Hi there Daily Etsy Sellers!

Browsing through the members list of our team and looking at all your lovely shops, I started noticing we are a very diverse group of shop owners. Some of us have been on Etsy for years, others are just starting off and have yet to make their first sale.

Let's start a discussion on making that first sale. We all know it's that one magical moment, just that one sale, we're all eagerly waiting for when just starting out on Etsy.

So let's share!

It doesn't matter whether you only had a couple of sales or hundreds: please share your 'first sale' experience so new shop owners can be inspired.

Here are some questions that could help share your story with us.

- What things did you try to make that first sale? Share your hustle!
- What effort do you think ultimately triggered it?
- How much time passed between opening your shop and making that sale?
- What lessons did you learn from making that first sale?
- If you could do it all over, what would you do differently?
- What is your best piece of advice for new shop owners?
- What do you think is the best path to follow in order to get that first sale?

I can't wait to hear about it!

- Deb

Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Thank you Sharon for your answer and advice. You are right about that people will seek what they need and about custom items :) i will try to put more custom listngs ^^
thanks again, best wishes
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Registered Buyer

Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Hi there!

I've only been up for just over a week and here's how I got my very first sale. I few people saw my hats on Facebook and ordered some custom made just as the shop was going up. So for one of them, I asked if she'd mind buying it from Etsy if I gave her free shipping and she agreed! I made her a hat and also an extra one for her toddler.

Since I am a new shop owner, I don't know if I have any advice. Maybe one my observations, some people try and complicate things with elaborate backdrops, etc. Sometimes that can make the photo too busy and detracts from the item you're selling. Also, lighting is key! I take all my pics outside because natural light is best. If you have a nice indoor area near a window, that works too. No flash and no filters that change the color of the item.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: How did you make your first sale?

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It took me about 1 month to sell my first design. She was not a stranger, was my sister's roommate but the good thing is that she made me think about customizing! Her second order was a customized leather necklace. Other sales also came from people around me. So I have not gotten a chance to sell my designs to strangers yet. I just know that I have to focus on developing my products and marketing.
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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All I have to say is thank goodness for family! ;D My first sale was to a family member 1 month after I opened shop, and kid you not, second sale came a few minutes afterwards when the item renewed. It was a wonderful feeling, but then there was a dry spell because those sales happened to be flukes.

I worked on my SEO and gave it some time. I started selling at local craft shows because I had all this stock, and nothing to do with it. I would say it took about a year before sales became consistent enough online, that I could stop doing craft shows.

So, advice: SEO! Be patient, and keep hustlin'. ;)
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I did not know what I was doing! I heard of Etsy and made an item to put up. I crossed my fingers and BAM! I sold it! It was so exciting. When I look to see what I made back then, I am embarrassed! I have come a long way and practiced so much!

By the way, my second ever customer was a really nice lady named Miss Marie. She stuck with me all these years. She passed away earlier this month. She was really special to me. If anyone reads this and can say a prayer for Miss Marie's daughter, I would be thankful.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: How did you make your first sale?

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It took me 6 months to get a sale. At the time I was only listing greeting cards, so I had lots of the same SEO. I've expanded my offers, so I'm casting a larger net and it seems to be better. I sell unusual items, most people don't even know what an Artists' Books is!! HA.

Also, List and renew on Fri, Sat and Sun, when most folks are looking at Etsy. Be Patient, I've been selling now for 2 years and finally seeing interest.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: How did you make your first sale?

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And, whats with posting all this jewelry? I though this thread was about "How did you make your first sale? "
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Rae Trujillo!! Thanks for the tip about when to list items, I've made a social media calendar on what time and day is best to post on different social media platforms, but never thought about when posting a listing would be best, thank you!
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I've been open for less than a month, my mother dearest was my first and for now only sale. But i'm just going to keep building my shop, working on my photography, and seo, and be patient... which i'm not at all, haha. Obviously i'm a newbie and don't have any great tips on how to get sales, so my tip is don't give up.
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I am still at that first sale. Very happy about it as it came from a stranger, but I can't wait to get over that first sale :)) The second sale seems difficult too :)
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I made my first sale after I joined several teams and started posting in them. It took until after December 25th, but I did it.
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Actually, my first sale wasn't blacksmithing related.

I had some deer skins that I had tanned using the traditional method, and didn't need them. Since they are something of a rare commodity here on etsy, there wasn't a lot of competition.

After a few days, one fellow saw my listing and decided to try a hide. He liked it and came back for more, buying out my entire stockpile.

I don't tan hides anymore, so it's something of a bummer that they're all gone. Still, that was my first official sale and the gent who bought it raved about the quality.

As for my first sale of something blacksmith related, it was a dinner triangle bell that I had forged quite some time ago. I still talk with the fine lady that bought the dinner bell from me, and I'll be eternally grateful to her for taking the chance with a new start-up.

If it wasn't for her, I might not have started my blacksmithing operation back up like I did. She's the one that showed me that folks really were interested in what I do.
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I opened my shop 2 months ago and I have only 3 sales. One of the buyers was my mom. So, It goes very slowly and I don't know what is wrong. I would like to improve my sales performance. I'm working on my SEO and I do not know what I'm doing wrong. :-(
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I just opened my store last week. I have been getting a decent amount of people favoriting items but not a sale yet. I have played with key words and structure so I am hoping to hear that cha ching soon! I really want to make this my full time career!! Been reading through all your comments and if anyone would like to give me pointers I will gladly accept. Great job everyone!!! Keep up the good work. I LOVE ETSY!
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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I think I'm 2 weeks in and no sales yet. This just will not do. I'm starting a promo shipping with code "valentine". Maybe it will help.
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Hi! I like this question! My first sale was made where I worked in Wisconsin over 38 years ago. It was a marketing company; they asked me to make necklaces to sell in the airline pockets for Delta Airlines. They sold so well that the director of marketing let me set up my cubicle with my jewelry to sell to the employees. They would actually bring in their outfits and I would make them coordinating jewelry. It was great, and it started my career.
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Re: How did you make your first sale?

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Hi all,
Our first sale and the only one for very long time, was to a beautiful lady in Korea.
We shipped without any problem a very big painting to her.

Fortunately, we made our second and third sales last and this week!! We are very excited.
Wish you all tons of salessss!!

Carolina @MOArtStudio
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