Frank Sinatra use to hang out at this bar.  I forget the name of it. I worked for a Steamship company .  It wasn't too bad a commute.  I worked from 12 to 8.  That was in the early 90's.  Seems like a hundred years ago.  Yes, it is getting quite expensive to live in the city, especially downtown.  Even where I use to live in Queens is quite expensive.  I'm glad I'm upstate now.  I doubt I would want to live there.  Now with this bail reform that Cuomo  passed it's a nighmare.  You have to be really careful.  All the criminals go in one door and out the other.  They don't hold them anymore. It's truly disgusting.

I hope you're well as is Sue Ellen and Lauren.

I think I've lost my mojo for crocheting.  Nothing seems to interest me in doing it.  I do do some everyday, but I just don't know what I want to crochet.  I have so much left over yarn I'm sick of looking at it.  I don't want to throw it away cause I feel bad.  I guess I'll just make lap blankets and send them to a charity .  Will see.

Ok ladies, hope all is well.  Have a great week.  

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi everyone,

I had a nice long reply the other day and  lost it.  I'm to tired to try to remember what I had written.  I have been really depressed lately and all I want to do is sleep which I know isn't good.  I can't seem to get interested in anything and I can't get my stress level down.  I don't know what is going on, I don't have anything new to be stressed about.   

I put my shop on vacation again.  All I'm getting is a few views now and then.  I really wish I could get interested in making something new.  I feel the same way, Mary Alice....just can't get interested in making anything.

Yes Debra, They finally did get the ramp built.  It seems like it's about 40 miles long!!!  When they started building it, the "boss" wanted it down the MIDDLE OF THE DRIVEWAY!!!!  The carpenter refused to to it thank goodness.  How would someone get my car out when I am gone and they have to sell it??????  Can you imagine seeing  a ramp going down the middle of the driveway?  The only time I go out is to go to the doctor and believe me I go as seldom as possible.  I think doctors are 90 % of my stress.  Come in for this, come in for that, come in for a follow up for this, come in before I can renew your perscription!!!! I get so sick of them and can't get it through their thick heads how inconvenient and painful it is for me to have to go in.  You go in for five minutes and feel worse when you leave.  

I guess I need to go.  I have to get my trash ready for pickup in the morning.  The trashman comes right to my back door to pick it up.

Everyone have a good week.

Sue Ellen


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Re: Chat Thread

Hi ladies!  Sue Ellen, I hope you get to feeling better!  Can you visit with any of your Dr.'s on-line?  My new pulmonary Dr. is awesome as I can reach him or his nurse via email and only have to go into the office for regular scheduled visits.

Mary Alice, I keep a notebook with things I want to make and always some new tempting yarn for when my mojo is lacking.  If it is really lacking, I clean and organize the yarn room and that may help.  If it is beyond lacking I take a break!  I have not been able to see the girls much since Christmas as they were sick and then I was sick, but flu / cold season will be over soon and hopefully we all stay healthy and can visit more.

Debra, I hope you are okay!  I think of you often and hope you are well.

Don finally saw the eye surgeon today and will have surgery as soon as it can be scheduled.  The surgeon was young but took time to explain what is going on with Don and answer our questions.  The best news is that the surgeon thinks the growth is not advanced.  We both (and my Dad) have a lot of Dr. visits over the next 6 weeks but I have been doing the scheduling and trying to keep it from becoming back to back and overwhelming.

As to the book, sales are good, my independent giraffe spots pattern is selling really well and I will probably send Annie's more single patterns for publication in the near future.  As to our shop, we have been busy the last 10 days after a slow down.  

I am dealing with a major PITA customer right now and seriously there are times I wish I could reach through the monitor and slap someone!  She ordered some custom pot holders (which I no longer offer in our shop)  I sent her photos before I shipped which she approved.  She has now decided she hates one set.  I told her fine send them back and I will refund.  She is now being a pain over the hassle of sending them back. Ugh.  This type of buyer is the whole reason I cringe at custom orders..AND it is too early in the year to be burned out on custom!  Wish me luck:)!

Have a great week everyone!

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi ladies!  Hope everyone is well. Lisa:  I got my mojo back, so I'm happy.  I'm working on a celtic vest from Bonnie Barkers Contemporary Crochet Celtic book.  It's quite good.  I'm doing it in white.  I love her patterns.  I've always been interested in Celtic crochet and those type of stitches.  I have a knitting book with fisherman patterns, but I'm not that good at knitting, but love the stitches.  It's an old book from the 70's  Glad to hear the your patterns are doing well, and you will have more in the future.  Sometimes people can be a real pain in the ass.  That's why I never wanted to work in customer service.  I'd be fired the first day. LOL.  Glad to hear Don will have his surgery. I'm sure everything will be good.

Debra: hope all is well with you. You also Sue Ellen.

Suppose to get some snow tonight.  The weather has been crazy here.  Yesterday it went up to 50. Now it's 36 which isn't too bad.  I really don't want any more snow. Added another item to my shop.  It's leg warmers done it the Entralac stitch. They came out quite good.  I working on another pair.  

Olivia got a good report card, and will most likely be promoted to 3rd grade.  I can't believe she will be 8 this year.  Where has the time gone. My daughter will turn 45 the 8th of this month.  I remember when I was 45. Time marches on.

Well, there really isn't much more to talk about so I'll close here.  Have a great week everyone.



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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Sorry to be MIA.  I have no idea where the time went or what I have been up to.  My shop was a bit busy for a minute but now I'm only selling patterns since my grandson should be making his debut within the next 2 weeks!   Shipped out my last orders today and I have to say it feels darn good!  Might be time, once again, to rethink how I run my shop.  

My dad is doing better after the staples were removed from his head but his getting around is really slowing down.  My mom is still on her warpath so it's just not a good situation.  Very stressful.

I spent Saturday visiting my kids with my sister and daughter.  It was my dil's baby shower so it was fun to go up and spend the day with Violet.  She's too funny.  My dil's mom wanted to change Violet's diaper and Violet told her "No, I am taking a break".  

Lisa~ Hope all goes well with Don's surgery.  Seems like it's taking an awful long time to get things scheduled but that would be about right for the VA.  Happy Birthday to Addy.  She is a character.  I was telling my sister the other day that I was that little girl who preferred to wear our brother's cowboy guns than wear a dress.  

How is the custom order customer?  I hate doing custom work.  Neal's favorite saying was "No good deed goes unpunished", and that's exactly how I feel about custom orders.  I had a customer a few weeks ago who was sending me messages all day long and night with questions on colors, buttons and message.   I took the order for a pair of booties I no longer make, but it turned out to be 4 or 5 sets not the one rush set that he originally wanted and so much more work than I wanted to do.  Yuck!!  It does cause burnout!  Lesson learned....just say no!!!

Good luck with all of your dr. appts. So not my favorite thing!!  I have one next week for the dermatologist.  She did a small biopsy last week but didn't get enough clear margin on the mole removal and has to go back in.  It's on my butt so it's not all that fun sitting!

MaryAlice ~Congrats on Olivia's good report card.  Happy Birthday to your daugther.  I also feel like how are my kids in their 30's when so am I.  Whenever they have a birthday I tell them now we are the same age. 

Glad you got your crochet mojo back.  I'm losing mine but have a project planned for a new dress for Violet so I am a little excited about starting it.  Don't want to see booties for awhile!!

How's your weather?  We have been having cold spells but they don't last too long which is good.  My heat broke during the last one and it got pretty cold in the house so I was all bundled up in sweaters and sweatpants.  

I have to look into the new bail reforms.  NYC was pretty good for a long time, I hope that run isn't over.

SueEllen~ Sorry to hear you are depressed.  Do you have any churches or local organizations that can come and get you for social activities?  We have a center here that will pick up people for the day and take them to an activity center to be social.  Living alone can be lonely and I know that I have to make myself do things or I get in a rut but if your not mobile it's so much worse.  Sending you good thoughts and I hope this spell passes quickly.  Good thing your ramp wasn't down the driveway.  Sometimes I wonder where people are hiding their brains.  So many times I have had construction people here and I am the one telling them what to do.  That should never happen!   I had a fence guy out here and the next day he gave me an estimate for something that we never spoke about.  When I called him and told him that he gave me an estimate for the wrong thing he got all pissy like I had no idea what I was talking about.  It took 2 more estimates and a call to the company to get the estimate for what we had agreed upon.  

I would check into Lisa's suggestion about visiting dr.  My dad has a company that his doctors office sends to his house and they come every day to wrap his swollen legs.  Or, when he needs blood drawn they will come out.  

Tonight my girlfriends and I are going to happy hour at a local restaurant.  My friends are super good to me and try and keep me engaged.  I won't go out with them and their husbands so I miss those times together.  All of their husbands were mine and Neal's friends and I miss them all but it's still too difficult to see them.  So, we do girl's lunches and another trip planned to the Bahamas for a quick weekend getaway.  I really enjoy their company so it's good for me.

Hope everyone has a good week and feels good and has crochet mojo.  I have no plans beyond today because the baby could come at any minute. I've been up since dawn and with no crocheting or orders the day is kind of creeping by but that's a good thing to be able to just take it easy and do normal household things. 

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Re: Chat Thread

So, where is everyone?  

So far we have had no real winter here as in regards to snow.  Which is a good thing.  Everyone is slowly recovering from some nasty colds.  Can't wait for spring.

I'm working on a blanket square pattern.  It's from the crochet crowd called Sheldon Blanket.  I saw it on a you tube video and liked the way it looked so tried it.  So far I have 5 squares done.  They are quite big 16" each and that's using a size G hook.    I'm doing it in white and Green

Well, just checking in.  Hope everyone is doing well.

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Sorry to be missing in action.  Lots going on but no baby news yet.  My dil is due this Saturday so my bags are ready to be packed and arrangements have been made for my dogs.

Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy.

My shop has been closed for a few weeks and I must say I am enjoying my down time to make a few dresses for Violet along with some adorable bunny ear hairbows.  I made the baby a granny square blanket so I have kept busy but at my own emjoyable pace.

Mary Alice ~ Does seems like you had a slightly mild winter, which is good.  Colds stink and they seem to take forever to go away.  My son was in Stowe, VT this past weekend skiing.  The only reason I knew he was skiing is because I saw photos on Instagram!  

Last night I had a girls night out with my friends.  We went to Atlantic Ave. in Delray Beach.  It was jammed because it's still the season here but we all felt like we were also on vacation.  We got to eat, drink and do a little "tourist" style shopping.  My girlfriends have been great to me and are always making plans to keep  me doing fun things.  I am blessed to have them and my family who have all been my support system.  

I will keep you up to date on any baby news!!

Have a great week ladies!

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Re: Chat Thread

Good grief ... where is the time going!  It always seems like I am busy, but not really getting anything done?!  I did start pulmonary physical therapy and have to drive into Albuquerque 3 days a week.  I had a ct scan done and the spots on my lungs have shrunk, so yeah!

Debra, keep us updated on the baby!  How exciting!!!  You have been in my thoughts and I am glad you have a good support system.  

Mary Alice, we had temps in the 70's for a few days and then 2 days of snow ... allergies are already a problem here and it is not even spring yet!  I really should by stock in tissue with the amount I am using for my poor nose!

I am trying to wrap my head around the mandatory ads etsy will be making us pay for in April.  I've rolled with some of the other changes, but being charged an extra 12% on a sale IF it comes through from an outside etsy ad I did not choose to run is pissing me off.  Will wait and see if this is a game changer for our shop or not.

I hope everyone is well and staying warm ... I am looking forward to more consistent Spring weather days!  Few and far between in our area as it usually means 50 mph winds and dodging tumbleweeds the size of a mini cooper! 

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Re: Chat Thread

I once again lost a long post. So irritating!!!!  We are having crazy weather.We had snow yesterday.  They even closed the schools in the area.  Then by the weekend it is supposed to be 52 degrees.

Lisa I saw some of those tumbleweed piled as high as a house on the news the other day. Is this a seasonal occurrence or all the time?

The way I understand the ad requirement, I won't have to worry about it.  There is no way I'll ever get anywhere near $10,000. Until then I think it is optional.  If I read it wrong, someone please let me know.

Do any of you watch any game shows?  I like Chain reaction, common knowledge, the Chase,America Says for a few.

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Re: Chat Thread

My Kindle is really acting up.  Don't know if my post went through or not.  I also like Idiot Test.  I do no like the ones where they scream at the top of their lungs.


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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

Sorry to be MIA.  Seems like I have been busy but not sure with what!!  Baby was due on Saturday but they are letting my dil go until this Friday when they will induce.  I'm going to be heading up to their house on Thursday unless I hear from them early tomorrow and will leave then.  

Lisa ~ So glad to hear your CT scan came back with good results.  Here's to continuing good health and shrinking spots.

How is Don doing?  Is his surgery scheduled?


Sue Ellen~ How have you been?  Are you getting around any easier lately?  For some reason I have also lost very long replies on the team.  I think what is happening is that I am hitting reply and then not waiting for the post to transmit.  Who knows, I will see how it goes tonight.  Fingers crossed.  How's the weather up in your area?  We had a cold snap, in the 40's at night and so windy.  I stayed in most of the weekend and read. I tried to turn the heat on one night and it broke.  The next day it was hot and I had no a/c.  Weather is schizo and so is my a/c.  

Lisa ~ The new required advertising fees won't affect my shop.  I no longer do $10,000 in business per year.  But if you do have those numbers then 12-15% is a huge percentage per sale.  So there a 5% sellers fee and a possible 15% advertising fee, that's astronomical fees for an item.    I use the daily minimum balance of $1.00 to advertise but I won't be using it any longer if I have to pay 15% advertising fee for offsite advertising.  On a $25.00 item my fees would be close to $9.20 with the new advertising policy.  Plus shipping which is included in the price is another $4.50 I have to pay plus listing fees.  Can't afford it nor is it worth my time to crochet, package, do special messages and all the other things that go into making my booties.  It can take up to 1.5 hours for crocheting and packaging each set and that would mean I am not even be making minimum wage on those items that would sell with advertising. Not sure I have the numbers figured right, math is not my strong suit but I think I will have to be out of the advertising game if I am correct.  

My fear with the new advertising is if you don't use it will you lose your place in the search?  Etsy did that with free shipping, if you didn't offer it you weren't at the top of the queue.  Will they do the same with advertising?

I'm only offering patterns right now in my shop.  What usually happens when I close or semi close my shop is I get so antsy to re-open, not this time.  I have a really cute bunny bow and a bear bow that I want to make for my shop but no energy to do them at the moment.  I made a bunch for Violet but haven't even picked up the hook in over a week.  So not like me!!  I lost my crochet mojo!!  Not even packing my hooks and yarn for the 4 days I will be away!  Yikes...what happened?!

Have a great week ladies and I will let you know when the baby is born and his name!  So excited meet my new little guy.


This is so weird.  I went to hit reply and it wouldn't let me.  So I copied and pasted my long response.  Etsy is so freaking weird!!

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Re: Chat Thread

I defintely think the problem with losing our responses is the reply button.  It takes way longer to process than it previously did and then it doesn't seem to be posting.  

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Post Crafter

Re: Chat Thread

Hello ladies,

Just a quick message.  Think Etsy is going to loose a lot of people on here.  It's so outragious what they are doing. No matter where you you will have to pay the price.  Zibbet charges $12.00 a month if you pay for the year you only pay for 11 months.  YOu do your own advertising and they have hooked up with Etsy and a few other companies so you can interact with in zibbet and switch back and forth. Ever since Etsy when public, that's when things changed.  Oh well..

Hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait to hear the news about your latest grandchid Debra.  I know you must be on pins and needles.

Ok talk again soon.  Stay safe, and healthy and happy.

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Re: Chat Thread

Hi Ladies ~

My grandson, Nicholas Neal Galbo was born on Friday, March 6th.  He weightd 8.4lbs and of course he's adorable.  My daughter-in-law was to be induced on Friday but she came into the hospital on Friday morning but had already started labor on her own.  Nicholas arrived at 5pm.  I've been at my kid's house since Thursday and will be going home tomorrow.  It's going to be hard leaving my two little cuties but I'm old and I'm tired!!  

Mary Alice ~ This new advertising fee has me wondering what my placement will be in the search if I don't use the ads.  And, if I use the ads and start selling from off Etsy my fees will be crazy.  I think for the next few weeks, since I will be going back and forth to my kids, I will only offer a few items when I can.  I have a custom order that a past customer contacted me about but it's been quiet and I like it.  

Violet asked me this the other day..."Grandma, can you please make Nicholas a dinosaur costume and use orange yarn that you crochet."  That is one request that I will get on right away.  She even showed me a photo of the costume she wants for him.  She's too funny.  

Just watching the baby sleep while my dil takes a nap.  Vincent and Violet went to the dr. for her checkup.   Quiet around here!!

Have a great rest of the week and I'll check back when I get home tomorrow.   

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